Zhytomyr Region Development Agency
It is initiated by Zhytomyr Region State Administration and Zhytomyr Regional Council. The aim of the Agency is simplification of business processes, implementation of new investment projects. Zhytomyr Region Development Agency is a reliable support for your business: it investigates investors’ needs and demands, offers a proper and profitable investment object, provides legal, organizational and technical investor’s support, mediation and crisis management services.
1 Korolyova Sq., of 401, Zhytomyr 10014, Ukraine
Tel.:+ (380) 97 016 71 85
Email: info@zrda.org
Web: zrda.org
WHY Zhytomyr Region
Logistics and connection
European quality Kyiv-chop M06/E40 highway. Approximate travel time to Kyiv main airports: Zhuliany 1,5 hour and Boryspil 2,5 hours. Available local airport Zhytomyr-Smokivka (is being launched). West direction 4-8 hour truck distance to the border; close to east-west transit roads; north: border with Belarus 175 km. 2 municipal industrial parks and one private are being developed.
Zhytomyr region is rich in natural resources. In comparison with other regions of Ukraine, it is: the 4th region in the rank in forests growth (30% of its territory); the 1st region in the rank in timber stocks. Zhytomyr region has: 80% of titanium ore deposits and quartzite; 187 proven peat deposits (only 3 are working); 85% of stone and granite mining and processing; 90% of labradorite and gabbro deposits; 160 land plots of Greenfield and Brownfield for investing; 52% of agricultural lands.
Labor potential and HR qualification
Average monthly salary is 153 USD (2016, by NBU ExRate). 63,7% employment of working age people and unemployment rate (ILO meth.) is 11,7% or 171 thous. people or 105 people work-force load at 10 vacancies.
High qualification professional s available: 15 professional schools and colleges; 4 State Universities (+private Universities); 244 MA/MSc Students; 17 PhD students.
80-100 future IT-professionals graduate annually from 2 Zhytomyr State Universities. Additionally 3 IT schools provide IT-education. ~ 1500 professional are working in IT sphere in Zhytomyr; ~ 30 IT-companies are active as of now.
Zhytomyr region is rich in its cultural heritage, historical and natural sightseeing: 36 museums; 917 libraries, 1036 club institutions; 32 stadiums; 50 gyms; 2000 sports grounds; 8 pools; wellness centers; sanatoriums etc.
Hotels in Zhytomyr region - multiple choice at reasonable price: new or renovated, big capacity or family, international or Ukrainian-style, in-city or country located. A 4* International network Hotel with 34 local (Ukraine municipal centers) hotels and 5 hotels abroad with high quality conference facilities and restaurants.
Easy and quick commuting almost in all regions localities: automobile, rail roads, public transport are in all locations. Easy to pay in municipal (Zhytomyr) public transport (most of the transport is equipped with payment terminals, where electronic ticket, Visa contactless card is accepted and other payment card if available.
State medical institutions (medical outpatience clinics in villages) provide good quality medical service in every locality of the region. Private clinics are working in the main region centers and provide all kinds of high quality medical and dental service
98 countries invest in Zhytomyr region. The most active are Netherlands, Germany, Poland, Italy. (Estimated data, which may differ depending on conditions). 222,5 mln USD foreign direct investments (FDI) as of Dec. 31, 2016. ~430 companies with foreign investments /joint ventures work in the region.
FDI and examples of successful projects in Zhytomyr region+
FDI by business directions, (%):
36,2 % rubber, plastic, other non-metal mineral products manufacture; 24,4% other branches; 7,8% textile, leather, other materials production, clothing, leather goods, 6,3% wood products, paper, print production; 6,0% furniture, machinery, equipment production and service; 5,9% food, beverages and tobacco goods production; 5,8% motor vehicles and motorcycles retail sales and service; 3,8% real estate; 3,8% mining and quarrying development.
Cersanit Invest
A production enterprise, produces tiles and ceramics, Group Cersanit, Poland. “Cersanit Invest” is one of the biggest manufacturers of the tiles and ceramics in Ukraine, Cersanit and Opoczno brands. Capacity: 12 mln m2 of tile/ 2 mln pcs of sanitary ceramics, working places: 1200, project costs: 140 mln EURO.
