World Food Day to unite Eastern Ukraine in October

World Food Day to unite Eastern Ukraine in October

In Autumn, AGROPORT, the largest forum for agrarians of the agro-industrial complex of eastern Ukraine, will be traditionally held in Kharkiv

More than 170 companies from 13 countries and almost 7 000 visitors took part in AGROPORT in Kharkiv back in 2016. In 2017, almost 200 of Ukrainian and foreign companies and 8 000 visitors are expected to participate in the venue. Every year AGROPORT expands its geography and increases the audience of its followers. Prior year, the forum for agriculturists took part in the two regions of eastern and western Ukraine, namely in Kharkiv and Lviv. Now starting 2018, the southern region will also host AGROPORT in Kherson.

Every year the traditional partner of AGROPORT has been FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations). This year FAO plans to raise the issue of rural development, migration flows and investments in food security at the event.

The reorientation of agro-producers for the new markets, the prospects of safe logistics, labor migration and food safety issues relating to the agricultural climate change adaptation will be discussed in the frames of the fair and during the conferences at the premises of the Kharkiv airport under the banner World Food Day. Worth noting, Kharkiv region of Ukraine is well fit to becoming a sort of a hub to tackle the raising issues by consolidating the participants of the program and uniting Eastern Ukraine, according to many international and domestic experts.

On September 6, a round table called Changing the future of migration flows - investments in food security and agricultural development was conducted in Kyiv marking the start of the autumn season for AGROPORT 2017.

Mikhail Malkov and Farrukh Toirov represented FAO, Olga Trofimtseva served as a deputy minister of agro-industrial complex of Ukraine, representatives of the state regional administrations of Ukraine Yevheniy Rischuk, Alexander Nezdyur and Natalya Khvorost took part in the round table discussions along with AgroGeneration CEO John Shmorgun and general manager of the Agroport of Ukraine, Dmitry Titarenko.

The participants discussed FAO projects aimed at supporting governments and partners in exploring the potential of regions and changing migration flows that will contribute both to the growth of the material well-being of the population and to the strengthening of regional and national food security.

All the matters discussed at the round table will be presented in more detail at the East Ukrainian session of the first day of AGROPORT.

The participants of the World Food Day: External and internal food markets panel will be able to participate in the discussions with the relevant Ministry, local authorities and representatives of agribusiness, where an analysis of the opportunities and barriers in the infrastructure of the domestic food markets of the Eastern regions of Ukraine will be held. The second panel will be devoted to a review of domestic markets: dairy products, grain and oilseeds, the vegetable and fruit markets.

Market entry for small and medium-sized agricultural producers through the development of value added chains will close the topic discussions of the first day of AGROPORT in Kharkiv on October 5.

The participation is free upon registration at

Reference Information:              

AGROPORT is a large-scale annual event aimed at supporting farmers and agricultural companies in Ukraine and Eastern Europe. It has been conducted since 2015 with the support of the FAO and is included in the UN calendar of events. Traditionally the theme of the event correlates with the general line of the FAO and supports the themes of the International Years that the General Assembly of the United Nations follows. Since 2016, AGROPORT has united farmers throughout Ukraine and is held in the West-East format. The forum is comprehensive and consists of an exhibition of machinery and technologies for farming, an investment conference and a series of seminars, roundtables and business meetings. Since its foundation, the location of the venues is usually at the premises of the international airports in Kharkiv and Lviv. The organizer of the forum is a consulting company AviaBrand LLC.

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) is an intergovernmental and specialized agency of the United Nations, which includes 194 member states, two associate members and one member organization - the European Union. FAO's headquarters are in Rome (Italy), and the organization's offices are located in more than 130 countries. The organization promotes the establishment of partnerships between governments, business associations, civil society and the private sector in the field of food security and agricultural development.

World Food Day (WFD) celebrations take part every year around the world on October 16, in honor of the founding of the World Food Organization (FAO). In 2016, the celebration was devoted to the theme of climate change around the world, and, accordingly, changes in agriculture and food production. On all continents and in all UN member countries, the WFD is marked by thematic conferences, seminars and special events with the involvement of specialized experts and the general public.