TOP-100 business ideas for small businesses in Ukraine: which business to start in 2025

TOP-100 business ideas for small businesses in Ukraine: which business to start in 2025

TOP-100 business ideas in Ukraine for every taste - current, new, popular and promising business ideas for creating a profitable business from scratch in Ukraine. Original and unusual business ...

The full-scale Russian invasion has forced many entrepreneurs in Ukraine to change their usual pace of work, location, or even completely reorient themselves to other areas and markets. Some have temporarily or permanently stopped their business, while others, having been forced to move, are adapting their business to new challenges. Doing business in a war-torn Ukraine is an extremely difficult task, but a real one.

Now the motivation is not only self-preservation, but also more global tasks, including helping our defenders and the need to preserve and provide new jobs for the population. Life does not stand still, and thanks to various business ideas, we can observe a reboot of the economy. This collection combines relevant ideas for business in 2025.

The main emphasis in the above business projects is on small formats and relatively small initial investments (although there are also capital-intensive projects in our list of business ideas). An equally important denominator is the factor of war, which dictates its own conditions. So, the production of fabrics, sewing clothes and shoes, covers for first-aid kits, medical stretchers, folding chairs, etc. will be relevant. You can easily implement some of the business ideas at home, and after receiving profits, expand and scale your business to industrial sizes.

Another promising direction is building materials and services. Prices for building materials have already reached the sky. Given that damaged cities and towns have not yet begun to be actively rebuilt, this trend is worth considering.

Business ideas for opening rehabilitation centers, insurance companies, tourist equipment stores, funeral service agencies, and everything related to the cultivation and production of food products also look quite promising.

We recommend paying special attention to projects aimed at starting your own business using alternative energy - green energy is the future of the world. Also in favor now is self-business for providing individual services to the population.

So let's start!

Investment proposals: business in Ukraine

Current ideas for small business in Ukraine in 2025:

Business idea #1 - Military and Defense tech - drones and much more

One of the most necessary and promising niches in Ukraine and beyond, given the realities. The military themselves claim that the course of modern warfare is largely determined by the actions of drones. In addition, in conditions of a limited number of artillery shells, strike drones come to the fore. These drones solve two tasks at once - shell starvation and pinpoint damage to the enemy.

Already now in Ukraine there are more than 100 manufacturers of drones for various purposes. At the same time, the demand for robotics remains, as before, high, and the sector continues to grow rapidly. After all, thanks to developments in the field of Defense Tech, the military will be able to solve many urgent tasks: reconnaissance and navigation; destruction of the enemy; demining of territories for an offensive; protection and securing of one's positions and facilities; supply and logistics.

The main advantage of using unmanned technologies, in addition to all of the above, is the preservation of the lives of soldiers, who will be able to concentrate on their work while being in relative safety.

Currently, drone manufacturers are most in need of components for building robots. Local production of parts would be a profitable and useful initiative for both the entrepreneur and the industry and the country as a whole. So far, manufacturers have to purchase foreign parts, which slows down logistics and the release of new models.

Business idea #2 - Substitution of Russian-made goods

The need to abandon Russian goods has been brewing in Ukraine since 2013. 2022 once again reminded that it is not worth doing business with this country in any of its manifestations. Despite the solidarity of society with such a position, trade between the countries of 2022 was maintained. Russia supplies Ukraine with mainly food products that can be easily replaced with domestic ones.

In particular, Russian companies supplied metal products, wires, plastic parts, and some types of food. In 2022, demand for Russian goods fell sharply across the country and is unlikely to reappear. Ideas for small businesses in 2025 should concern these products. Domestic entrepreneurs will occupy the vacated niches. In addition, the transition from Russian software, such as 1C, is relevant, which causes demand for Ukrainian IT products.

Business idea # 3 - Car wash

Every year the number of cars on the streets is growing. Accordingly, a car wash as a business accepts more and more customers every year! The essence of the business is simple - to wash a dirty car and get money for it. These can be services for cleaning car parts from dirt, dry cleaning and cleaning the interior, washing the engine and polishing the body, etc. With proper planning, this business will bring you good profits in a fairly short period of time. Before you open a car wash, make a competent business plan!

By the way, there is a wide range of different car washes on the market, which differ both in technology and price. There are four main types of car washes: manual contact car washes, contactless car washes, automatic brush car washes and self-service car washes. They differ primarily in price. In general, the car wash market in Ukraine is estimated at 7.2 billion UAH.

Business Idea #4 - Solar Power Plants

At the beginning of 2022, Ukraine was confidently among the world's TOP-3 in terms of the growth rate of solar generation. Hostilities, the annexation of southern solar territories, and massive destruction of infrastructure had a strong impact on the development of both solar generation and the entire business in general. And although the total capacity of Ukrainian stations is not yet impressive, the solar battery business in Ukraine is already a very real phenomenon.

Solar energy is developing more actively every year. Solar panels are installed more often in those regions where people often travel abroad and have the opportunity to see with their own eyes how it works, as well as those regions where profitable support programs are launched. The most difficult thing to answer is the question of how much the solar battery business in Ukraine will be more profitable depending on the time of launch of the solar power plant. On the one hand, earlier installation gives an advantage in prices for the "green tariff". On the other hand, there is a non-zero probability that the growth rate of efficiency of new generations of panels (while simultaneously reducing their cost) will make the purchase of a station, for example, in 5 years more profitable than today.

Business idea # 5 - Bakery

Mini-bakeries are a trendy business that is growing like wildfire. Such interest is caused by several factors at once: high and stable demand for manufactured products, high profitability and relatively low opening costs.

The main trend in the bakery market can be identified: non-traditional bread, which is often positioned as a "healthy product", is in increasing demand. Therefore, in order to successfully operate in the market, it is necessary to form a wide range of products and take into account the tastes of consumers. And these tastes are so diverse that an entrepreneur can easily find his niche in the baking business. The baking business is a profitable and promising direction that can bring stable profits.

Business idea # 6 - Brow bar

The beauty industry is experiencing a clear trend towards specialization. Universal masters who include almost all existing beauty services in their range are gradually becoming a thing of the past. Professionals prefer to hone their skills in any one area.

The profitability of the brow business is quite high - experts note that it pays off and begins to return the invested funds in about 1 year (under favorable conditions in 6-8 months).

Business idea # 7 Gas station network

Gas stations in Ukraine were not as common as we would like before the war. The war, the destruction of critical electrical infrastructure facilities have had an even greater impact on this market. However, the world is rapidly moving towards the transition to electric transport - after the end of the war, the business at electric gas stations in Ukraine will rapidly go up. Therefore, not only gas station chains are installing charging stations for electric vehicles, but more and more hotel and restaurant chains are following a similar path.

Opening an electric gas station with the aim of making money on it here and now is a mixed bag. You need to be prepared for a small income and a long payback period. However, we should not forget that the fleet of electric vehicles before the war was growing from year to year (almost 30,000 at the end of 2021), and not all new owners of alternative fuel cars will refuel only at home in the garage in the future.

Business idea #8 - Sugaring studio / hair removal and depilation studio

Sugaring as a business is a relatively new phenomenon in the beauty industry, which has already managed to win its consumer. This service is in demand, so a studio with high-quality service and good advertising will not have problems with orders. To become the same successful studio, you need to establish business processes and form your competitive advantages. At the initial stage, you should not expect a large profit from the studio. Forming a client base takes time. But small initial investments can pay off within six months. For a business in the beauty industry, this is a very good indicator.

Almost 70% of sugaring studios close in the first three years of operation. Basically, the reason is the lack of planning. Masters simply open a business, but do not understand how to attract clients, minimize costs, etc. The remaining 30% achieve success and earn from 20 to 120 thousand hryvnias per month (the amount of profit depends on the city and pricing policy). Therefore, the business has prospects. The main thing is to carefully consider all the nuances.

A profitable operating business is offered for sale - a hair removal studio (laser, sugar and wax) in Kyiv with equipment and a staff of employees

Business idea #9 - Coffee on wheels

Mobile coffee shops are in great demand. Coffee on wheels are installed on central streets, in large shopping centers and in city markets. All these places have high traffic. A mobile coffee shop is not much different from a regular one: a wide range of several dozen varieties of coffee, preparation of drinks according to classic recipes, an experienced barista.

Experienced owners of mobile coffee shops warn: you should not count on profit in the first six months of work. It takes time for customers to notice your coffee shops, “taste” the coffee and become regular customers. But with the proper level and quality of your products and service, the number of loyal customers will grow every month.

