ID: 22320


Business for Sale: Sell a Business and Buy a Business in Ukraine

A large manufacturer of DC and AC machines - one of the leading machine-building enterprises in Ukraine

An operating manufacturing enterprise in the field of electrical engineering is offered for purchase



  • Sector: Machinery
  • Business activity: Electrical equipment manufacturing
  • Price: $9 000 000
  • Share: 100%
  • Number of employees: 450
  • Turnover: 9 000 000 USD
  • Net Profit: 1 500 000 USD

General Description

The enterprise is one of the leading machine-building enterprises in Ukraine with a long history of the development, a manufacturer and supplier of complex solutions in the field of electric machine building, including engineering, production, supply, service and modernization of electric motors for railway transport, coal mining and metallurgy enterprises.

Since 1957, the plant has been specializing in the production of DC electric machines, crane-metallurgical electric motors, electric motors for railway transport, electric motors for mine, traction, contact and battery electric locomotives, mining equipment; since 2016 - mastered the production of asynchronous AC motors.

The production has full technological cycle from raw materials to the final product.

In addition to the main activity, the plant has its own tool shop, an energy supply service, a transport department, and repair services.

Structure of the projects, implemented since 2016 to 2020:

70% - railway transport;

20% - metallurgy and general machine building;

5% - mining industry;

5% - other sectors.

Product Range:

  • DC electric machines (electric machines for general purpose, electric motors for railway transport, crane-metallurgical electric motors, etc.);
  • AC machines (asynchronous electric motors);
  • Electric Equipment (mining pantographs, power controllers, voltage stabilizers, etc.)

The Enterprise is export-oriented and more than 80% of products are sold for export. The main counties are: Belarus, Kazakhstan, Bulgaria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Vietnam, Germany, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Moldova, Poland, Serbia, Uzbekistan, Czech Republic, and Estonia.

Quality management system (international standard ISO 9001: 2015) is implemented and confirmed by the certificate International Legal Center "Expertise ".

Number of staff is 450 people.

Financial information

Ratios, mln UAH




Total Income




Net Profit






  • An operating plant with a full technological cycle for the manufacture of electric machines;
  • An integral property complex consisting of production, administrative, warehouse buildings and auxiliary premises with a total area of 60 thousand square meters, located on a land plot of 11.4 hectares, there are motor and railway access roads;
  • Own design and technological base with highly qualified specialists;
  • Registered trade mark, sets of design and technological documentation, quality management system (international standard ISO 9001: 2015), equipment management software, and other intellectual property.

Investment Attractiveness

  • Production complex with a full technological cycle;
  • Innovative focus;
  • Absence of government regulation;
  • Well-known trade mark on the market;
  • Established long-term cooperation with the main consumers of electric motors and mining equipment;
  • Average level of competition in the electric motors and mining equipment market and high growth potential;
  • Wide geography of product supplies;
  • Possibility of merging with an international manufacturer to introduce new technologies and production standards, expand the assortment according to newly emerging market needs;
  • Effective marketing activities and streamlined management system.

Offer to Investor

Acquisition of a 100% share  - $ 9 000 000

Shareholders - individuals.


Алексей Олейников +380677136571

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