ID: 24660


Business for Sale: Sell a Business and Buy a Business in Ukraine

Operating solar plant 1.2 MW with expansion project up to 10 MW in Ternopil region for sale

A project of a solar power plant for 10 MW is offered for purchase (with the possibility of increasing to 14-15 MW), of which 1.2 MW has already been put into operation and generated in the Ternopil region for sale


Тернопольская область, Украина

  • Sector: Energy
  • Business activity: Renewable energy
  • Price: $1 500 000
  • Share: 100%

General project information 

Land area 17.9409 ha (owned). 

Location:With. Ivankov, Ternopil region, on the territory of the Skala-Podolsky village council outside the settlement

Special purpose:14.01. For placement, construction, operation and maintenance of buildings and structures of facilities of power generating enterprises, institutions and organizations.

Plot cadastral number:6120883000:01:001:0935.

General power: 10 MW (1.2+4.4+4.4). The project is being implemented in stages.

1) The first stage with a capacity of 1.2 MW - already implemented and started active generation

2) The second stage with a capacity of 4.4 MW

3) The third stage with a capacity of 4.4 MW

Current state: construction was completed and the first stage with a capacity of 1.2 MW was put into operation.

On November 16, 2021, the NKRE KP was inspected and the test month of generation began.


0.1 euro in 2022

0.2 euros in 2023

Voltage class: 35kV.

Solar panels: JA Solar Holdings Co., Ltd.

Inverters: SUNGROW 

Stage of project implementation

The following types of work were carried out under the Ivankov-1 PV project:

  • The purpose of the land has been changed (14.01);
  • Contracts for connection to the power grid have been concluded and technical specifications have been received;
  • Fencing of the entire SES site was made - 18 hectares;
  • Topographic survey and geological surveys of the land plot were carried out;
  • Urban planning conditions and building restrictions were obtained;
  • Signed contracts for the design of solar power plants;
  • A contract for the design of the linear part of the connection and a general contract were concluded;
  • The first stage of the station with a capacity of 1.2 MW was built with a license for the generation of electrical energy.
  • Works on the construction of an external connection line - 1.2 km
  • An agreement was concluded for the purchase of electricity with the State Enterprise "Guaranteed Buyer" at a feed-in tariff.
  • A contract for the purchase of electrical energy was concluded with a private trader in the market.
  • A declaration of commissioning has been registered.

Market Review

Ukrainian renewable energy is represented by 8.5 GW of generating capacity, and investments of local and foreign companies in the sector amount to 15 billion euros.

With the start of a large-scale war, energy came to the forefront of priority industries, after the military industry. The acute shortage of electricity in the country prompts active development and investment in this sector, including renewable energy.

Since, most thermal, hydro and nuclear are not yet work - the prerequisites for solar energy have been created on the market, in particular Western regions of the country (more secure from a military point of view) and with proximity to the EU borders.

Dynamics of repayment of payments for generation under the "green tariff" from SE "Guaranteed" buyer": as of 11/26/21 for 2020 (January - December) 100% was repaid debt to producers electricity under the "green tariff", currently paid from 25-30% of the generation. Only 100% payment is made by private traders at a floating commercial rate tariff. It is planned to raise the cost of the tariff for electricity from 2023, since the state is more unable to contain and subsidize low prices for extremely expensive electricity from Europe.

Offer for the investor

100% sale of a 10 MW project with a land plot and a 1.2 MW station implemented in the 1st stage with active generation

Additional investment for the implementation of 8.8 MW: $4.9 million

Estimated payback period: 6 years



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