Business idea #10 - Your own clothing brand

How to create a clothing brand if you are not a world-famous designer? It’s simple – designer clothing does not have to be haute couture. Nowadays, there are many talented craftsmen who are able to create their own clothing line – creative, futuristic or vintage. At the same time, it will not cost tens of thousands of dollars and will be available to a wide range of consumers.

Developing a brand is difficult, but it is even more difficult to go the whole way – to find financing, register your brand, sew clothes and release it to the world. Before creating a clothing brand, think carefully about how far you are willing to go and how much time you will devote to this business. It is worth considering that most designers focus on the production of women's clothing or street clothing for young people – and they do not lose. With competent advertising, such a business will pay off within about a year from the date of launch.

Business Idea #11 - Soap Making

Making handmade soap is an ideal option for a home business. If you want to start your own business, but are still new to entrepreneurship, then this idea will be very appropriate. Making handmade soap does not require specific knowledge and large investments, and everyone can master the technology of soap making. You will not need to buy complex equipment, but a creative streak and developed imagination will definitely come in handy.

The popularity of handmade soap is due to the exclusivity and naturalness of the components. Therefore, everything is built on your ability to make not an ordinary bar of soap, but an original product that the buyer will like. If you plan all business processes correctly, then soap making as a business will bring you considerable success in the form of good profits from creative activities.

Business Idea #12 - Flower Business

For many, flowers are an invariable attribute of celebrations and holidays. However, this is not only beauty, but also business. The peculiarity of Ukrainian flower retail is that about 60% of sales are made by kiosks and stands. The remaining 30% are distributed in approximately equal proportions between middle-class flower shops offering the services of professional florists and stores of large retail chains.

Flower business is a promising direction for your own business in the Ukrainian market. Flowers have always been bought, are bought and will be bought. Flower business allows you to receive stable profits throughout the year. However, for profitability, your flower business must be properly organized! Flowers can be sold in various ways, but you always need to be guided by market prices and remember that flowers need to be sold as quickly as possible. You can organize sales through: flower salons, wholesale sales, online flower stores and vending machines.

Business Idea #13 - Manicure Studio

The number of people wishing to open a manicure business is growing every year. Despite the high level of competition observed in the market, the niche of specialized manicure salons is not completely filled. Therefore, there is still a place for a newcomer to this business. It is important to note that manicure services are in stable demand even in conditions of economic crisis and war.

Currently, the Ukrainian beauty industry market is in a phase of active development. Along with massage parlors and brow bars, various formats of manicure services are appearing en masse like mushrooms after the rain. And it is not surprising, because in the structure of demand for beauty salon services, manicure services occupy almost 40%. In recent years, the beauty industry market has seen the emergence of many highly specialized salons that focus their activities precisely on the provision of manicure services. The concept of a small manicure salon-studio has become popular in the conditions of a shortage of premises for rent and because women urgently need the procedure.

Business idea #14 - Making decorative candles

Organizing a business for making decorative candles at home is a rather promising and profitable business. The cost of candles is low, and the price of the finished product depends on the uniqueness and complexity of the work. Since you will work independently, or with the help of family members, your main initial costs will go exclusively to the purchase of the necessary materials. It is worth emphasizing that at the very beginning it is worth perceiving the making of decorative candles as a hobby and additional income, and over time, having developed a solid base of regular customers and points of sale, your hobby can be transformed into a stably profitable full-fledged business.

Decorative candles are an extremely popular product. The profitability of starting your own candle business at home reaches 300-400%, and if you approach the matter more creatively and with certain marketing knowledge during implementation, you can squeeze out all 700-800%. The starting capital for opening this profitable business at home is minimal.

Business idea #15 - Breeding laying hens

Breeding laying hens as a business can bring in good money. Birds grow quickly and after 4 months begin to bring in profit. Laying hens differ from their broiler relatives in that they can lay eggs all year round. Anyone can start this activity, the main thing is to have a desire and a little patience. A detailed business plan for breeding laying hens with calculations will help you build the right strategy!

Breeding laying hens as a business at home is an ideal option for a rural settlement. It will be somewhat more problematic to implement the idea in the city, but if you find an attractive place on the outskirts, the implementation will be successful. However, when opening, do not forget about natural risks: outbreaks of diseases in the livestock and the need to quickly sell products. It will be extremely difficult to achieve high profitability and receive large incomes from several dozen chickens. If you have already decided to engage in farming, it is better to immediately expand the idea to the scale of a poultry farm.

Business Idea #16 - Pet Store

Pet stores have been and remain one of the most popular ideas for small businesses. This is actually the only business in which small retail outlets can still compete with large chains. Opening a small pet store requires relatively small investments, and the business itself seems simple to organize and run compared to many other types of small businesses.

Opening a franchise store can be a useful step not only for novice entrepreneurs, but also for those who want to save on purchases. One of the key advantages of buying a pet store franchise is the ability to receive discounts and privileges of the chain. Due to the fact that the chain purchases large volumes of pet products, it has a solid discount from suppliers. Often, pet store chains are opened by distributors themselves.

Business idea #17 - Broiler farming

Growing meat chickens is interesting for both large complexes and mini-farms of the home format. The period of growth of chickens to marketable weight is short, which allows the farmer to receive a good annual income with the correct organization of the cycle in the chicken coop. It is necessary to update the young stock every month so as not to interrupt the sale of products to regular customers.

Broilers are a meat breed of chickens that is grown exclusively for slaughter. The older the bird, the lower the taste quality of its meat. A broiler reaches marketable weight at the age of 2 months. The average weight of a gutted carcass is 2-2.5 kg. Investments are only required in feed and maintaining comfortable conditions in the room. Breeding broilers for meat in the SFG format can bring a stable income to the family if the calculation of future costs and potential income is correctly made at the initial stage.

An operating agricultural business (poultry complex) in the field of growing and selling chicken products with a positive financial and legal history is for sale.

Business idea #18 - Greenhouse business

Growing vegetables and herbs on small mini-agro-farms is steadily gaining momentum. Those who a few years ago grew basil or lettuce on a windowsill in an apartment for their own needs are now renting basements or several acres of land for growing organic products for sale. Despite the war and the economic and energy crises caused by it, the greenhouse business remains trendy and the demand for high-quality organic products will only grow.

A greenhouse business based on the use of the latest technologies and modern equipment with automatic irrigation and heating will allow you to significantly reduce the number of service personnel. Income is directly affected by several important factors: the region (in some regions it is quite possible to get up to four harvests per year, and in others - no more than two), the distance of the farm from the city (which directly affects transportation costs), sales channels, etc. The most realistic payback period for a greenhouse business is two to three years.

Business idea No. 19 - Business on chicken eggs

Chicken eggs are the basis of the diet of a good half of the inhabitants of our planet. In addition to direct consumption in boiled and fried form, eggs are used in the manufacture of bakery products, sauces, added to minced meat and casseroles. The sales market is simply vast: markets, shops, catering establishments and production workshops.

A business on chicken eggs can be implemented in two formats - closing the entire process on yourself (from raising chickens to selling eggs), or selling chicken eggs from other farms. You can grow laying hens, which will provide you with eggs, in any settlement that is ideal for this purpose. You can open your own mini-business in a village or outside the city. The main thing is to buy good chickens, properly organize their stay on the farm, feed and find regular buyers in a nearby large settlement.

Business Idea #20 - Massage Parlor

One of the popular ways to start a business in the beauty industry is to open your own massage parlor. This is due to the relatively small initial investment, significant consumer demand and the almost complete absence of large players in this segment and, as a result, a low level of competition.

A massage parlor can be positioned on the market as medical services to improve health, or as a division of a beauty salon, spa, sports club or sauna. Massage, like a business on eyebrows or a nail care studio, can bring good profits with proper organization of activities and an active advertising campaign.

Business Idea #21 - Cleaning Company

Cleaning is a relevant and promising direction for starting your own business. The activities of cleaning companies are a set of measures aimed at ensuring cleanliness in the premises. In Europe, the business of cleaning apartments and commercial premises has existed for a long time and is considered highly profitable, and the niche is practically full. The first cleaning companies appeared on the Ukrainian market about 25 years ago, and the direction itself began to develop actively not so long ago.

Modern commercial cleaning is a complex of services to maintain cleanliness and order in the territory being serviced, using professional tools and qualified personnel. Today, the main users of the services of cleaning companies are shopping and entertainment centers. But in the segment of individuals, these services are just beginning to gain popularity. The cleaning business is an extremely promising and profitable business that does not require large initial capital investments.

Business idea #22 - Cheese production

Cheese is one of the most popular dairy products. It has a constant demand in the market, which makes its production even more relevant. You won’t be able to compete with large cheese-making enterprises, especially when it comes to pricing. But starting your own mini-cheese factory is quite realistic. You can easily sell several types of cheese to residents of your region and beyond, using the Internet or other product sales channels.

