The controlling agency will carry two separate tenders for 4G licenses of the frequency bands of 2 600 Mhz and 1 800 Mhz, told the head of Ukraine’s National Commission for the State Regulation of Communications and Informatization (NCCIR) Aleksander Zhyvotovskyi. The licenses will be valid for 15 years. The starting price for 1 800 Mhz frequency stands at UAH 981 500 (USD 36 000) for 1Mhz over one region, and for 10 Mhz (two for 5 Mhz each) will cost UAH 265mln.
The cost of all the 4G licenses subject to the tender amounts UAH 4bn at lowest possible proceeds. In the meantime, the government expects to attract at least UAH 6.3bn to the budget upon the completion of the 4G license tenders.
The first tender will be held until the end of 2017, and the preparation for the next tender will terminate in the Q1/2018," said Alexander Zhivotovsky.
A number of potential participants remains unknown in the tendering procedure for 4G licenses.