SPF of Ukraine has sold a distillery in the Lviv region for 3 times more than the starting price

SPF of Ukraine has sold a distillery in the Lviv region for 3 times more than the starting price

The Dwaylins Opty company offered UAH 100 million for the Strutinsky distillery in the Lviv region

According to the press service of the State Property Fund, an auction was held for the privatization of the Strutinsky distillery in the Lviv region. Two companies competed for the asset. During the auction, the cost of the object increased 3.2 times to UAH 100.1 million.

In addition to the winning bid, the auction winner must pay UAH 31.3 million of the enterprise’s debts to the budget and employees.

The winner of the auction was the company Dweilins Opti, founded a year ago, whose beneficiary is Lvov resident Oksana Kopach. This company also participated in the auction for the privatization of the Uhersky distillery in the Lviv region in July.

The Strutinsky distillery was founded in 1906, the last modernization of the asset took place in 2019. The company produces ethyl alcohol and can produce 22 thousand liters daily.

During the year, the State Property Fund sold 14 distilleries and raised UAH 965 million into the state budget. This is more than 25% of all revenues from small privatization.

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