ID: 11836


Business for Sale: Sell a Business and Buy a Business in Ukraine

Specialized terminal for storage, cleaning and dispatch of grain crops and products of pro-cessing to river-sea vessels

For Sale - Specialized terminal for storage, cleaning and dispatch of grain crops and products of pro-cessing to river-sea vessel in Ukraine (Nova Kakhovka)


Херсон, Херсонская область, Украина

  • Sector: Transport and logistic
  • Business activity: Warehousing and storage
  • Price: $3 000 000
  • Share: 100%

Industry: Logistics and warehouses
Region: Ukraine, Kherson Region, Nova Kakhovka
Baseline condition: Operating
Form of incorporation: Limited Liability Company (LLC)

Fixed Assets:

•    Land – 2,17 ha (long-term lease,  till 2064 year)
•    Mooring in ownership (vessels with a draft up to 4.5 m)
•    Production capacity for transshipment / off-load grain - 1 000 tons / day
•    Outdoor storage warehouses - 16 000 tons
•    Grain cleaning - 80 tons / hour
•    Certified Laboratory
•    Car unloaders, truck scales (80 tons) and other equipment
•    Complex auxiliary property

Offer: For sale 100% - $3 000 000


Grain Terminal specializes in shipment from automobile transportation to sea-river vessels as well as river barges for further sending the goods for export. Terminal provides services of cleaning, and storage of grain crops and products of processing. The facility owns a functioning certified laboratory to control the quality of the goods accepted.

The Company was organized in the year of 2013. Reconstruction of workshops and equipment was held after the purchase. The first order of floor storage warehouses with a capacity of 16 000 tons was restored and set to operation. All acceptance, separation and dispatch to water units were repaired. In August 2013 the first batch of grain was accepted after the reconstruction. Since then the enterprise has been functioning consistently and has been capable to transship 1 000 tons/day.

The investors of the enterprise invested significant means to restore and modernize the manu-facturing facilities. In particular, 6 warehouses were restored, new truck scales were installed, 3 automobile unloaders were repaired, a mooring was certified and set in operation, an administrative building and personnel rooms were repaired, and separation unit was restored. At the moment, Terminal is capable to store 16 thousand tons; it owns a grain cleaner unit with a capacity of 80 tons/hour, a shipment capacity of 1 thousand tons/day. In addition to this, a certified laboratory to control the quality of the accepted products is lo-cated in the acceptance unit.

The first order of grain Terminal was set in operation in August 2013. In the second order the silos for grain storage with a capacity up to 30 000 tons will be built; a gas drying complex with a capacity of 50 t/hour will be reconstructed; the capacity of a grain cleaning complex will be enhanced up to 200 t/hour; a weighting-and-packing unit into sacks and big-bags will be constructed. This will enable to increase storage volume and add to the list of the crops accepted, to enlarge the range of elevator's services, and to dispatch additionally export batches by automobile transportation.
Terminal is located in the delta of the Dnieper River. Kherson port is situated downstream of the river.
Advantages of geographic location:
•    The river depth at the mooring enables to attend sea-river vessels with a water draft of 4,5m.
•    As Terminal is located downstream of sluices of Kakhovka HPS it enables to charter river vessels practically year-round.
•    As Terminal is closely located to Kherson port it is possible to use logistic chain effectively: barge shipment  transshipment to any other vessel in the road of Kherson port.
•    Location in the center of Kherson oblast close to a bridge over the Dnieper River and railway road branch. This location is among the best as it is situated at the intersection of automobile roads of central and eastern regions of Ukraine.

The enterprise is equipped for acceptance with the following:
•    Truck scales with a cargo capacity of 80 tons
•    Grain sampler ground
•    Certified laboratory
•    Three independent automobile unloaders GUAR
Productive capacity of automobile acceptance is about 1 000 tons per day
Truck scales. New electronic truck scales enable to weigh precisely all types of automobile transport. Scales were installed by a scientific and production enterprise «Technovahy».
Laboratory. The enterprise owns Laboratory that was certified in metrology service of Ukraine and in State Agricultural Inspection. Laboratory equipment contains modern highly-precise measuring devices. They enable to perform express analysis for all quality parameters of the accepted products. As we own a laboratory we can guarantee the quality of the accepted products for the exporter.
Automobile unloaders. 3 mechanisms for automobile transport dispatch provide filling the 6 warehouses of the first order.

The first order of a grain Terminal comprises:
■ Six warehouses of floor storage with the total capacity of 16 000 tons;
■ Separation unit and grain cleaner unit with productive capacity of 80 tons/hour;
■ Elevator and warehouse transportation equipment;
■ Aspirating networks;
■ Automobile acceptance with productive capacity of 1 000 tons/day;
■ Vessel loading with productive capacity of 1 000 tons/day;
■ Certified laboratory;
■ Gas electric generator of 130 kW (can provide acceptance/unloading if interruption in electricity supply occurs);
■ Telehandler AUSA with cargo capacity of 3 tons;
The complex is optimized for accepting, storage, and transshipment including sea-river vessel loading of all types of grain crop, oil crop, and pulse crops, as well as the products of their processing (cake and oil meal).
The floor warehouses with storage capacity of 16 000 tons are connected by the integrated system of conveyor for grain delivery and unloading, equipped with aspirating network. The first order of warehouses and equipment was set in operation in August 2013. Terminal is capable to transship completely 30 thousand tons of grain monthly.

The property of Terminal occupies 2,17 ha (long-term lease agreement – till 2064). There is a ferroconcrete and metal fence along the perimeter of the territory. An in-house security guards the territory 24 hours a day. Video monitoring is installed for security purpose in the facility.
Structures located on the territory of the enterprise:
•    A mooring and mooring tower;
•    Roofed water unloading conveyor (equipped with hopper scales to weigh grain with hopper capacity of 3 tons);
•    Six floor warehouses;
•    Drying complex connected to gas pipeline (needs reconstruction);
•    Three guarded driveways for automobile transportation;
•    Two-story administrative building with offices with the area of 300 sq.m.;
•    Weigh office, laboratory, guard desk, wiring closet, and security room;
•    Water tower;
•    Vegetable storage with area of 100 sq.m.;
•    Fitting shop, electric shop, and garage;
•    Personnel rooms (locker and shower rooms);
•    2 electrical substations.
An artesian well is located on the territory of the enterprise. The pump dispenses water to water tower and fire reservoirs. The well contains drinking water of a good quality.
A mooring of Terminal was reconstructed in 2013, and certified for discharge of vessels with water draft of 4,5m.

Under the development project the second order of Terminal will include:
- constructing silos for grain storage with total capacity of 30 000 tons,
- reconstruction of gas drying complex with capacity of 50 tons/hour,
- enhancing grain cleaning complex up to 200 tons/hour,
- increasing the speed of water unloading up to 1500 tons/day,
- constructing a weighting-and-packing unit into sacks and big-bags.
This will enable to:
- enlarge a total capacity of grain warehouses up to 46 000 tons of simultaneous storage,
- add to the list of the crops accepted,
- extend the range of elevator services due to grain drying,
- transship up to 45 000 tons of various crops monthly,
- pack in sacks and dispatch export batches by automobile transport.
The enterprise gains significant value and investment potential due to the land property of 2,17 ha, capital facilities and equipment, good transportation lines and favorable geographic location. Since the enterprise has a powerful infrastructure and water mooring that enables to dispatch to sea-river vessels, it gives an opportunity to create a continuous transportation corridor, reduce losses at transportation, provide export of agricultural products with minimal expenses.


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