The Chinese bus manufacturer Beijing Electric Power Automatic carries talks on launching production at Stryi bus-making factory with the Ukrainian counterparts from VEEM-Metallavtoprom LLC from Lviv. The parties met and presented their project at Lviv Regional State Administration.
The Ukrainian specialists have already visited the Chinese factory making buses running on electric motors. The green vehicles manufacturing is an entire complex of productions and services in China, told the owner of the Ukrainian company.
After reaching all the related agreements, Ukrainian electric busses will be assembled at the Stryi bus-making factory in a town of Stryi in Lviv region. The factory will build bus bodies on the basis of designs and drawings from China. The other two companies from Lviv will supply spare and other component parts. The Chinese party will produce electric motors, control units and batteries.
The Ukrainian-Chinese electric bus will travel up to 280km without recharging. The batteries must be charged in the evenings. Special charging stations have to be erected in the Ukrainian cities in order to such buses start commuting there.