Alternative Energy Club conducts meeting

Alternative Energy Club conducts meeting

Business breakfast of the Alternative Energy Club took place on December 15 in the frames of preparations for the Alternative Energy Week to be held on 13-16 May, 2017

A round table format of the meeting helped the participants to talk and share opinions in a friendly and informal atmosphere in Mille Miglia café of Radisson Blue hotel.

The main purpose of the meeting of the club was to meet each other and share experience between European experts of the energy sector and domestic representatives of the business interested in alternative energy. The participants of the business breakfast talked about current state of affairs, problems and prospects for development of alternative energy sector in Ukraine.

Alternative Energy Club conducts meeting

A keynote speaker Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Finland to Ukraine Juha Virtanen delivered a presentation called Alternative Energy: ecology or business. Drawing parallels with Ukraine, he was very pleased with the high interest of Ukrainian business sector to alternative energy.

The share of clean energy reached 29.2% in Finland in 2012. In a very short period of time, Finland has become one of the leading countries in the development of new types of economy; bioenergy in particular. Already, a quarter of the countrys energy is produced from biomass. In addition, these technologies help to significantly reduce waste and emissions.

Over the next decade, Finland intends to increase the share of renewable energy in the total energy mix to more than 50%. The government of Finland will allocate EUR 80mln during 2017-2018 in order to support sustainable development in the energy sector for the bio-fuel projects and other new technologies to reach the climate change goals by 2030. In the meantime, the renewable energy will reach more than 50% during 2020th, while self-sufficient systems to account at 55% of the total. 

After the presentation, Mr. Virtanen answered numerous questions of the participants; where among other things he outlined the positive prospects for Ukraine in alternative energy; he also explained the principles of "green tariff" in Finland; and spoke about state support for renewable energy in the EU.    

Alternative Energy Club conducts meeting

Among the participants were the counselor of the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands Carolin Spaans, Head of Trade and investment Promotion Section at Polish Embassy in Ukraine Bartosz Musialowicz along with owners and the CEOs of Ukrainian companies that carry business activities in alternative projects.

During the breakfast, the participants could talk with each other in informal atmosphere, exchange business cards, and discuss interesting topics and prospects for partnership and cooperation.

Summarizing the talks of the event, the organizers thanked all the visitors of the Club for active participation in the discussions and invited them to the next meeting to take place in January 2017. Business breakfast made pleasant impressions. All those present appreciated the format where useful information is combined with pleasant social atmosphere, so guests left the restaurant in high spirits.

Business breakfasts of Alternative Energy Club are a preparatory stage for holding Alternative Energy Week, which will take place on13-16 March, 2017. Henceforward, such meetings will be held monthly. The target audience includes owners, managers and top managers, ambassadors and representatives of the European diplomats who are engaged in the renewable energy sector. The topics of future discussions will be solar energy, bio-energy, wind energy, and alternative energy for the housing infrastructure.