Poland is best country for investments in the CEE region

Poland is best country for investments in the CEE region

Poland is still the leader in CEE, as the best localisation for foreign investments - according to the latest, 11th edition of survey by the German-Polish Chamber of Industry and Commerce (AHK ...

Poland received 4.8 points out of 6, Czech Republic got 4.4, Slovakia 4.3 and Estonia 4.2. Such a good assessment of Poland is – among others - the result of the Polish membership in the European Union, qualified people, the quality of the high education and the motivation and efficiency of employees. According to this year’s survey, the facilities of subcontractors and the infrastructure improved as well, and the latter became the sixth best assessed factor of economic attractiveness. The financial morality of the Polish companies progressed in parallel; in this category Poland advanced from (last year’s) 12th position to the 7th.

"Poland is no longer a country of cheap workforce", commented Michael Kern from AHK Polska. "We enjoy deeply rooted optimism of investors", added PAIiIZ's president Sławomir Majman. He emphasised that PAIiIZ currently works on 179 investment projects what is 20% more than last year. If all these projects were realised, 40 000 new workplaces would be created.

The last two factors influencing the economic attractiveness of Poland are the socio-political stability (here Poland fell from the 2015 6th position down to the 20th position this year), and the predictability of the economic policy (the fall from the 17th to the 21st position). In spite of these two decreases, 41.6% of respondents assessed the condition of the Polish economy as good, and 52.1% as satisfactory. "Polish economic growth has been impressive, this year’s score is very good", assessed Michael Dembiński, chief adviser to the British-Polish Chamber of Commerce (BPCC).

According to AHK’s survey, 26% of companies is planning to increase the export, and 43% wants to hire more employees. "We managed to draw a distinction between the political life and the economic development, we still enjoy stable and sustainable economic growth", summarised president Majman. (PAIiIZ)    http://www.paiz.gov.pl/20160406/poland_evaluated_by_foreign_investors#  

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