"Co-working - open office EVOLUTION" started in Ternopol

"Co-working - open office EVOLUTION" started in Ternopol

Through the cooperative efforts "Co-working - open office EVOLUTION" was opened on June 12, 2015 in Ternopol.

Some Kyiv guest visited the opening of co-working area "Co-working - open office EVOLUTION", among them were: Viktor Kompaneets - CTO Digital Future, Alexey Oleinykov - CEO InVenture Investment Group, Sergey Dovgopoliy - CTO InVenture Investment Group и CEO digital studio «FeelGoodLabs» and Oxana Semenuk - marketing expert «eMagicOne».

At the same day the guests of event had an opportunity to make an expert analysis of a few projects, which were represented within the frame of «StartUP Battle».  Start-ups covered different scopes of activities: Krasnitsa Taras presented his project Easy Test (education sphere), Marusyak Vitaliy – the project for social networks developing, Martynyuk Mikhail – media project «Кана You Tube», Solskiy Vladimir – web-service NextBarber (health&beauty), younger start-uppers - Fedorovich Ilya and Pyrog Ostap successfully presented their project Fin – financial manager.

By the elective resolution of experts the winner of the StartUP Battle crush test competition became Fin – financial manager project. Venture business representatives were pleasantly surprised by 9-grade pupils, which made a reasonably working system of bookkeeping for small enterprises and private persons.

Apart from start-up crush tests there were held a few workshops by Viktor Kompaneets ("The Values of the Project") and Sergey Dovgopoliy ("How to attract a Non-core Investor").

A great start for "Co-working - open office EVOLUTION"!

Co-working will always be a place for extraordinary, creative, enterprising and hardworking residents of Ternopol and city visitors. People can come here if they searching for help or advice, as the headquarters of «Continuum» start-up incubator located directly in the co-working center, with «DevBattles» project talented start-up team working in it. Young but progressive software company «E-volution» is working on the web development on the other side of the wall.

During the meeting of co-working opening initiators and guest of the event the coordinated decision regarding a new format of IT events organization was initiated in Ternopol and it is going to be implemented sooner this autumn, and amaze the whole Ukraine with its scope! Keeping the intrigue!

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