BTA Bank (Kazakhstan) completed the buying-out process of 9,9996% deal on July 4, 2016. The selling party was Yupiter Trade company belonging to Mr. Andriy Levkivskiy. Before, in April Kazakh BTA increased statutory capital of the Ukrainian subsidiary and gained 89,9% stake adding to prior 49,988% shares. As of end 2015, the equity of the bank stood at UAH 1.5bn (USD 60mln). BTA Bank Ukraine generated profit of UAH 3.6mln in 2015 compared to UAH 39mln in 2014.

IMF approves to allocate $1.1 billion for Ukraine and sets conditions for reforms

Sergei Tigipko's TAS will invest $30-40 million in production and a land bank in Ukraine in 2024