Location of the land plot: Kyiv region, Mironiv district, Potik village
Cadastral number: 3222985900: 02: 001: 0156
Soil quality: black soil
Land plot area: 81 hectares (1 land area)
Land use right: lease for 7 years with the right of preferential renewal
Rent: 700 UAH/ha
The land has not been cultivated (the land is slightly deforested and can be prepared for cultivation)
It is also possible for the client:
- removal of vegetation;
- prolongation of the lease agreement for 20+ years.
Optimal directions of intended use of the land plot:
Organization of a livestock business with a farm and grazing animals (rams, sheep, goats, etc.), providing its own fodder base
Setting up orchards or berry fields
Cultivation of cereals (including organic)