BZK Grain Alliance AB bought an elevator in Slovakia

BZK Grain Alliance AB bought an elevator in Slovakia

This is an old elevator, built back in the days of Czechoslovakia and in need of reconstruction

According to the commercial director of BZK Grain Alliance AB (Baryshevskaya Grain Company) Tair Musaev, the company did not consider such an investment before the war.

Tair Musaev said that the company received many offers. But these were sites with two tracks and no assets. So, when they offered a facility that had been used for 3-4 years as a transshipment facility for various materials, but not grain, the next day an advance payment was made.

The commercial director of BZK Grain Alliance AB added that thanks to the company's specialists, the elevator is already receiving the first grain today. The certification of the laboratory and the phytosanitary state of the facility itself is currently underway. Tair Musaev hopes that after all processes are set up, the company will be able not only to transport its grain to Europe, but also to help colleagues from the Ukrainian market.

According to him, now the EU has a huge demand for elevator assets from Ukrainian entrepreneurs. Those objects that were not needed before the war are put up for sale. As for the price, for elevators that are 10-15 years old, it starts from €130 to €250 per ton of storage.

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