The cheese business is notable for its stable popularity and a formed audience of regular connoisseurs. Organizing a full-fledged business in this direction is not cheap, but you can start with a minimum. To achieve success, you need to develop a competent business plan and think over a stable supply of high-quality raw materials in advance. It is the latter factor that will play a decisive role in both the placement of your cheese factory and its success in the finished product market.

Business idea #23 - Sewing studio / clothing repair and tailoring studio

In the sewing business, you cannot do without basic knowledge. And even if you don’t want to sew yourself, before opening an atelier, it is advisable to take at least special courses in cutting and sewing - in order to properly organize the work of the atelier. It is best when your hobby gradually turns into a business. But if you want to try to open your own business right away, you will need certain knowledge and skills in sewing. This basis is needed at least in order to purchase the necessary equipment for the atelier, form prices for services and explain the nuances of cutting to the customer.

A sewing atelier is a good option for starting a small business with the prospect of multiple scaling in the development process. You can start with minor repairs and sewing unpretentious designer models. Starting in the current crisis conditions is also interesting because the risks that scare many entrepreneurs (for example, currency exchange rate growth) may not hinder the launch of an atelier, but on the contrary - help. And all because our seamstresses offer their goods and services in hryvnias. And therefore their prices will not increase sharply for customers.

Business Idea #24 - Photo Studio + Photo Salon

Opening a photo salon is a fairly simple and inexpensive business that even a beginner can handle. There will always be enough work in a photo salon. In principle, you will need little to start working: a room, a camera, a table, a chair and a printer. During the crisis, people save on entertainment, refuse to visit cafes and restaurants. However, even in these difficult times, the photo business remains afloat. Every day, residents and guests of the city need photos for documents.

The art of photography is developing at a high pace today. First of all, this is due to the emergence of new technology, and therefore new opportunities. Only professional equipment is always chosen for a photo studio. In addition to technology, the studio should have several interior options. Ideas for its arrangement should be fresh and exclusive. Creative people can make it with their own hands.

Business Idea #25 - Fresh Fish Shop / Fish Shop

In Ukraine, fish is a popular product. Fish and seafood dishes delight lovers both in everyday life and on holidays. Fans of a healthy lifestyle prefer fish due to its usefulness and low calorie content. In ordinary grocery stores, fish is often frozen, and the assortment is not very diverse. In order for the consumer to have a large selection of high-quality products, you can open a specialized fish shop.

A fish shop is a stable business with small investments. But it takes a lot of effort and time for the costs to pay off and the business to start making a profit. Before opening a fish shop, you need to draw up a business plan and try to follow it. It is very important to carefully calculate the costs, analyze possible income and think through all possible risks. A bright signboard and well-organized advertising will help attract buyers. But the most important thing for the buyer is quality products and reasonable prices.

Business Idea #26 - Coffee Shop

Opening a coffee shop is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. Of course, you need a considerable amount to start, but the profitability of the coffee business will do its job and after a while you will receive decent profits. For a coffee business to become successful, you need to put a lot of effort into selecting the optimal premises and recruiting professional staff. Do not forget about the special atmosphere for your establishment. And so that everything does not go awry, buy only high-quality and reliable equipment! The icing on the cake should be your unique menu!

Start advertising the coffee shop on social networks even before opening. Make announcements, talk about the stages of preparation, hold contests and raffles. Your task is to prepare the audience even before the coffee shop opens and interest customers in advance.

Business idea #27 - Tobacco plantation / tobacco growing

Growing tobacco as a business is a profitable business that requires careful attention and careful care of the plant. If you can properly organize the work process and learn how to grow tobacco correctly, as well as find sales channels, you can build a business on products that have a constant and stable demand.

Popular varieties for growing in Ukraine include several types of makhorka and tobacco. Before purchasing seeds, you need to decide which variety you are going to grow. This depends on who you will sell them to and for which tobacco products the grown tobacco can be used. The high grade of the plant is used in the production of cigars, and the lowest grade is used in the production of ordinary cigarettes.

Business idea #28 - Crayfish farm / growing and breeding crayfish for sale

Crayfish growing can bring a stable profit for six months - from May to October. Seasonality is the only drawback of this business. Crayfish are bred in artificial ponds and aquariums. Of course, before starting this business, it is necessary to study the demand on the market, whether it exists in principle, and if it does, how big it is.

Crayfish is a delicacy that is extremely popular in Ukraine. Since the demand for this delicacy remains unchanged, artificial breeding of crayfish turns out to be a fairly profitable business. You can tie another business to crayfish breeding. As a rule, they are good in pubs, various restaurants and cafes. You can consider the option of opening small fish shops, where crayfish will be among other products. Believe me, they are always in demand among the population, and will not linger on the shelves.

Business Idea #29 - Branded Magazine / Glossy Magazine Publishing

A magazine is a profitable business. In skillful hands, a business idea can generate huge profits. The problem is that not everyone knows how to start their own business publishing a fashionable gloss. Up to 60% of the potential profit from the sale of each issue depends on the location and area of ​​distribution.

The magazine market is so saturated that it is a huge problem for a new gloss to stand out among the existing publications on the shelf. In such a situation, you need to think through a competent advertising campaign in advance. It should clearly appeal to your target audience: the magazine should serve as a solution to a certain problem or satisfy a certain need of your reader.

Business Idea #30 - Growing microgreens

If you follow world trends, you have probably noticed that a healthy lifestyle is becoming more and more popular. The main rule of a healthy lifestyle is proper nutrition. Therefore, a business trend that was unknown in Ukraine until recently, but quite popular in Europe, is gaining more and more popularity - growing microgreens. Novice farmers claim that you can earn many times more on it than on ordinary parsley and dill.

In addition to growing microgreens, you can start growing another product that is unusual for the Ukrainian consumer - edible flowers. There are no special features in growing edible flowers - they are grown like ordinary flowers. It is worth growing something that blooms quickly. Types of edible flowers can be changed depending on the season. The main working types are begonia, viola, krasolya, fuchsia. Carnations depending on the period.

Business idea # 31 - Furniture production / furniture production workshop

Furniture production is a popular business, since absolutely everyone uses furniture. To start a project from scratch, you don’t need to have a specialized education, but you will need basic knowledge, practical experience, patience and a desire to work. Furniture production is not tied to the season, so this business has every chance of active development.

Such a business is especially in demand during the war and will be popular for a long time after it ends. Many cities were destroyed, people lost their homes and apartments. New shelters, hostels, refugee centers are emerging, modular towns are being created. Furniture is needed to furnish housing, so there is a special demand on the market for affordable and high-quality options from Ukrainian manufacturers.

Not only large companies, but also small businesses that will focus on individual orders and narrow market segments will be able to make a profit. When opening a business, suppliers of raw materials and accessories in different price categories are needed to satisfy simple and exclusive requests. To get started, you will need a room for production and storage of products, a set of necessary tools and devices, as well as advertising, for example, on bulletin boards and in social networks.

Business idea #32 - Restaurant business / restaurant under your own brand

Before opening a restaurant, it is important to understand your positioning and answer the question: who are we and for whom? The positioning of “a restaurant to feed” will not work. Therefore, draw a detailed portrait of your target consumer. Do not forget that you will have to finance the project in the next six months after opening, so you should lay out salaries, rent and other expenses for six months. If the establishment does not turn a profit in six months, it dies.

Long before the restaurant opens, create information noise around the establishment - use all possible marketing and advertising channels, form a preliminary reserve of tables, etc. The life cycle of a restaurant is five years. Naturally, there will be crises and turning points. And at this time you should analyze attendance figures, financial indicators. It is important to understand what needs to be changed: either rebranding, a new menu, hiring new staff, or closing down and forgetting altogether.

Business idea #33 - Shoe production / shoe production workshop

Shoe production is a painstaking and difficult process. In order to produce competitive products, you will have to study the specifics of this market in detail. But with proper organization and a reasonable development and promotion strategy, a business can bring a stable high income even in a small town.

The amount of investment depends on how large a shoe production you plan to do and what products you will be engaged in. For a small business, the most significant expense item will be equipment. The remaining expenses (utilities, staff salaries, materials) will depend on how expensive the materials you will use, how much shoes you plan to produce and where to place the production. With the right approach, all investments should pay off in a year.

Business idea #34 - Children's electric car rental

You can open a children's electric car rental in any city. This simple attraction will be in demand among younger and preschool children everywhere. So even with a low rental price, you can earn a lot of money. The business concept itself is easy to manage and is suitable for novice entrepreneurs. It is enough to buy children's electric cars and take a profitable place - and you can work.

