Geographical location: Ukraine, Cherkassy region, distance to Kyiv - 250km, distance to Cherkassy- 60km)
Object of sale: limited liability company
Land parcel: 7,8795ha
Documents of title: agricultural tenancy agreement for 49 years since 2013 with a prolongation option. There is a possibility to gain land in ownership
The elevator provides services for storage of grains and grain by-products complying with the rules and standards for storage of grains and byproducts of the kind produced at the grain warehouse.
Maximum certified capacity stands at 31 600tons
There is a certified laboratory at the elevator.
All the approval documents for receiving, storage and shipment of agricultural products are obtained to the regulating legislation.
Buildings and other facilities of the elevator:
- Warehouses
- Industrial premises
- Hydro technical constructions
- Voltage transformers
- Warehouse of fuels and lubricants
The total space area amounts to 20 000 sq.m
Port facilities
Real property of the port (space area 245,8 sq.m) consists of non-residential property, a pavilion for passangers with a stucco outhouse and terrace made of bricks.
There are also:
- Warehouse
- Hydro equipment
- Paving and tiling
The immovable property is situated on a land area of 1.0108 ha. In addition, part of the port complex includes the following:
- Feedline - 320 linear meters;
- External drainage - 30 lineal meters;
- Steer with a bridge №1;
- Steer with a bridge №2;
- Coastal fortifications of 50 meters long
Two dryers DSP-50 (stove fuel) with a total volume of drying 1200-1600 tons per day and equipment for handling and drying of seeds
Separating machine KBS-1270.3.10 and BSH-200.2
Lifting volumes on automotive transportation stands at 600tons per day
Prospects for investments:
Elevator: an increase in storage capacity of grain production to 60 000tons of grains.
Port: increase the channel depth, which will rise the acceptance and shipment to 3 000 tons of grains daily. Restore the functioning of the tunnel from the elevator to the port.