Andrei Vadatursky wants to receive a government order for the construction of warships for Nibulon

Andrei Vadatursky wants to receive a government order for the construction of warships for Nibulon

Agroholding Nibulon is ready to build any vessels for any purpose if it receives an order from the state

The owner of Nibulon, Andrei Vadatursky, said in an interview with Economic Pravda that now Ukraine has almost no fleet at all, only tugboats perform service functions in ports, while the Nibulon agricultural holding is ready to build warships if it receives a government order.

The head of the agricultural holding is confident that Ukraine must have its own modern fleet in order to protect ports and increase economic interests in the Black Sea.

Andrei Vadatursky believes that if we calculate how much Ukraine lost due to the blockade of sea ports, then “it would be better to allocate a tenth to building a fleet that could protect the ports from such things.”

Andrei Vadatursky also stated that his company is ready to build a fleet, since his plant is the only one in this area that is operating. The owner of Nibulon continues to fight for this direction and hopes that orders will be placed.

In addition, Andrei Vadatursky assured that Nibulon is ready to reinvest all profits from government orders into the plant so that it is the best in Europe.

However, according to Vadatursky, today he does not see any interest from government agencies. The order for the products that Nibulon could make in Ukraine is placed somewhere abroad.

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