The main criterion for selecting a location is the concentration of parents with children. The profit of the business itself depends on the location. Therefore, evaluate all potential rental points in advance, taking into account various factors: a large flow of the target audience, the presence of competitors, the convenience of the location, the ability to rent a storage space nearby, a favorable neighborhood. To make the neighborhood profitable, choose points that sell related goods or services. For example, a cart with ice cream, cotton candy, or balloons. Also, new attractions are often placed next to existing ones. Such sites are more visible, which means they will attract more visitors.

Business Idea #35 - Hardware Store

“Repairs cannot be completed, they can only be suspended” - this wisdom of life indicates one of the reasons why it is worth opening a hardware store. There will always be a demand for building materials: while some are building, others are repairing and vice versa. Even if you do not need to carry out repairs in your home, you will need nails, a hammer, a screwdriver, etc. in everyday life. Therefore, opening a hardware store from scratch is a great idea for your business.

It will take an average of 3 to 6 months to promote a hardware store and reach the desired sales volumes - during this time, buyers will have time to learn and get used to the new outlet. In the future, you can open an online store or create a group on social networks. However, for the building materials sector, a full transition to online is not always advisable, since some categories of customers prefer to buy goods in person, or do not have the opportunity to wait for delivery.

Business idea #36 - Private kindergarten

The demand for private kindergarten services is growing, because parents value an individual approach, care for the child, classes without shouting, progressive development methods, healthy eating (not sausages and pasta), comfort. And they are ready to pay for it. Expensively. Therefore, more and more serious investors are entering the business, for whom education is a profitable project with bonuses.

A private kindergarten is a serious business that does not forgive mistakes. Here, everything must be done qualitatively, thoughtfully, together with experts. Savings in preparation will result in overspending after launch and vice versa.

The threshold for entry into the educational business in Ukraine is quite high: for a successful start of a private kindergarten for 130 places, you will need at least $260,000 at the rate of approximately $2,000 per 1 place with more than 100 children in the kindergarten. Provided that you have a suitable room where you do not need to build and overhaul, but only minimally re-equip and equip with equipment, furniture and appliances. These investments will pay off only under one condition - if everything is done correctly from the beginning. With competent planning and management, you can count on a profit of $5,000 to $20,000 per month. If you build a kindergarten from scratch - buy or rent a land plot, build a house, then a private kindergarten as a business will cost from $1 million to $3 million.

Business Idea #37 - Tire Repair

The demand for tire replacement has a pronounced seasonal nature, and you can earn more if you ensure maximum productivity and maximum throughput during the tire change season. It is possible to accept a larger number of customers both by increasing the working time in 2 shifts and by using “faster” and more productive automatic tire repair equipment.

To ensure the efficient operation of a tire repair shop, it is very important to choose the right location. First of all, good traffic flow is desirable, which passes near the tire repair shop. It is optimal to choose a place near large avenues, gas stations, or large parking lots. Such a choice will help you reduce the negative effects of such a factor as seasonality, since you will always be in sight. It is undesirable to locate a tire repair shop next to competitors. As a rule, good places for a tire repair shop are rarely empty, but you can always find options for locating a new shop.

Business idea #38 - SMM agency

SMM is one of the necessary tasks for the modern development of a business of any scale. In this situation, a business needs high-quality services for working in social networks. And this is a good opportunity to start your own business and reach a good level of income. One of the formats for organizing such a business is a mini SMM agency. To start, you need a laptop and a great desire to earn!

The first profits can be counted immediately after completing an order from the first client. The salary of an SMM specialist in the regions is on average $300-400, in Kiev - $600-700. It all depends on the size of the customer company and the tasks set for the SMM specialist, his competence and work results. That is, the more experience and successful cases, the more your price tag as a specialist increases.

Business idea #39 - Production of medical masks

Traditionally, the production of medical masks is a seasonal business: in the warm season, sales volumes decline. The situation has changed significantly during the coronavirus epidemic and its designation as a pandemic. The production volume of medical masks has increased significantly and has approached the mark of 1 million pieces per day. Demand has increased significantly, and with it the need. During the pandemic, the production of medical masks is one of the few businesses with a steadily growing demand for the final product.

The war in Ukraine has pushed the problem of the coronavirus epidemic far into the background, but it has not gone anywhere - already now some countries are breaking records of daily infections with the mutated virus. After the end of active hostilities, the coronavirus problem will again be one of the top ones.

Business idea #40 - Private crematorium

The funeral business is usually engaged in by entrepreneurs who do not believe in superstitions. The established public opinion, unfortunately, condemns earning money on funeral services, but the demand for them has been and remains consistently high. Cremation is a universal solution to many problems related to burial. Cremation is the most environmentally friendly and economical way of burial and is gaining more and more popularity in Ukraine every year, especially in large cities.

The business of opening a crematorium has a fairly high profitability, and with a competent marketing policy, its payback will occur within 3-4 years. Therefore, despite the considerable difficulties associated with opening a crematorium, the question of whether it is profitable to organize this small business disappears by itself. Unfortunately, for some cities, opening a crematorium becomes literally vital every year, since the cost of places in cemeteries is growing exponentially.

Business Idea #45 - Quail Business

The quail business is highly profitable and pays off quickly. Today, quail breeding in our country is not as large as chicken, turkey, duck or goose breeding. On store shelves, you can only see quail eggs from time to time, and you have to go to the market for a bird carcass. All this creates excellent conditions for starting your own quail breeding business and capturing at least the local market in this segment.

The quail business has two main areas of implementation. The first includes directly breeding laying quails, each of which can lay up to 300 eggs per year (on average 250), and the second is the production of dietary quail meat. As a rule, both of these areas are combined within one farm. Quail meat is rich in easily digestible protein, has good antioxidant properties and high taste. Despite all the advantages, with stable demand, competition in this industry is not very high yet, which opens up great opportunities for novice farmers.

Business idea #46 - Carpentry business

A carpentry business is best suited for those entrepreneurs who know how to and want to work with their hands. You need to constantly develop your skills and gradually expand the range of products, improve the quality of their manufacture. The most important thing is to understand for yourself how profitable it can be from a financial point of view. A clearly written business plan with all the calculations will clarify the situation. Only after that can you choose a direction of specialization and a marketing strategy for popularizing your products.

The profitability of a carpentry workshop is 25%. Your earnings will directly depend on the effectiveness of advertising, the uniqueness and quality of your products and competition in the niche in which you plan to work. The payback period for investments in the carpentry business is 17-20 months.

Business idea #47 - Apiary / own apiary and sale of honey

Even before the war, domestic beekeeping, after the rapid rise of previous years, was going through difficult times. The main reason for the crisis of the export-oriented niche industry is the deterioration of the global honey market, the fall in product prices. The crisis eliminates inefficient producers who are forced to leave the market, selling their own apiaries. At the same time, the crisis is new opportunities for new players.

Before engaging in beekeeping, it is strongly recommended to read special literature on beekeeping, get acquainted with the basics of beekeeping from experienced beekeepers. Omitting important points in beekeeping will have an extremely negative impact on the entire business. This business is seasonal. If you have employees, think about what they will do during the bee dormancy period.

Business Idea #48 - Nightclub

Opening a nightclub is most advisable in a large city with a population of over 200-300 thousand people. It is better to start looking for a place to open a club in the city center, where life is in full swing even at night. But this is not a prerequisite: it is important that the club is easy to find and get to from any part of the city. It is better to avoid residential areas. The proximity to residential buildings will lead to constant conflicts with residents due to noise.

Opening a nightclub is definitely a profitable project, but it requires a lot of investment and effort. In order to stay in the market, you should offer visitors a unique concept and a high level of service. This type of business is suitable for entrepreneurs who are ready to play big.

Business Idea #49 - Pawnshop

Opening a pawnshop is an extremely profitable business. How to open a pawnshop in Ukraine and build your own network of financial institutions has been the subject of interest for more than a dozen entrepreneurs. And there is nothing surprising in this, because pawnshop services have been and remain extremely popular. Opening a pawnshop can pay off within a year. The average percentage of income is 20-30% per month of the investment amount.

Pawnshops become especially popular during periods of economic downturns, when it becomes difficult for people to live on one salary for a month. But even in relatively calm times, the number of clients of such credit institutions remains consistently high. Pawnshops are a really profitable business, although it carries risks.

Business Idea #50 - Coffee vending

Despite its outward simplicity, the coffee vending business requires a lot of attention, especially at the initial stage. To organize a vending business, you need to find an area, select equipment, solve the problem of maintenance and repair, and ensure regular purchase of ingredients. To turn vending into a real business, you must create a network of at least four machines - then you can count on high income.

