The Prime Minister’s Office of Hungary, acting as the Managing Authority of the Hungary-Slovakia-Romania-Ukraine ENI CBC Programme 2014-2020 is planning to launch the first Call for Proposals of the new programming period in the first trimester of 2017. The Managing Authority with support of the Joint Technical Secretariat is working at present on preparation of the Application Pack for the first Call for Proposals (grant contract, application form, evaluation grid, etc.). Hungary-Slovakia-Romania-Ukraine cooperation programme is financed by ENPI funds (total budget of € 74 million). The delegation from Hungary visited TransCarpathian region to discuss prospects for cooperation ifor the coming year. The programme covers three districts in northern Romania (Satu Mare, Maramureş, Suceava), two districts in northern Hungary (Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg and Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén), two regions in Slovakia (Prešovský and Košický) and three regions in Ukraine (Zakarpatska, Ivano - Frankivska and Chernivetska). This programme finances cooperation activities in the field of economic and social development, for improving the quality of the environment, the efficient management of the border with Ukraine, and the involvement of civil society (“people to people” activities).

EBRD’s guarantee to Ukraine’s Ukreximbank to enable €40 million of new lending

World Bank approves US$1.5 billion loan for Ukraine under guarantees from Japan and UK