ID: 23531


Business for Sale: Sell a Business and Buy a Business in Ukraine

Solid waste landfill in Kyiv region

An operating landfill for the storage of solid domestic waste is offered for sale located near M05 Kyiv-Odessa highway, 35 km from Kyiv


Киевская область, Украина

  • Sector: Water supply and waste treatment
  • Business activity: Collection, treatment and disposal of waste
  • Price: $1 500 000
  • Share: 100%
  • Number of employees: 20

Sale of a share of the business: 100%

The solid waste landfill accepts solid domestic waste from residential and public buildings, institutions, enterprises, as well as street and garden and park waste. Industrial waste of the 4th hazard class can be used at the solid waste landfill as an insulating layer of soil.

The main code and type of waste disposal operations is: D1 – storage (dumping) on ​​the ground or underground. The operating mode of the waste disposal site is operational. Main economic activity: 38.21 Treatment and disposal of non-hazardous waste

The passport of the waste disposal site has been developed, approved and agreed. The design volume of waste disposal is 200,000 cu.m. (if necessary, it is possible to increase the volume of waste disposal according to a simplified model). Boundaries were established along the perimeter of the landfill and observation wells were placed. Drinking water tests are carried out twice a year. There is no deviation from the norms according to the research protocols. Investigations of atmospheric air samples at the border of the SPZ are also carried out. According to the results of the study of the air in populated areas, the excess of the ambient air standard was not established. Studies of soil samples are being carried out, according to the results of which, the results of the studies correspond to the hygienic standard.

Updated geological and geodetic data on the boundaries and fullness of the landfill. At the moment, the object is loaded at 25%. The company operates and generates profit, number of employees: 20 people.


  1. Landfill: 10.6 hectares (act of permanent use)

Purpose of the land: 11.02 For the distribution and operation of the main, auxiliary and utility buildings and equipment of industrial enterprises, machinery and equipment and industrial facilities for communal needs

  1. Administration (administrative building, warehouse, garage complex): 0.9 hectares (ACT of permanent use)

Purpose of the land: 03.12

Technological transport:

  1. Excavator YuMZ
  2. Garbage truck 35-63
  3. Bulldozer DT-75
  4. GAZ car
  5. Cesspool emptier 35-62
  6. Cesspool emptier 60-35

Sale form: assignment of corporate rights

Additional information is available upon request.

!!! We also offer for sale a company licensed to collect and store hazardous waste of 1-4 classes (a wide list of waste – 23 types of waste) in Kyiv region.

Алексей Олейников +380677136571

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