The ministry of economic development and trade of Ukraine listed 893 unprofitable enterprises worth total of UAH 17bn (USD 630mln) for sales plan during 2017-2020. At this, it can help reduce corruption and improve the investment climate. The new privatization plan foresees concessioning of 359 state owned companies which can help to modernize the production base. The concessioning will relate airports, road repairs companies, forestry enterprises and other. At this, 1 255 companies will undergo reorganization or liquidation. To note, more than a third of state owned enterprises are unprofitable. Thus, the government plans to stick to some 15 strategically important companies like Ukrainian Railways, Ukrposhta and Naftogaz of Ukraine. Also, the government will participate in 363 companies of strategic importance.

Horizon Capital to invest $350 million in Ukraine within 2 years, the search for projects is underway

Another investment attraction agency to be opened in Ukraine