eBay founder allocates USD 1mln for civic tech projects in Ukraine and Poland

eBay founder allocates USD 1mln for civic tech projects in Ukraine and Poland

The philanthropic investment firm of eBay founder Pierre Omidyar, Omidyar Network, will support initiatives in Ukraine and Poland to develop socially-oriented technologies and an entrepreneurial ...

Omidyar Network announced about providing its grant funds worth USD 0.48mln to the Ukrainian NGO SocialBoost to update the 1991 Civic Tech Center, the first civic tech hub in the CEE region created by this NGO.

1991 Civic Tech Center, located in the center of Kyiv city, will start its work in December this year. Civic Tech Center is a co-working space with a number of accelerators and mentoring programs in the field of civic tech.

Denis Gursky is the head of the board of directors of SocialBoost. The NGO appreciates the support provided from such a famous and influential international investor as the Omidyar Network, told Denis Gursky.

It is important that 1991 Civic Tech Center starts again. It will create more opportunities for cooperation and will also influence the growth of a new wave of talented entrepreneurs in the field of civic tech, told Elena Boytsun who oversees the region in Omidyar Network.

Omidyar Network also sponsors a global competition to support startups from more than 60 emerging markets in Seedstars World.

Omidyar Network was established in 2004 by Pierre Omidyar and his wife Pam. During its work, the company invested $ 126 million in support of civic tech in the world.

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