Businessman Alexander Yaroslavskiy to participate in privatization bid for chemical major Odessa Port Plant

Businessman Alexander Yaroslavskiy to participate in privatization bid for chemical major Odessa Port Plant

DCH group associated with tycoon Alexander Yaroslavskiy has informed

DCH group informed that one of the shareholding companies of DCH group Glenshee Holdings Ltd  filed for privatization bid with State Securities Commmission for ammonia and carbamide producer Odessa Port Plant.

As of present, the company carries economic and legal research of the deal prospects. At this, it has become public that private joint stock company Ukrnaftoburinnia associated with Igor Kolomoyskiy and MP Vitaliy Khomutynnik.

To remind, Odessa Port Plant auction procedures were approved by the governments for 99.567% shares on 19 October. The reserved price is set at UAH 5.16bn (USD 200mln).