Arabian Investment Fund Agartha Fund L.P. intends to buy the agricultural holding "Kaskad-Agro"

Arabian Investment Fund Agartha Fund L.P. intends to buy the agricultural holding "Kaskad-Agro"

Arabian Investment Fund Agartha Fund L.P. (UAE) is going to acquire 13 agricultural companies of Ukrainian businessman Vitaliy Khomutynnik in Chernihiv and Sumy regions within the agricultural ...

French businessman Alexander Garez intends to buy through the Agartha Fund L.P. (Abu Dhabi, UAE) under the management of ADS Investment Solutions 13 agricultural companies included in the agricultural holding "Cascade-Agro" Ukrainian businessman Vitaliy Khomutynnik. This is evidenced by the agenda of the meeting of the Antimonopoly Committee of August 8, 2020.

In particular, the AMCU plans to allow a natural person-citizen of France through the Agartha Fund L.P. acquisition of a stake in LLC “Kaskadagro”, which will ensure that 50% of the votes in the supreme governing body of the company are exceeded.

In addition, the AMCU is going to give permission for the purchase of shares in ChSP Agrofirma Vidrodzhennya, PE Sosnitskie Agrarian Investments, PE Chervonyanskie Agrarian Investments, SOOO Niva, OOO Krasnokolyadinskoe, OOO Agrodmitrievskoe, OOO Ukraine, PE "Korop Agrarian Investments" (all - Chernihiv region) and LLC "Agro-Polis", PE "Chervonoslobodskoe-2", PE "Zasullya-5", ChSP "Agrosvit" (all - Sumy region), which will ensure excess 50% of votes in the supreme governing body of companies.

According to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and Individuals, Vitaliy Khomutynnik is the ultimate beneficiary of all agricultural enterprises.

The key activity of the Kaskad-Agro agricultural holding is agricultural production in the field of crop production. The company controls about 40,000 hectares in the Chernigov and Sumy regions, as well as several large grain elevators.

Agartha Fund L.P. - a private equity fund, open to other investors and managed by ADS Investment Solutions.

The message of the AMCU indicates that Alexander Garez is a citizen of France, where he was born. The businessman's website says that he is the head of the legal office of Garez and Partners (France), as well as the founder of the Volkonsky bakery chain (more than 60 establishments in Ukraine and Russia).