The main way to advertise a coffee machine is to place it in the right place. Foot traffic should be at least 1.5 thousand people per hour during daylight hours. Please note that foot traffic is not the most important characteristic for a retail outlet. 2 thousand people can pass by a coffee machine per hour, of which only 10 people will buy coffee (because your target audience will not be among them). And a coffee machine installed in an office with 50 employees will earn more, because all 50 employees will buy coffee.

Business idea # 51 - Construction of modular houses

The topic of building modular housing became popular in Ukraine long before the war. A modular house is a frame house consisting of individual modules that are manufactured at a factory and assembled on site in a few weeks. The house seems completely ready for living: with walls, a floor, electricity and pipes, windows, even interior doors. It is enough to put the furniture and you can move in. The average cost of an 80 m² house with two bedrooms and a kitchen-studio in January 2022 was $ 30,000. Usually, modular designers produce with a standard layout, but by paying a certain amount, you can order a house according to an individual plan. In conditions of war and due to the constant displacement of citizens from dangerous areas of the country, there was a need to build compact towns that could cover basic needs for temporary housing. These needs of displaced people are best met by modular houses, which are built many times faster than conventional real estate.

Business Idea #52 - Pet Hotels

Pet hotels are currently a relatively untapped niche for Ukrainian business, but they are quite promising - the demand for temporary accommodation for pets during the absence of their owners is constant. Most often, the hotel function is performed by either veterinary clinics or shelters, but only a few provide full-fledged temporary housing with all the necessary amenities for pets. In particular, the services of accommodation, food and care for animals are provided by the Kyiv hotel for dogs and cats DogHotel and the veterinary center "Zviropolis".

Business Idea #53 - Coworking for Pets

Unusual business ideas from around the world that can be implemented in Ukraine include creating coworking spaces for four-legged friends. In such a place, people can bring their pets and work without leaving them at home alone. Coworking can be equipped with special play areas for animals, training equipment, and other amenities. Although this idea is quite promising, in reality, coworking spaces where visits with dogs are allowed are not suitable for everyone. Some people find it difficult to get used to working in the presence of dogs, and some dogs are too active to lie at the feet of their owner when he is working, especially in the company of other animals. Perhaps it makes sense to open workspaces that would contain separate mini-rooms for animals of different species.

Business Idea #54 - Agro Drones: UAV Services for Spraying Fields in Agriculture

Thanks to the constant development of technology, the agricultural sector is also not left behind. The use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) for spraying fields in agriculture is an effective tool for increasing yields. Consider providing agro drone services to farmers and agricultural enterprises.

Business idea #55 - Pig farm for 200-1000 heads: breeding pigs for further processing

The demand for meat products is constantly growing, and pig breeding can be a profitable business. Consider creating a pig farm with a stable livestock of 200 to 1000 heads for obtaining meat products and further processing.

Business idea #56 - Online school

Active Internet users will probably agree with us that many online schools have appeared over the past two years. There are many of them, they have different orientations and target audiences. The most important thing is that online schools are in demand, and the services of online instructors are highly paid. The reality is that modern universities have a classical approach to learning, and students' need for new knowledge is growing. Of course, nothing can replace the basics and history of economics, but it is no less useful to go to business trainings under the guidance of successful and famous teachers. Online schools allow you to gain additional knowledge and fill in the gaps. Keep in mind that competition in this industry is high, it is not so easy for beginners to break through and "grab" part of the audience. Set a goal to create high-quality content, study the available materials, deal with technical issues and promotion, then there is every chance to start earning decently.

Business idea #57 - Production of pellets and fuel briquettes

Pellets and briquettes are cheap and practical. This is an opportunity to connect a second boiler in parallel without replacing or modifying the heating system. In wartime conditions, solid fuel boilers helped to warm private homes, schools and enterprises. In the future, the demand for bioenergy heating systems will only grow, as will the demand for raw materials. According to the Bioenergy Association of Ukraine, biomass accounts for more than 56% of the entire market for energy production from renewable sources. Such a business idea is in trend, but it requires start-up capital. The good news is that you can find investors for a startup, because this is an attractive niche with stable growth. The average return on investment of 200,000 euros is 3.5 years with 12% per annum for partners. As for the sales market, you can supply products to the domestic market or to Europe. The second option is more profitable - the export price per ton is 20 euros higher than in Ukraine.

Business Idea #58 - Mushroom Growing Farm

The food market is still relevant. When growing mushrooms, there is no need for large areas - in one room you can build 3-4 tiers with mushroom shelves. About 15 kg of mushrooms can be collected from one square meter in three months. Exotic mushrooms such as eringi (royal oyster mushrooms) and enoki (winter honey mushrooms) are in demand now. You can grow different varieties of mushrooms and ordinary oyster mushrooms, which are more affordable. The whole process cannot be called complicated, but at the beginning you need a clear business plan and start-up capital, the size of which depends on the volume of production. You need a room with a certain temperature (14-28°C) and humidity (80-95%), without heating radiators and windows. To grow mushrooms, you will need to purchase a substrate and mycelium. There are no problems with the sales market. You can organize retail and wholesale sales, supply products to supermarkets, restaurants, canneries and private entrepreneurs. As a rule, there is a queue for mushrooms, especially exotic ones. To work continuously, you need to think through the stages of cultivation so that the products are always available. That is, plant the mycelium in 3-4 different periods. For example, the ripening cycle of simple oyster mushrooms is 20-25 days, and eryngiums is about 50 days, so you need to adjust so that you can harvest every 5-10 days. However, pay attention to an important point - when working with organic substances, there is a risk of allergic reactions, so take care of the health of all employees in advance.

Business idea # 59 - Construction tool rental

High-quality construction tools are expensive, so buying them for one-time use is not profitable, and not everyone will find extra money. In view of this, renting construction tools is a profitable and promising business idea. To open a business, it is not necessary to rent a large premises, especially if you are starting a business or live in a small town. Finding customers also does not require large expenses - there are social networks, bulletin boards and word of mouth. You will need templates for rental agreements, return and acceptance of a deposit, the size of which is about 30-50% of the market value of the tool. To open your own business, you need to decide on a set of tools and purchase everything you need. Since they will be used often, you need high-quality power tools from top brands with a large margin of safety and a guarantee. It is difficult to predict which devices will be popular, so at the start you can limit yourself to the most popular options: screwdrivers, drills, hammer drills, grinders, electric jigsaws and grinders.

Business idea #60 - Sale, rental and repair of electric vehicles

Business idea - creation of a company for the sale, rental and maintenance of scooters, scooters, Segways and unicycles. Electric vehicles are popular due to the lack of fuel costs, maneuverability and environmental friendliness. Considering that such devices can be charged from solar panels, the growth of their popularity is quite expected. According to the founders of one of the sharings in an interview with Forbes, the electric vehicle market in Ukraine is only 5% full. That is, the niche is still free and available for a quick return on investment. By combining sales, rental and repair, the company will provide itself with customers for years, and will provide customers with guarantees of quality service. To open a business, you need premises, a fleet of vehicles and an experienced repairman. Depending on the area of ​​​​the city, you may need up to 5,000 units of equipment, for example, as for Kyiv. You can promote your business on social networks and on bulletin boards. When advertising a company, it is advisable to offer a benefit. These can be discounts, guarantees, cashback, or free service for a certain period.

Business Idea #61 - Production of long-term storage products

This is a good business idea during the war, when not only the defenders of Ukraine, but also many residents of occupied and front-line areas are deprived of access to fresh products. After the war, the demand for such products will not disappear, because many people will stock up in case of unforeseen situations. Also, various canned food and dry rations for quick preparation will find their buyers among tourists, researchers and truckers. These are not just canned food, but full-fledged dishes that just need to be heated or poured with boiling water. To implement the idea, you need a workshop, equipment and a competent technologist. If the volumes are industrial, you will need permanent suppliers of products and a large staff of employees.

During the war, companies producing freeze-dried products have already begun to appear on the domestic market, but there are still few of them. They produce not only borscht, buckwheat with meat or navy-style pasta. The assortment includes carbonara pasta, Thai Tom Yam soup, gazpacho, and many other delicious dishes and desserts. The technological process is simple, but expensive. The production uses high-quality natural raw materials, and special equipment is used for manufacturing and packaging. The retail price of the main dishes is about 120-150 hryvnias, so it will be useful to calculate the competitiveness of the new product in advance when drawing up a business plan and explore potential sales markets.

