Location: Khmelnitsky region, Starokonstantinov
Distance to:
- Kyiv: 284 km.
- Lviv - 290 km.
- Khmelnitsky - 46 km.
Land area: 5.54 hectares
Total area of buildings and structures: 28,300 sq.m.
Parameters of the main workshop:
- area: 20,520 sq.m.
- length: 180 m
- width: 114 m
- ceiling height - 9 m
Office area: 4,000 sq.m.
Engineering infrastructure:
- Electricity supply, power, (kW/hour) - 2500
- Gas supply - connection possible
- Water supply, productivity (m3/hour) - 150
- Sewerage, productivity (m3/hour) - 150
- Communication (phone, internet) - yes
Sale price: 2.83 million ($100 / sq.m.)
Estimated investment to bring the facility into an acceptable condition for production activities: about $100 / sq.m.