Annual market overview - Ukrainian Venture Capital and Private Equity Overview 2019

Annual market overview - Ukrainian Venture Capital and Private Equity Overview 2019

Annual market overview "Ukrainian Venture Capital and Private Equity Association (UVCA)"

For the first time investments in Ukrainian startups and IT companies have reached a half-billion mark in a year. Such data was presented by Ukrainian Venture Capital and Private Equity Association (UVCA) in its annual market overview in partnership with Deloitte.

The total volume of venture investments into Ukrainian IT companies has reached $510M, which is one and a half times more than the maximum of 2018. The number of deals in 2019 was almost the same as in 2018: 111 deals compared to 115 in 2018.

In 2019, the volume of M&A transactions increased by 18 times. 15 M&A deals have totaled $460M while in 2018 there were 7 transactions worth $25.2M.

The increase of Angel Investments by 7 times in 2019 has been shown in the amount of $6.1M compared to $0.9M in 2018.

2019 was marked by 29 exits of Ukrainian investors, with the average transaction check growing by 78% to $5.7M. Software companies have been leading in the number of deals and their volume, moving the “online service” sector to second place. The volume of TOP-10 transactions has almost doubled to $456M. By geography, 90% of the attracted investments were inflow from the USA.

The amount of VC investments over the last 8 years grew to $1.5 billion.

We can expect the companies mentioned in the report to attract larger investments in the near future.


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