Business idea #62 - Shooting club

Contrary to popular belief, not only men but also women like to shoot. In the shooting range, you can learn how to handle weapons and relieve psycho-emotional tension.

Shooting ranges are stationary and mobile, which are used during various mass events. It can also be a club for professionals, entertainment, or two in one. For entertainment, you will need to purchase enough units of pneumatic, laser, and interactive weapons, depending on the capabilities and specialization of your company.

Given the orientation of the shooting club, sanitary and fire regulations should be observed, licenses should be obtained, and the premises should be properly equipped in accordance with safety requirements.

Business idea #63 - Apartment and office renovation

Apartment and office renovation has always been relevant in Ukraine, but during wartime this area became especially popular. It is necessary to build new housing, create temporary shelters for displaced persons, and repair houses that have suffered from enemy attacks. Now is the time to join this business due to the prospect of future scaling. After the war, the demand for repair services will only grow. In such conditions, even a new company will be able to achieve stable profits and economic growth.

The advantage of such a business idea is its small start-up capital. Professional tools are needed, and all materials and consumables are provided by the customer or he pays the purchase invoices. Many craftsmen and teams, due to regular orders, receive a personal discount from suppliers of materials and thus increase their profits even more. You can search for customers on social networks, place targeted advertising with impressions for the target audience in search services.

Business Idea #64 - Translation Bureau

When implementing such a business idea, it is worth considering the prospects of Ukraine becoming a member of the EU in the near future. This means that there will be even more opportunities for doing business in Europe. It is also possible that foreign investors will come to the country after the war. Under such conditions, requests for business correspondence, concluding contracts and processing various documents will increase several times.

In addition, translation bureaus are approached by those who plan to go abroad for work, study, apply for a temporary or permanent residence permit and citizenship. All documents are submitted in the state language and certified with an apostille. Simply knowing a foreign language is not enough, because we are talking about legal terminology and you need to know generally accepted standards. To open such a business, you will need highly qualified translators and an office space with the necessary office equipment. It would be nice to establish cooperation with immigration lawyers and companies that help collect a portfolio of documents for migrants. They can attract additional customers, for example, for a small percentage of profit. Such an idea for a business in Ukraine is promising, but you should be prepared to make a lot of effort to create a reputation and find ways to attract customers. You will need good advertising on specialized resources, a website, pages in social networks and customer recommendations.

Business idea # 65 - Trucking

The trucking business idea is always popular due to its demand and profitability. There are many large and medium-sized logistics operators on the market, so it is quite simple to find an order for a driver with your own transport.

First of all, you need to decide on the cars and specialization, for example: transportation within the city, country or abroad. Usually, for international transportation, it is more profitable to use trucks and tractors with trailers. In the city and within Ukraine - minibuses and small trucks.

Companies engaged in freight transportation usually have their own website, where customers can familiarize themselves with cars and prices. It is also recommended to create pages on social networks in order to always promptly answer questions from potential customers.

Business idea #66 - Service station services / car repair

One of the most popular business ideas of 2024 is opening a car service. It does not have to be a universal service station. You can provide individual types of services, such as car wash and tire fitting.

Although one tire replacement is still not enough, because this service is relevant for a short time and only twice a year. It is recommended to supplement it with, for example, adjusting the angles of installation of car wheels, camber-toeing and other types of work depending on skills and capabilities.

Competition in this segment is high, but there is always a queue of car owners lining up for qualified specialists. It is very important to develop a good reputation for the masters and the company as a whole.

For such a business, the best advertising is word of mouth. As a rule, in the environment of any person there are experienced motorists who will advise an experienced professional. This is exactly what you need to become so that you do not think about how to find customers, but focus on scaling the business.

Business Idea #67 - Street Food

The popularity of street food is constantly growing. In many ways, this is due to the wide variety of snacks, desserts and drinks. There are many different business ideas, but first you should pay attention to the quality of service, freshness of products, sterile cleanliness and the creation of a recognizable brand. With this approach, you can not be afraid of competition and set prices higher than the average market.

You can open a point of sale for the sale of classic hot dogs, shawarma, chebureks, burgers or come up with something interesting and unusual. For example, sell souvlaki (meat on skewers), cevapcici (an analogue of kebab), sushi sandwiches or organize a salad bar for dieters. Before implementing the idea, you need to decide on the format of the point and draw up a business plan taking into account the costs of buying or renting a kiosk, food truck or tent. You also need to think about what equipment you will need and where it will be profitable to buy products.

The location of the outlet affects profitability, so it is advisable to choose places with high traffic of people: the city center, business campuses, train stations, amusement parks. The range of dishes also depends on the location. For example, if the outlet is located near a university campus, a budget lunch will most likely be in demand. If there is a business center nearby, you can prepare more expensive dishes, for example, with seafood and exotic ingredients. Popcorn, cotton candy, desserts and ice cream sell well in children's parks.

Business idea #68 - Online store on the marketplace

This idea for an online business is profitable from all points of view. You do not need to pay for rent, water, heat and electricity. There is also no need for a large staff and the purchase of commercial equipment.

It is profitable for the marketplace to promote customer products and attract traffic to the resource. The earnings of such platforms consist mainly of royalties, so the more the client sells, the more the marketplace will earn. Such platforms are ideal intermediaries between sellers and buyers, and their work is built on care and guarantees of beneficial interaction of all parties.

Business idea #69 - Green tourism: how to make money on a rural estate

The deterioration of the ecological situation in cities, quarantine due to the coronavirus pandemic, and now even military operations are increasing the demand for rural recreation. In addition, it is more affordable compared to foreign tours.

According to rough estimates, the initial costs for equipping a dwelling with 8–10 rooms will be 300–500 thousand UAH. They will pay off by the third season of operation. To speed up this process, you can offer guests additional services, such as fishing, horseback riding, “quiet hunting”, etc.

Business Idea #70 - Own production of plant-based meat, a vegan alternative to meat products

The growing interest in a healthy lifestyle and sustainable development is causing the popularity of plant-based nutrition to increase. Consider the possibility of your own production of plant-based meat and vegan alternatives with the formation of a sales market through supermarkets.

Business Idea #71 - Interior Photo Studio

This business option has very good prospects and a share of customers. These areas have begun to be developed very actively in the regions, but there are enough customers for everyone. You can get a large number of customers not only through advertising, but also through creative design of the photo studio. You can not hire employees at first (I mean the administrator), and use the saved funds for advertising. It is best to use social networks with beautiful photos: Facebook, Instagram, etc. Then "word of mouth" will do this work for you.

You also need to approach the choice of premises responsibly. Take into account the technical condition, size of windows, ceiling height, etc. Territorially, it is better to place it in the center or nearby areas so that potential customers can get there both by car and by public transport. The economic side of customer distribution is important. Attendance for the photo studio needs to be divided evenly across all days of the week. For example, filling the schedule on weekends is quick, but on weekdays it is more difficult (many people work, so they need to take time off). You can use discounts and make a profit from the number of clients.

Business idea #72 - Private preschool education institution

All parents want the best for their child not only from school years, but also during preschool education. Given their sometimes not the best level of education, they understand the importance of this child's day - "to give what we didn't have."

You can choose many options for organizing classes. The main thing is to calculate everything well for the future business. For example, a large part of the technical support can incur considerable financial costs. Educational games and training require additional staff (teachers).

It is right to start with one direction, and then see what works better. The so-called "extended day group" is perfect, where children spend time together with games. For premises, you can consider the first floors of new buildings. Currently, most of these buildings are designed for rent as office space, shops, etc. And even in a multi-story building you can find your "target audience".

Business idea #73 - Franchise business

We have already talked about the options for opening a franchise business more than once. It is simply impossible to cover all areas, something new appears every year. And the areas are different, from the Nova Poshta branch to the French bakery "François", here you can choose according to your capabilities.

The whole essence of the model is the same: a person (franchisor) who grants the right to work under his brand (franchisee) for certain dividends. For example, you can choose a fast food brand and open such an institution in your city, using the bonuses of the promoted brand. You are provided with full support with the necessary documents to start work, business instructions and specifics of the case: what equipment is needed, supplier contacts, how to properly search for employees and properly organize their work. The terms of cooperation may differ in each case. Mostly, interest on profits (2-6%) is paid to the franchise owner. You can find a list of available offers on Google with the query "franchise catalog in Ukraine".

