ID: 27805


Business for Sale: Sell a Business and Buy a Business in Ukraine

Oil refinery complex for storage and processing of petroleum products (Western Ukraine) for sale

An operating oil refinery complex (refinery) in the western part of Ukraine in close proximity to Europe for sale



  • Sector: Сhemical
  • Business activity: Production of coke and refined petroleum products
  • Price: $3 500 000
  • Share: 100%

The asset consists of: (1) Oil depot, (2) Land plots under it, (3) Hydrocarbon processing complex and (4) Operating company.

1. Oil depot

The existing infrastructure of the Oil Depot makes it possible to receive and ship oil products by road and rail, as well as store 3,000 cubic meters at the same time. oil products.

The Oil Depot includes tanks of various capacities, an automatic drain and spill line, 2 operator rooms, an office, 2 transformers, an overpass, a fire reservoir, a road and other auxiliary facilities necessary for its maintenance.

The tank farm of the Oil Depot consists of 28 tanks:

  • tanks No. 1-14, with a capacity of 60 m3 each;
  • reservoir No. 15, with a capacity of 50 m3;
  • reservoir No. 16, with a capacity of 25 m3;
  • tanks No. 17-22, each with a capacity of 420 m3;
  • tanks No. 23-28, each with a capacity of 60 m3.

Tanks of the Oil Depot have recently passed technical expertise, they are equipped with equalizers and flow meters.

Near the fence of the Neftebaza there is a public railway track, to which Ukrzaliznytsia, on the basis of concluded agreements, delivers and picks up railway tanks for draining and loading oil products from the tank farm of the Neftebaza.

At the same time, up to 16 tanks can be placed on the tracks, 8 tanks are optimal for acceptance.

2. Land

The complex of buildings and structures of the Oil Depot is located on 2 land plots with a total area of 1.5775 hectares.

Designated purpose of land plots: for the placement and operation of the main, auxiliary and auxiliary buildings and facilities of processing, engineering and other industries.

Land plots are privately owned.

3. Processing complex

The Land Plots also house a complex of equipment for the processing of hydrocarbon raw materials, namely, a block-modular unit for the processing of hydrocarbon raw materials (UPVS) "Sirius-15".

The complex was produced in 2018 by PE "Kryvbastech" and is intended for primary processing of hydrocarbon raw materials (gas condensate) in order to obtain straight-run gasoline, straight-run diesel fuel fraction and fuel oil M-100.

The production capacity of the Complex is 1500 m3 per month.

The complex is made in the form of open blocks, which are placed on a concrete platform on an area of about 200 m2:
(1) rectification unit - 1 pc.
(2) block of heat exchangers - 1 pc.
(3) topping block - 1 pc.
(4) reflux container - 1 pc.
(5) fan cooling tower GZM – 1 pc.
(6) heat transfer unit - 1 pc.
(7) pump K-80-65-160 7.5 kW 3000 rpm - 2 pcs.
(8) oven block - 1 pc.
(9) 720IU-0.6-0.6-MI1/2*25-2-2 evaporator – 1 pc.
(10) DE-150RS Zn diesel generator – 1 pc.
(11) APE-105 4 steam generator with remote control and explosion valve - 1 pc.
(12) bulk container ENM-25-900 - 1 pc.
(13) ASCL-2024G pump - 4 pcs.
(14) pump KM 80-65-160 - 4 pcs.
(15) pump DS 125 – 4 pcs.
(16) RTS-50 tank – 2 pcs.
(17) RTS-60 tank – 4 pcs.
(18) pump NMSh 2 16 with 1.5 kW 1500 rpm VZI - 2 pcs.
(19) pump TsNSK 50/30 s 11 3000 VZI - 1 pc.

4. Operating company

An operating company that leases the Tank Farm and the Complex, and also has the appropriate permits for their use in economic activities.

Алексей Олейников +380677136571

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