ID: 21729


Investment projects and startups in Ukraine

Privately owned solar power station in CLARS park

Commercial offer on a turnkey basis – investment in small solar power stations from 242 kW with an investment of € 175,000 and a payback period of 5 years!


Братское, Николаевская область, Украина

  • Sector: Energy
  • Business activity: Renewable energy
  • Stage: Early Stage
  • Required investments: $196 000
  • Type of investment: Equity

At one time, industrial solar power stations were feasible only for large investors. Opening up new opportunities, our team made them available to you.

The main advantages of investing in solar power stations:

  1. Relax, do what you like, while your station brings you income!
  2. Automatic sale of electricity! Comprehensive service of the station is provided by a specialized division of the CLARS company
  3. Easy to manage! You have everything on your phone 24/7: operational indicators, financial receipts, video surveillance.
  4. Financial security! Your income does not depend on the rate of exchange. Profit in EURO (€)
  5. The payment is guaranteed by the state
  6. The working lifespan of the station is over 25 years!

 Privately owned solar power station in CLARS park

Advantages of buying a station in CLARS park

  • Reasonable purchase price of the project due to comprehensive development (bulk purchases of materials and services from specialized contractors)
  • Common infrastructure, including a common security perimeter (saving on security and service costs)
  • All stations are managed by a professional (experienced service operator of CLARS company)
  • Centralized full accounting and legal support of the client at all the stages
  • The region has high levels of solar radiation. The region is distinguished by high solar activity (+20% more sun than in Kyiv region)
  • The plot is flat and plane. Privately owned land. Intended purpose of the land plot 1401 (energy). Technical specifications from Oblenergo have been received.
  • The necessary stock of spare parts and components is always kept in the warehouse of the management company


  1. Power plants for 242 kW

1.1. Construction stage

Entrance at the construction stage, commissioning 3-4 months

Station price: € 175,000

Payback period – 5 years

Profitability – 17%

1.2. Operating station

The station was put into operation

Station price: € 195,000

Payback period – 5.9 years

Profitability – 14%

  1. Power plants for 1 MW

1.1. Construction stage

Entrance at the construction stage, commissioning 3-4 months

Station price: € 650,000

Payback period – 4.75 years

Profitability – 20%

1.2. Operating station

The station was put into operation

Station price: € 695,000

Payback period – 5 years

Profitability – 18%


The station is serviced under a service agreement.

Easy to manage! You do not need to follow the personnel or physically control the work of the solar power station on site.

You have everything on your phone 24/7.

Operating indicators, financial receipts, video surveillance.

  • Application for monitoring the operational indicators of SUN2000 Huawei Technologies
  • Application for monitoring cash receipts and debits – PRIVAT24
  • Application for video surveillance XEOMA

Station maintenance under a service contract

Organization and provision of trouble-free operation of the solar power station

Emergency visit in case of accident

Maintenance of electric installations in working order and operation in accordance with the conditions of the regulatory framework

Operation in accordance with the conditions of the regulatory framework:

  • Rules for the technical operation of electric installations of consumers
  • Rules for safe operation
  • Rules for electric installations

Monitoring the technical condition and safe operation of solar power station systems

  • Monitoring system
  • Video surveillance system
  • Security alarm system
  • Remote control system

Solar power station territory maintenance – grass mowing, snow removal, etc.


Financial indicators of the station 242kW

Purchase at the construction stage

Station cost: 175,000 €

Commissioning: August-September 2020

 Privately owned solar power station in CLARS park


  • The park has 31 separate solar power stations of 242 kW each on an area of ​​12 hectares with a common infrastructure and security system.
  • The 242kW project generates 325 MWh per year or 36,000 Euros of revenue excluding VAT.
  • The region where the solar park is located has high levels of solar radiation.

 Privately owned solar power station in CLARS park

General plan of the solar power station in CLARS Park

Privately owned solar power station in CLARS park

Алексей Олейников +380677136571

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