List of Ukrainian factories plundered by Russia in the occupied territories

List of Ukrainian factories plundered by Russia in the occupied territories

Here is a partial list of Ukrainian enterprises in the occupied territories of Donetsk and Luhansk regions that succumbed to looting by Russia

Stakhanov Ferroalloy Plant

JSC "Stakhanovskiy Ferroalloy Plant" has been specializing in the production of silicon alloys for more than 45 years and is the largest producer of ferrosilicon in Ukraine. Thanks to the reconstruction carried out, the plant produces not only silicon alloys, but since 2004 also manganese alloys.

The enterprise has 8 electric arc furnaces with a capacity of about 2 thousand tons of products per month each.
At the moment, the plant sells only 58.8% of its products in Ukraine, and 41.2% - in the near and far abroad. The main consumers of our ferroalloys are Russia, Uzbekistan, Belarus, Turkey, Slovakia, Sweden, Romania, Moldova, Germany and other EEC countries.

The Stakhanov Ferroalloy Plant is located in the eastern part of the Donbass on the lands of the city fund of the city of Stakhanov, Lugansk region.

Condition: on the territory of the militant base, part of the equipment was removed.

Stakhanov Carriage Works

OAO Stakhanov Carriage Works is a large enterprise that has been developing and manufacturing freight railcars since 1965. Products comply with interstate standards, state standards of Ukraine (DSTU), international and European standards, and are also certified in the SS FZhT system.
Stakhanov Carriage Works is the only enterprise in Ukraine that can produce transport systems specially designed for transporting heavy-duty power transformers and spent nuclear fuel from nuclear power plants by rail.

Seven assembly lines of the plant ensure the production of almost all types of freight rolling stock, as well as spare parts for cars. All design developments, regardless of purpose, are united by a single goal - to extend the life of the car, reduce its weight and at the same time increase its carrying capacity. During its existence, the plant has manufactured more than 100 thousand hopper cars, gondola cars, dump cars, platforms, conveyors and tanks.

Condition: on the territory of the militant base, part of the equipment was removed.

Yasinovatsky machine-building plant

OJSC "Yasinovatsky Machine-Building Plant" is the leading manufacturer of tunneling equipment for the widest range of purposes in the CIS. Many developments and technical solutions were unique, and the reliability of the equipment was tested in the most severe conditions of the mines of Donbass and Russia. The geography of deliveries is more than 30 countries of the world. The equipment is being built by the subway in Prague, St. Petersburg.

The uniqueness of machinery and equipment made it possible to create tunneling machines of any complexity, and for individual orders - which has no analogues in the world. This is largely due to the efforts of the only design bureau in the CIS for tunneling equipment that exists at the plant.

Condition: destroyed, equipment removed.

Holding company "Topaz"

TOPAZ State Joint Stock Holding Company is a diversified enterprise that specializes in the development and serial production of complex radio engineering systems and special-purpose complexes, as well as radio engineering products for a wide range of applications.
During the existence of SJSHC "TOPAZ" joint contracts were carried out with enterprises of such countries as: the Russian Federation, the People's Republic of China, Latvia, the Federal Republic of Germany, Malaysia, Ethiopia, Turkmenistan, Turkey.

Condition: the area was fortified, the base of militants, all the equipment was taken out to Russia.

Lutuginsky research and production roller mill

Lutuginsky Research and Production Roll Mill is a generally recognized leader among roll-making enterprises in Ukraine and the CIS. Durability of rolls with the LNPVK brand ensures the operation of rolling mills with a minimum number of transshipments, reducing the material and energy costs of steel mills. The enterprise constantly participates, and as a rule, wins tenders in Pakistan, India, Hungary, Bulgaria, Macedonia, Egypt. The level of integration links of the plant with firms in Russia, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Belarus, etc. is high.

Main products: working cast-iron rolls for hot rolling mills, rolls for mills of all types, rolls for rubber, paper and other industries.

Condition: the plant was destroyed, the equipment was taken to Russia.

Lugansk Cartridge Plant

In 1953, for the first time in the country, the plant began the production of fundamentally new, high-performance technological equipment - automatic rotary lines, on the basis of which several comprehensively automated plants for the production of cartridges were subsequently built.

A new stage in the development of cartridge production was the creation in 2002 of PJSC "Lugansk Cartridge Plant". The new concept of PJSC "LPZ" at the moment is the expansion of the range of manufactured products that are in demand on the world market, including products in accordance with the standards of the world's leading manufacturers of cartridges using the potential of rotary technology.

The enterprise is not only a manufacturer of a wide range of cartridges, but also a manufacturer and supplier of rotary-type technological equipment, as well as tools and technological equipment necessary for the production of cartridges.

Condition: terrorist equipment repair base, deployment point, equipment completely removed to Russia.

Plant of electronic engineering "Mashzavod - 100" - Lugansk

The leader in the field of creating equipment for electronic engineering. He developed and manufactured equipment for growing single crystals of sapphire, silicon, hard and superhard single crystals, which are used in electronics. The volume of annual sales in different years was $1–5 million.

Status: 90% of the equipment has been taken to Russia, there is a militant base.

Plant "Yunost" Krasnodon-Lugansk

The enterprise produced radio engineering and radio electronics, products for the rocket-building and aerospace industries, as well as auto-relays, voltage regulators, and small-sized transformers. In recent years, the plant has been interrupted, because it did not have a sufficient number of orders. He sold his products mainly to Russian defense and space enterprises. In September, the militants created a fortified base on the territory of the plant to store ammunition and repair military equipment.

Condition: base of militants, equipment completely taken out to Russia.

Lugansk pharmaceutical plant

Lugansk Chemical Pharmaceutical Plant was a dynamically developing enterprise equipped with modern equipment. The only modern machine in Ukraine for packing bulk medicines into thermally sealed bags Volpak - S90 was used in the production of soluble cold medicines: "Parafex" and "Lugakold", analogues of foreign cold medicines - "Coldrex", "Fervex", "Pharmacitron", and also the antitussive agent "Acetylcysteine" ("Cofacin") - an analogue of "Fluimucil", ACC

Status: work for the occupier, release of illegal drugs.


Lugansk plant of heat engineering equipment, production of boilers.

Condition: stolen, part of the equipment was taken to Russia.

Auto valve factory

Implementation of equipment, valves for MAZ, KrAZ, BelAZ, GAZ, VOLGA, TAVRIYA, ZAPORIZHETZ cars on order, valves for IKARUS buses on order, valves for motorcycles on order.

Condition: stolen, part of the equipment was taken to Russia.

By the state of each plant, we can understand what the "Russian World" is.

The year 2022 has come, Russian lawlessness in a new guise, Putin's warlord has no limits!

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