Kolos will build a plant for freezing berries, told Nikolai Khorolsky the co-owner of the company. Small farmers in the region began to actively cultivate raspberries and organize market trade.
120 farmers listened to a training seminar from Syngenta about the seedlings care and protection. Kolos plans to help colleagues with planting technologies and professional support. In addition, a mini plant will be launched to process berries. Kolos has already planted raspberries over 2ha of land as a test.
For two years, the owners of Kolos have been analyzing the experience in the cultivation and processing of the niche crops, including the cultivation of raspberries. The company developed a three year project for growing raspberries. The project foresees an establishing of a cooperative that will unite 200ha of land plots under niche and berry crops. The idea is to gather small farmers and utilize the available public land.