Business idea #74 - Business on Amazon

Imagine, Amazon is recognized as the most profitable site in the world, it brings creators crazy fees and is a unique platform for earning money. Many famous and currently successful businessmen started there, thanks to sales through Amazon. If you want to join their ranks, then feel free to register and choose a niche for earning money! Doing business through Amazon remotely is a given, the system employs more than 2 million residents from different countries of the world. The main feature of sales through the site is that it really works, is time-tested and has thousands of positive reviews. Every day, Amazon ships at least 3 million products. Amazon acts as an intermediary between you and the partner with whom you have decided to cooperate. Ukrainians see China as their main partner, thanks to a flexible sales system, low prices and discounts for wholesale customers.

Business idea #75 - Drilling wells

Having your own well is a really relevant business that can "enrich" a businessman. Artesian water extracted from wells will become a profitable product that requires a lot of expenses. For the arrangement and drilling of a well, it is necessary to allocate from 80,000 UAH. The business is ideal for those who have patience and are not aimed at a lightning-fast result. In such a business, it is important to conduct geodesy work extremely competently. It is necessary to study the soil and terrain, after which all work on the arrangement of the well should begin.

Business idea #76 - Food delivery

Self-isolation has taught people to use home delivery of products. Stores have opened, restrictions have been lifted, and there are still many fans of remote shopping. This is understandable: why waste time walking along the rows and dragging heavy packages yourself, if you can order everything you need in 10 minutes, and the products will be brought to your door? The popularity of such a service will certainly grow in 2025, experts say. In large cities, the niche is still occupied by large companies such as supermarkets, and in remote settlements the war for buyers is only heating up.

Business idea #77 - Telemedicine

The optimization of medicine, coupled with the increased workload on the remaining institutions, has led to the fact that it is not always easy for a person to get to the right specialist. The demand for remote medical consultations has increased over the past year. For example, in the spring, at the peak of quarantine measures, the telemedical service "Doctor Nearby" conducted up to 2,000 consultations per day. Since nothing portends an improvement in the situation with the availability of medical care in 2025, remote consultations can become a profitable business for a private doctor.

Business idea #78 - Children's sections and individual lessons

In Ukraine, the demand for the services of tutors in school subjects, music teachers and sports coaches is growing. So, according to analysts, there have been 56% more people wanting to play music, and 184% more people wanting to play sports. This is due to distance learning, the quality of which many parents doubt. And to the fact that adults are concerned about the sedentary lifestyle of children who are forced to spend days in front of gadget screens. If your specialty allows you to work with children, consider this business opportunity for yourself.

Business idea #79 - Ready-made food with delivery

According to the analytical agency INFOLine, the market for ready-made food with delivery has grown by 70% this year. This is not surprising: restaurants have been closed for a long time, and people who are not used to cooking have not begun to master the wisdom of culinary art. Many catering outlets have urgently switched to delivery mode, but even in large cities, not all addresses can be ordered. If you own a cafe or restaurant, you can improve your business by developing delivery. If you are just going to open, immediately take into account this feature of the market.

Business idea #80 - Pancake or pie shop

If we consider business ideas for 2025 with minimal investment, then fast food is a golden bottom with the right approach. To open your own pancake or pie shop, you will need a small room or a free-standing stall, as well as appropriate equipment. The assortment of a pancake or pie shop should include several offers: sweet products; products with meat; with dairy products;
with condensed milk; with jam; with caviar, etc. Pay attention! The demand for national fast food is consistently high, but the main thing is to choose the right place to place the point.

Places with high traffic will suit you: central streets and squares; large office buildings; markets, etc. A pancake shop can sell takeaway products or have its own small snack room. The second option will be more expensive to rent, but it can be combined with the sale of hot pastries, coffee, tea and other drinks. The average payback period for such a business is about 6 months.

Business idea #81 - Sports nutrition store

The category of the best business ideas of 2025 clearly includes stores that sell sports nutrition. Today, more and more Ukrainians are thinking about their health and are starting to play sports, visit gyms and various sections. Healthy eating is becoming fashionable, and with it sports nutrition, which allows you to quickly gain muscle mass and provide the body with the energy necessary for training. It is best to open a sports nutrition store near: sports clubs; gyms; or simply in a pedestrian area.

To start, you will need a room with an area of ​​​​at least 20 square meters, trading equipment (racks), a cash register and a laptop with appropriate accounting software, as well as products for sale. You can expand the range by adding sports equipment, which will increase your profit. The average markup in this business is 50%. If you trade independently, you can save on the seller's salary and taxes. In this case, the investments made will pay off in about 5-6 months. When hiring an employee, the payback will come in 7-9 months, depending on the volume of sales.

Business idea #82 - School of hairdressing, makeup and nail service

Creating such a school does not fall into the category of business ideas 2025 with minimal investment: the start-up capital required for opening is quite significant. But this business can become a good source of income for the long term and will open up broad prospects for you. This is the best option for entrepreneurs who already have their own beauty salon or provide similar services to the population.

At the school, you will conduct courses, teaching everyone the art of manicure, makeup and haircuts. The average cost of training is 2-4 thousand UAH per course, usually 8-10 people are engaged in a group. In a good school, groups are engaged every day in two shifts, and the average profit after deducting all taxes and rent of the premises is about 40 thousand UAH per month. You can increase your income in various ways: by selling cosmetics, providing beauty studio services, issuing certificates of completion of courses, etc.

Business idea #83 - “Man by the Hour” Service

Many modern people living in megacities do not have the time or opportunity to do household chores. Therefore, the “Man by the Hour” service is very popular, especially in large cities. To organize such a service, you will need a minimum of investments: collect a set of tools for repair, advertise on the Internet and start fulfilling orders. In the future, you can hire assistants to increase your income and process all existing applications.

What work will you have to do? As a rule, this is minor repairs: hanging a picture; fix a running faucet; insert a fallen outlet; fix a cornice, etc.

You can increase your profit by developing new areas: computer tuning, interior repairs, etc. Your business will be much more successful if you have your own car. In this case, you can keep the entire set of tools in it and arrive at the order as quickly as possible, without wasting time on public transport.

The payback of such a business is very fast: in fact, if you have a tool, you will recoup all your investments from one order. If you don’t have a tool, you will have to buy it, but in any case, you will spend very little compared to the profit you receive.

Business Idea #84 - Holiday Agency

If you like to organize various events, hold birthdays and corporate parties, then you should think about opening your own holiday agency. At the same time, at the initial stages you will practically not need any investments. It is enough to simply think over a few scenarios and advertise your services. Then it all depends on your talent, organizational skills and perseverance: word of mouth will quickly spread rumors about the agency, and you will be invited to hold children's parties, weddings and other events.

In the future, investments will still be needed: you will need to rent an office or work from home, purchase equipment, costumes and more. Along the way, you will need to establish connections with local artists, musicians, DJs, photographers, videographers, etc. to attract them to performances.

The holiday agency has very good prospects, which is why it is included in the best business ideas for 2025. You can create a whole network of such agencies, you can become the organizer of larger events, for example, concerts of local stars, etc. The profitability of the business directly depends on your skills - it can be 20-40 thousand UAH or more per month.

Business idea #85 - Self-service car wash

A self-service car wash is a promising business that will be in demand in large and small cities. Its principle is that the client washes his car himself, choosing the services he needs on the display and paying only for them. Many people prefer to wash their cars themselves, especially if this can be done on professional equipment. The equipment of a self-service car wash for 4 boxes costs about 2 million UAH. If the car wash works 5 hours a day, which is quite realistic to achieve, then all the costs incurred pay off in 16-18 months, after which the facility brings a stable profit.

Of course, this type of activity is difficult to classify as a business idea 2025 with minimal financial investments, but it is very promising.

Business idea #86 - Toy business

In Ukraine and other CIS countries, there is a tendency to have children at a more mature age - after 25 years. Most urban families already have an average or high income level by the time their first child is born. As a result, parents have become more selective in choosing toys. Instead of Chinese plastic items of dubious quality, they are ready to buy the following products: toys made from environmentally friendly materials: wood, natural fabrics, yarn; educational toys, including business cubes; soft handmade toys that reproduce children's drawings; animated costumes for holidays.

To implement a business idea, a minimum capital of 6-8 thousand UAH is required. Money will be needed to purchase materials, accessories, equipment, and advertising. Net profit will be from 4 thousand UAH. per month.

Business idea #87 - Blogging

Blogging is a creative way to earn money online without investment or with minimal investment. You can create a blog on your favorite topic, which you are well versed in, regularly write articles and get money in the following ways 2: place advertising: contextual, banner, teaser, selling texts; sell goods/services/infoproducts of partners for a certain % or your own (for example, handmade).

Some still earn by collecting donations, but this is a so-so option. Blogs on Instagram have become especially popular recently. The profit of top bloggers exceeds 1 million UAH. per month. But even a small blog with useful content and a traffic of 1000 people per day is able to bring 7-10 thousand UAH. per month.

