ID: 12063


Investment projects and startups in Ukraine

Mineral water bottling plant for sale

Raising capital ($1,75 mln) for expansion of bottling mineral water production from the mountain springs in the Carpathians of Ukraine


Ивано-Франковская область, Украина

  • Sector: Food processing
  • Business activity: Beverage production
  • Stage: Growth or Expansion
  • Required investments: $1 750 000
  • Type of investment:
  • Share in capital: 49%

Company management:

  • Two cofounders
  • Established the company in 2004 and successfully developed it
  • Production and reliable distribution channels were created from scratch
  • Sales are growing rapidly
  • Sales peaked, but further growth is limited by the capacity of production line


1. Spring water

2. Carbonated spring water

3. Own brand and bottling under Private Label

The benefits of spring water:

- Spring water is not chlorinated, not ozonized, it does not have various additives and supplements

- Mechanical filtration allows it to preserve its own natural properties

- Spring water is saturated with oxygen

- There is no need to boil the spring water – it is natural water

- Great taste

Various packaging - 0.5 liter, 1.5l, 6l, 19l

Competitive advantages:

  • The highest source in Ukraine - a unique offer
  • The height of 630 meters and 850 meters above sea level - the unique properties
  • Excellent taste - customer loyalty
  • Environmentally clean (from the natural conservation area) - a guarantee of water quality
  • Interest of largest retailers Ukraine - existing channels
  • Growing demand even in a crisis - a business model that has proved its viability

Water sales channels today

- Famous retail chains
- Vodka brand No 1
- Industrial customers and local market

Market share is approximately equal to "Bonaqua” one – produced by the global leader – The Coca-Cola company

Major market trends:

  • Water consumption is gradually increasing even in a crisis
  • Shrinking premium segment of imported water
  • Reduction of imported water and increase of Ukrainian waters consumption
  • Consumer tastes are changing in favor of ecologically clean and non-carbonated water
  • Prices of water gradually increasing
  • Huge opportunity of high quality water export to EU countries
  • Growing demands for water quality

Efficient Company:

  • There are all necessary licenses (20 years) and permits (for 7 years)
  • Manufacturing gained certificates: ISO 22000, HACCP
  • There are approved supplies and water flow rates - in available sources that can be developed

Needed a new bottling and packaging line (12 thousand bottles/ hour)

  • Automatic and powerful line will give the following savings:

- Payroll reduction

- Reduced power consumption

- Reduced production costs per bottle

  • The new powerful line will enable annual production of water grossing 240 million UAH in annual sales

Financial position, UAH



Gross revenue

49.6 Mio


8.2 Mio

Net revenue

41.3 Mio


13.7 Mio

Net profit

12.95 Mio




14 Mio

Turnover ratio of equity


Basic indicators of the project according to business plan for 5 years, UAH



Required Investment

39.5 Mio

Annual gross revenue

240 Mio

Accumulated net income (5 years)

185.5 Mio

Net cash flow (5 years)

161.2 Mio

Payback period

1.5 years

Internal rate of return (IRR)




Return on equity (average for 5 years)


Rate of investment (ROI)



86 Mio

The first 100 days of the project

  • Dismantling of the old and installing the new water bottling and packaging lines
  • Supply to retail chains in the Ukraine
  • Test delivery to the selected EU retailers (after 6 months)

Growth capitalization

  • DCF model relies on the capitalization level of 96.7 Mio
  • Total sales for 5 years will reach 1.2 billion Mio (240 Mio UAH per year)
  • Dividends may be paid starting from the 2nd year


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