ID: 31180


Investment projects and startups in Ukraine

Project for the production of sunflower dry lecithin BIOLEX

An unfinished project of low-tonnage deep processing of agricultural raw materials for the production of BIOLEX dry lecithin in the Kharkiv region for sale


Bogodukhovsky district, Kharkiv region, Ukraine

  • Sector: Food processing
  • Business activity: Production of other food products
  • Stage: Early Stage
  • Project cost: $2 250 000
  • Type of investment: Equity

The project is designed to process 5 mt of phosphatide concentrate per day (1500 mt of phosphatide concentrate per hour with the production of 1000 mt of dry lecithin powder and 450 mt of extractable sunflower oil). Powdered lecithin can be produced with a high degree of purity, which makes it preferable for use in sensitive areas such as pharmaceuticals or high-quality food products.

The technological process includes receiving, storing the phosphatide concentrate, cleaning it, extracting phosphatides with an organic solvent, drying the powder from moisture and solvent, regenerating the solvent, and packaging the finished product.

Current status of project implementation:

  • Investments mastered: EUR 3,300,000 / 80% of the total project cost
  • Additional required investments in production start-up: 0.8 million EUR
  • Target performance indicators of the project (according to the financial model): payback period up to 2 years. Economic calculations are available upon request.
  • A foreign investor suspended the financing of the project due to military actions in Ukraine.

General information

Modern food technologies provide for the use of lecithin (E 322) as a technological additive (emulsifier, instantizer, stabilizer, thinner, water absorber, etc.) in the production of a wide range of food products such as mayonnaise, margarine, spreads, ice cream, chocolate and other confectionery and bakery products , minced meat and sausages, breakfast cereals, baby food. The need for lecithin for food industry enterprises is constantly increasing. Among the lecithins presented on the market, the product obtained from soybean seeds prevails, more than 90% of which is genetically modified.

Large world food producers declare their refusal to use GMO components, therefore they completely switch to the use of sunflower lecithins.

Sunflower lecithin (standardized liquid and powder) is a product of processing/processing of phosphatide concentrate, which in turn is obtained during the production of sunflower oil.

The product is fully export-oriented.

Powdered sunflower lecithin has a number of key advantages that make it important for various industries:

1. Food industry.

Lecithin serves as an emulsifier that helps mix fatty and water components of products, improving their texture and stability. The powder form is convenient for adding to dry products, such as flour products, confectionery and many others.

2. Pharmaceutical industry.

Lecithin is often used in the production of medicines and supplements as an excipient to improve the stability and bioavailability of active ingredients.

3. Cosmetic industry.

Lecithin can be included in creams, lotions and other cosmetics as a moisturizer, emulsifier or sealant.

Resistance to oxidation: compared to liquid lecithin, the powder form has greater resistance to oxidation, which increases the shelf life and reduces the likelihood of product spoilage.

Overview of the market of raw materials and finished products and logistics

1. Raw materials

The raw material is food-grade phosphatide concentrate (СНХ-1), which is produced by the main producers of crude sunflower oil (CSU). The total volume of production of phosphatide concentrate of different quality in Ukraine may amount to 15-20 thousand tons

The price of phosphatide concentrate, depending on the season, varies from 400 to 2,500 EUR per ton of phosphatide concentrate, depending on the season (phospholipid content 60%)

2. Product

1) Powder (dry) lecithin (96-97% phosphate content). The main market is the EU. Price (depending on the season and quality): 6,000 - 12,000 EUR / mt.

2) Extraction sunflower oil – regular price on the market.

The cost of processing 1 mt of phosphatide concentrate, depending on the quality of the incoming phosphatide concentrate, is 1000 - 2000 EUR / mt.

3. Logistics

A feature of the phosphatide concentrate is its high viscosity at normal temperatures. Phosphatide concentrate is delivered from the manufacturers' factories in bulk at a temperature of 60°C in tankers equipped with thermal insulation. In this regard, the minimum term of delivery of raw materials is important.

4. Personnel

Required personnel: 35–55 people depending on the number of shifts (available within a radius of 1.5 km - 50 km depending on the category of personnel).

Production site

Location: Kharkiv region, Bogodukhovsky district, Kovyagi (8 km from highway M-03 Kyiv-Kharkiv, Valky)

Land plot: 2.76 ha

Purpose of the site: land for industry, transport, communication

Land use status: lease until 2045

The plot of land is located at the legally required distance from residential buildings. On the territory of the land plot there is an active railway line of the Kovyagy station.


  • Electricity - own TP 10-0.4 per 1000 KW
  • Water is a well, debit of 5 m3 per day is standard
  • Sewerage - own treatment facilities (2020 construction)
  • Asphalted road to the site
  • Railway tracks
  • Internet

Buildings and structures:

  • Production building with a total area of 2,400 sq.m., of which: 1,200 sq.m. equipped for production (according to all standards of food and production safety, including spark safety, electrically conductive floors, ventilation); 1200 m2 is used as a warehouse.
  • Building of administartion and production laboratory - 325 m2 (the building is equipped with autonomous heating).
  • The laboratory is fully equipped.
  • The composition of materials is 350 m2.
  • Modular TP - 1000 kW.
  • Modular gearbox.
  • Modular steam boiler room (fuel - pellets).
  • Modular hot water boiler (fuel - pellets).
  • Underground fire tank.
  • Underground storage of liquid components - double-walled tanks.
  • Grounding and lightning protection system.
  • The territory is completely fenced with a concrete fence, has a solid surface - concrete slabs and asphalt.

Main and auxiliary equipment (2019-2021 production):

  • Capacitive park from stainless steel, vacuum rotary dryer, filter press, separators.
  • Stainless steel heat exchangers.
  • Plant for generating food grade nitrogen type PSA NOXERIOR NS28 (main and reserve) 30 m3/hour +30 m3/hour (residual oxygen 0.1%).
  • Mattei compressors.
  • Cooling unit - chiller 700 kW (+4- +9 °С) YORK.
  • The cooling unit is a 17 kW (-25-20 °C) Termocom low-temperature chiller.
  • Vacuum installation (2 screw-type vacuum pumps Ex EVP-vacuum 100 m3/h).
  • Food grade stainless steel materials – pipes, pipeline elements, valves of different types and diameters.
  • Stainless steel filters.
  • Ex pumps of various types and capacities, including pumps with a magnetic drive.
  • A set of laboratory equipment.
  • A specialized food-grade spark-safe polymer floor of the production room.
  • System of basic and emergency ventilation Ex.
  • Rectification column made of stainless steel.
  • Loader - 2.5 tons.
  • The steam module of KU is 900 kg of steam per hour. (fuel - pellets).
  • Thermal modular KU - 630 kW. (fuel - pellets).
  • A set of electrotechnical equipment, including control cabinets for electric motors on frequency converters.
  • The site, cable routes and automation of the backup input of the diesel generator.

Intangible assets:

  • BIOLEX trademark with rights for Ukraine and the European Union.
  • License to work with precursors.
  • Documentation for audit according to the FSSC 22000 standard.

Sale price: 3,000,000 EUR - 30% discount



Алексей Олейников

[email protected] +380677136571

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