Business Idea #88 - 3D Printing

Now a new 3D printer in the amateur segment can be bought for 8-20 thousand UAH. And then with its help you can make the following items to order: stylish jewelry and accessories; toys, souvenirs; dishes; mobile phone cases; medical products.

3D printing is a business idea with a quick payback. If you choose the right direction and do not spare money on advertising, your investments will return to you in 3-4 months.

Business Idea #89 - Takeaway Coffee

In 2020, due to the global pandemic, “takeaway coffee” took over megacities and spread throughout the country. The difficult year of 2022 for Ukraine made its adjustments. However, in 2025, the trend will resume and continue its growth, because with the modern rhythm of life, this is the most relevant format for the coffee business. Coffee shops are taking root even in small front-line towns. Coffee market statistics prove that “takeaway coffee” as a business is a fairly profitable idea that will suit a novice entrepreneur. To get started, you will need minimal investment.

In order for a coffee shop to bring profit from the first months of opening, it is better to open in the fall. After all, selling coffee is a seasonal business that is popular in the cold season. But you should not close your outlet for the summer. Add various coffee-based cocktails to the menu. Today, such a culture of coffee consumption has been formed that many people drink it every day.

Business idea #90 - Construction company and construction

Construction in general and interior decoration in particular is a very profitable business. There is always a demand for living space, as well as a demand for comfort. Therefore, opening a construction company is a type of business that, if properly planned, will bring the owner significant income. But before opening a construction company, it is worth considering that there is very serious competition in this area.

Construction is a difficult, but very profitable business. The main thing is to set a goal for yourself and, adequately assessing your capabilities at the beginning of the journey, develop the scale of your activity. Do not rush and do not take on work that is not yet within your power. Enlist the support of excellent specialists in the staff of your construction company and look for honest partners.

Business Idea #91 - Sewing Bed Linen

In advance, choose the price category in which you will work - medium, high or low. This will affect the cost of sewing and the quality of the fabric. It is best to choose the medium category. It has an excellent combination of quality and price. The average cost of a set (for sale, not cost price) is from $ 15 to $ 50. You can start such a business in your own home. In this case, you will have to spend $ 1,500 on equipment, advertising, and fabric purchase. When things go "uphill", you can hire a seamstress and rent a room for work and storage of finished sets.

Business Idea #92 - Mini-cheese factory

A mini-cheese factory is a cheese-making business. It is suitable for farms that breed cattle and have a surplus of milk. This is profitable, since you do not need to purchase raw materials or rent additional premises. The main advantage is waste-free production, because certain types of cheese are made from whey. Also, the same equipment can be used to make different cheeses. A mini-cheese factory does not require a large area - 30 sq. m. is enough for production. The main thing is to correctly distribute the premises: a working area, a warehouse for storage and drying, a room for staff.

A mini-cheese factory is a promising and profitable business, because natural products are valued and are becoming increasingly popular among people who care about their health. The average markup on cheese made from cow's milk is up to 90%, and from goat's milk - over 120%.

Business Idea #93 - Growing Medicinal Plants

Successful ideas for small agribusiness are also associated with growing medicinal plants. Ukrainian lands are adapted for this, and therefore the profitability will be high. So, if you own even a small plot of land, you can get high profits. To start, you can plant medicinal plants on a small area from 10 acres to 10 hectares.

This area requires more special knowledge and skills than growing vegetable crops. In order for the plant to sprout, you need to properly prepare the soil and retain moisture. The choice of crop depends on the characteristics of the soil, so it is first important to conduct its analysis.

The profitability of growing medicinal plants can reach 122%. It all depends on the area, characteristics of the crop and the volume of the harvest. For example, growing stinging nettle in the first year gives 44% profit, and in the third year - 122%. To export products, you need to obtain certificates of EU Organic Standard, HACCP, USDA NOP and others.

Business idea #94 - Real estate agency

Many construction companies, in order to expand their business and get a better idea of ​​the requests of potential clients for certain types of housing, open their own real estate agency in parallel with the construction company. Thus, the entire process of "construction-sale/rent" is concentrated in one hand, which both speeds up the sale of the constructed housing and saves on the involvement of third-party agencies. Of course, not all real estate agencies have their own construction sites - rather, this is a positive exception to the successful construction business. But opening a real estate agency as a separate business project is also an extremely promising business, given the saturation of the real estate market with unsold housing. For success, you will absolutely need negotiation skills and the ability to sell. Prepare in advance - undergo appropriate training and education, work for some time as an employee in one of these agencies.

Business idea #95 - Sauce production

Sauce production is a business for true gourmets. If you feel a desire to cook, experiment and delight others with unusual recipes for various dishes, then this business is for you. You can start a sauce production business at home, with minimal capital investment. To do this, you need to purchase the necessary equipment, ingredients and start experimenting with flavors. After developing the recipe, we proceed to the implementation of the first trial batches. The implementation of a business idea on an enterprise scale will require much larger initial capital investments. Read more about the features of this business idea in the instruction material on how to start making sauces under your own brand at home.

Business Idea #96 - Hookah

The hookah business, after the change in Ukrainian legislation in 2014 on the ban on smoking in public places and in the current situation with the coronavirus pandemic, is undergoing its next transformation. Some experts have already managed to make loud statements that the coronavirus epidemic will simply destroy this business and it simply has no future. However, there are those who claim that this situation will only benefit the hookah market. They say that underground establishments with poor-quality service and conditions will disappear, and professional hookahs with certified products and high-quality service that will meet modern realities will capture the market. And it’s hard to disagree with this, because there are connoisseurs and their demand must be satisfied. Read about all the nuances of the business in our material on how to open a hookah in the Arabic style.

Business Idea #97 - Jewelry Store

Jewelry is something that has not gone out of fashion for thousands of years. As one song by a famous group in the post-Soviet space sang, “The best friends of all girls are diamonds,” and you can’t argue with that. The beautiful half of humanity loves jewelry made of gold, silver, and precious stones without a second thought. The jewelry business pulls millions of foreign currency out of the pockets of Ukrainians and brings huge profits to its owners. To start selling gold or precious stones, you need considerable start-up capital. However, if your desires do not yet match your capabilities, we recommend starting with selling high-quality jewelry. For detailed instructions, see our article on how to open a jewelry store from scratch.

Business Idea #98 - Production of Eco-Products – a Trend for Business in 2025

The trend for environmental friendliness and a wide variety of eco-products has firmly established itself and has not subsided in the last few years. Here are some options for eco-business: biodegradable dishes; shoppers and shopping bags; natural cosmetics without parabens; eco-stationery; clothing redesign.

If you have the resource base and skills, you can create eco-products or engage in reselling on the Internet.

Business Idea #99 - Medical Transport

Did you know that most cities lack ambulances? Therefore, private medical transport is becoming popular. Services are provided to disabled or sick people who need a car to get from the hospital to their home or between healthcare facilities.

The level of difficulty in the business is assessed as difficult due to the high initial costs. A properly prepared car with medical equipment can cost hundreds of thousands of hryvnias. However, if you are a paramedic or have a similar medical education, it is worth considering this idea for a business. There are not many companies of this type on the market that meet the needs, and there are great chances of a quick return on investment.

Business idea #100 - Board games and everything that comes from it

In addition to the fact that you can buy and sell board games on social networks and in real stores, you can develop your own board game. Or you can create a board game club.

Or you can make a box of board games (in one box - cards, dominoes, chess, backgammon, monopoly, mafia, etc.) and sell it via the Internet. Such business ideas during the war in the country are a way to distract yourself a little both for those who are in the barracks and for those who are on a “home” vacation.

Business idea #101 - Greeting cards

Let's consider the possibility of organizing your own business in the field of printing. For example, creating a company that will produce printed products from cardboard - greeting cards and gift bags.

The printing business is not just an order-print scheme. The one who orders printing products should receive not only high-quality printing, but also an interesting design. Therefore, the main figure in your business will be a designer. And your profit will depend on how creative this specialist is.

An important point will be the organization of a product sales system, one of the options may be going to shopping malls and selling postcards at special stands.


TOP-100 business ideas, small business in Ukraine: which business to start in 2025

What will be the best business idea in 2025 and 2026? Ideas for business in Ukraine 2025. TOP-100 business ideas 2025 in Ukraine. The best ideas for a startup and starting a business in Ukraine in 2025. The best ideas for business 2025. Business idea rating 2025-2026. TOP-100 promising ideas for starting a business in 2026. The best ideas for creating a small and medium business. The most profitable business in Ukraine. Business ideas on the Internet. Business ideas during the war between Ukraine and Russia.

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