ID: 35163


Business for sale: sell a business and buy a business in Ukraine

Sale of the TOP distributor of game consoles in Ukraine

The game distribution business (set-top boxes, games, game consoles, etc.) is offered for sale



  • Sector: Retail
  • Business activity: Other goods
  • Price: $700 000

Top-1 eCommerce in the niche of gaming consoles in Ukraine. The company independently imports accessories for consoles. A unique business model for Ukraine has been implemented, due to which the business has high turnover.

Financial data:

·        Turnover for 2023 - $5 million (211 million UAH).

·        Net profit - $400 thousand (17 million UAH) including all costs and reinvestments.

·        Forecast for 2024: $3-4 million - turnover, $240-500 thousand - net profit. 

State employees about 25 people:

·  Business owner

·  Operations Director

·  Purchasing manager

·  Financier

·  Sales managers

·  Logist, packer, driver

·  Sellers in stores

·  Outsourcing partners: PPC, SEO, Designer, SMM, programmer

Sales channels:

- Site

- 4 offline stores

- Accounts on marketplaces - Rosetka, Allo, F.yua.

- Social networks: Instagram, Tik Tok, Facebook, YouTube

Company assets:

·  Website, social networks

·  Offline stores: 2 brands

·  The base of suppliers for the entire time the store is open

·  CRM system

·  Equipment in stores, in the service center, in the office

·  Warehouse balances of goods in stores

Development prospects:

·  ⁠Opening stores through a franchise system based on a working business model

·  Scaling the network to Europe

·  SKU extension

·  Promotion through social networks, active work with bloggers

Business value: $700,000, incl.

$450,000 is the value of the business

$250,000 – goods in stock*

* The final price is adjusted depending on the amount of product balances at the time of the transaction.

For detailed information, contact the phone number:

+38 097 218 4275 (Taras)




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