Due to pressure, the energy company EDS Ukraine plans to curtail investments and leave Ukraine

Due to pressure, the energy company EDS Ukraine plans to curtail investments and leave Ukraine

A group of high-tech energy companies have suspended their investment in a new plant in Ukraine and plans to transfer production to Czechia

This is stated in a statement published on the Facebook page of the EDS Ukraine company.

It is noted that at the beginning of this year, it planned large-scale investments in the construction of a new workshop for the production of transformers and chargers for high-power electric vehicles. The products were planned to be sold not only in Ukraine, but also in the Eurozone, in the future, entering the US market was considered.

The first stage provided for the construction of a 4,000-square-meter workshop this year, which was supposed to be operational next year. In 2025, it was also planned to start the construction of a second such workshop to expand production.

The company claims that the total amount of investment in the project with a payback of 5 years was supposed to be almost $8,000,000 by 2026, it was planned to attract 160 employees and pay 40-45 million UAH in taxes per year.

At the current stage, EDS Ukraine notes, they have already purchased a plot of land, completed the development phase and received all the necessary permits for construction. Having found financing for the first stage at the expense of its own funds and loans from partner banks, the company has almost finished designing the workshop.

"However, last week there were searches in the group's offices and in the residences of managers and employees. Shock? Yes! Because in the 15 years of the company's existence, this is the first case of searches.

In order to preserve the secrecy of the investigation, we will not divulge any details, but we believe that this is pressure on business. By the way, as our experience shows, compliance with the requirements for the work we perform and the lawyers involved in the process are groundless.

They began to study the possibility of creating this project in the Eurozone. After all, taking into account the new risks, the prospect of investing in Ukraine becomes even more risky," the statement said.

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