Chernovetskiy Investment Fund sells its US CartFresh

Chernovetskiy Investment Fund sells its US CartFresh

US GVMachines Inc bought CartFresh operating in the USA being part of from Ukraine

Chernovetskiy Investment Fund sold CartFresh to US GVMachines. The US investor sees big potential in Ukrainian business proxy of in the USA.

Chernovetskiy Investment Fund sells its US CartFresh

In the meantime, Chernovetskiy Investment Fund increased its share in operating in Ukrainian market. The investment fund, associated with Leonid Chernovetskiy the former mayor of capital Kyiv city, plans to focus on more familiar markets of Eastern Europe and Ukraine. The company wishes to scale up its business operations and improve operational management at the first place. As of present, is a leading food delivery service. The platform services shopping orders from major supermarkets of AUCHAN, NOVUS, METRO, and FOZZY in Ukraine.  To remind, Chernovetskiy Investment Fund invests in several interesting food tech projects, like FOODOUT, Zakaz, and InnerChef.