DTEK will build the largest wind farm in Ukraine in the Poltava region

DTEK will build the largest wind farm in Ukraine in the Poltava region

DTEK received the first plots of land for lease for the construction of a wind farm from the Globin territorial community, Poltava region

As reported by DTEK, the company went through the necessary procedures for the approval and approval of urban planning documentation at the local level to continue the implementation of the Poltava Wind Power Plant project.

It is emphasized that the company received a positive response from the architectural and urban planning council at the department of construction, urban planning and architecture, housing and communal services and energy of Poltava VV regarding the detailed site plan (DTP) for the construction, operation and maintenance of Poltava wind power plant with an estimated design capacity of 650 MW.

At the session of the Globinsk City Council, a decision was made to lease the first plots of communally owned land to DTEK - 120 plots with an approximate area of ​​205 hectares.

DTEK and the Globin City Council have already agreed and signed land lease agreements and registered lease rights in the State Register of Real Estate Rights.

A package of documents was also submitted to NEC "Ukrenergo" for obtaining technical conditions for connecting 650 MW of capacity to the network of the national operator.

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