The information about the deal was shared by two directors of huge suppliers and two directors of retail chains. According to them, it was announced to“Bi-market” employees, that “Eco-market” is going to become a new owner of the chain. However, there was no official consummation of a deal.
“Bi-market” distribution network includes 20 stores, which are currently closed. Stores are going to operate under the guise of “Eco”, and the opening is planned for autumn. Both sides of the deal have rejected to comment on the situation. Representatives of the “Eco-market” promised to make a topical press-release.
Currently “Eco-market” company is one of the biggest retailers in Ukraine, and the number of stores, owned by the chain, exceeds 100. During the last year, company gained 3,972 bln UAH of net profit, which was 9,3% greater than the similar index of 2013.
During the last year and a half few Ukrainian chains were closed. Including “Bi-market”. “Sheremetyevo” supermarket chain has also left market with its 20 stores, which were purchased by a metropolitan retailer, who is an owner of “Lotok” chain.