Eurogold Industries LTD
Production of consumer goods: ironing boards, laundry dryers, step ladders, covers for ironing board, Austria. Foreign Enterprise “Eurogold Industries Ltd” started its activity in 2002 year. Being one of the biggest exporters in Zhytomyr region, its goods share for export is ~85%. Working places: ~1200, operating machines: 460, annual production: 3 500 000 units.
Production, wiring systems for the automotive industry, Germany. Enterprise “Kromberg&Schubert” produces wiring systems and harnesses for VW, BMW, Audi, Mercedes cars. There are 40 enterprises and more than 48 000 associates all over the world. It started its activity in Zhytomyr in 2016. Working places: ~2000.
Agriculture, plant growing and stockbreeding, a cluster of agricultural enterprises since 2011; “Rise” is a part of “UkrLandFarming” group since 2012. As of now is deals with seeds, equipment, agri technics, logistics. Plant growing and cattle breeding are the directions in Zhytomyr region. 46 000 hectares of farmland, 5000 cattle herds, 15 cattle farms (13 milk, 2 meat production).
Korosten MDF manufactory
Industry, wood products production, private company. The main direction of “Korosten MDF manufactory” is MDF and HDF boards, laminate floor, lumber production. The plant consists of modern production lines, a large warehouse and transportation networks. The manufactory uses German technologies: Siempelkamp, Wemhoner and Homag which guarantees high quality and accordance to EN622-5 European standards. Capacity: 900 m3 per day, working places: 550 people. Additional facilities: a new separate investment project - Rezult brand planks (wood processing cluster brand).
Zhytomyr region prospective areas and projects
- Mining
- Energy supply
- Agriculture
- Wood products processing
- Industrial production
- Construction
- Recreation, tourism
- Industrial parks
Energy supply. Solar Power Station Construction, 10 MW
Address: Ruzhyn, Zhytomyr region
Possible capacity: 10 MW
Estimated investment volume: $ 10 000 000
Approximate payback period: 5 years
Profitability est.: 17%
Wood products processing. Pellet plant functioning
Address: 219 Skvyrska Str., Zarichya village, Ruzhyn district
A modern plant construction for wood pellet production. A sawmill premises.
Posible capacity (annually): 4 500 tons
Estimated investment volume: $ 300 000
Approximate payback period: 3 years
Profitability est.: 35%
Recreation, tourism. “Ukraine” hotel complex reconstruction
Address: 3, Kyivska Str., Zhytomyr
Hotel functioning in Zhytomyr downtown
Estimated investment volume: $ 612 600
2 stages: 1 stage – $395 000
2 stage: $217 600
Approximate payback period: 3,5 years
Profitability est.: 29.1%
Agriculture. Blueberry cultivation
Address: Nova Borova vill., Khoroshiv district, Zhytomyr region
Estimated investment volume: $ 1 200 000
Approximate payback period: 2 years (after 5 years when the bushes are ready, and within the next 20 years – depending on the berries sort)
Profitability est.: 66,6%
Industrial park. Zhytomyr-East Industrial park development
Address: 44-D Kyivske Shose (Highway)
The land plot is located in Zhytomyr outskirt and has excellent capacity for transportation: 5 km to Kyiv - Chop E40 highway close to multilevel traffic junction M06/E40; 1 km Zhytomyr; 130 km Kyiv; 97 km Novohrad-Volynskyi distance; 3 km to Zhytomyr railway; 0,5 km to airport.
Land plot area: 24 hectares
Possible capacity: 1200 working places
Estimated investment volume: $ 100 000 000
Other projects:
Industrial park – Korosten Industrial park development, Recreation - “Polissya” Sanatoria Complex /Wellness Center Reconstruction, Construction / Logistic center - Logistic center construction in Glybochytsya, Mining / granite - Organization of the enterprise for gravel /crushed stone production on the basis of existent granite deposit, Airport reconstruction - Airport “Zhytomyr-Smokivka” re-construction, Agriculture products processing enterprise - Flax processing.
Please follow the link to download the full version of the Investment brochure of Zhytomyr region: http://zrda.org/articles/investors.html