ID: 34162


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We invest in the installation of solar power plants on the roofs of Ukrainian enterprises

InVenture and its partners to finance, install and connect solar power plants on the roofs of real estate with subsequent rental at a reduced rate



  • Sector: Energy
  • Business activity: Renewable energy
  • Investment scheme: Сотрудничество
  • Investor profile: Стратегический инвестор

We ensure energy independence for Ukrainian business

Our offer is for business owners who:

  • They want to have their own energy independence
  • Want to have an alternative source of electricity
  • They want to save on tariffs
  • They want to avoid blackouts
  • Need to increase electricity consumption

What do we offer:

  • Roof solar power plants
  • Which will provide your enterprise with up to 70% of electricity (of the daily requirement)
  • Which will work even in the absence of centralized power supply

How we do it:

  • At our own expense, we install a solar power plant on the roof of your enterprise
  • We lease it to your company - rent = actual electricity produced at a discount
  • At the request of the owner, we take him on as a co-founder of the company that owns the power plant

What is your benefit:

  • Discount for electricity (growing with rising tariffs)
  • Backup power supply
  • The life of the power plant is more than 20 years
  • Not a penny of expenses (unless you want to become a co-owner) - the roof is off you, the electricity is off us!

We install solar panels on the roofs of the following enterprises:

  • Shopping and office centers, administrative buildings
  • Warehouse and logistics complexes
  • Industrial production
  • Gas stations, hotel and restaurant complexes

Requirements for enterprises:

Enterprises must have financial stability and solvency, as well as stable electricity consumption from alternative energy sources of 100 kW/hour.

For investors

We are discussing attracting corporate and private investors (straing from $50,000) for joint investment in individual solar power plants projects. Conditions are negotiated individually.


Алексей Олейников

[email protected] +380677136571

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