Three new industrial parks with more than UAH 5.5 billion of investments will appear in Ukraine

Three new industrial parks with more than UAH 5.5 billion of investments will appear in Ukraine

In Ukraine, three new industrial parks were registered in the Volyn, Lviv, and Ivano-Frankivsk regions, which will create about 4,500 jobs

According to the Ministry of Economy, the government decided to include the "Kovel Porto", "Dobrosin" and "Green Laktik" parks in the register of industrial parks at the meeting on July 5.

Currently, the development of industrial parks is part of the "Made in Ukraine" economic policy. So, this year, UAH 1 billion has been allocated to the development of industrial parks in the state budget.

In 2024, 16 new industrial parks were included in the register, and this is more than in the entire year of 2023 or 2022.

According to Deputy Minister of Economy Vitaly Kondrat, the trend shows the growing interest of businesses in working within parks.

Industrial park "Kovel Porto" with an area of ​​11.6 hectares will be located in the city of Kovel in Volyn. Processing industry enterprises will be launched there - production of finished metal products, machines and equipment, repair and installation of machines and equipment. The concept of the park provides for the creation of 587 jobs and investments in the total amount of about UAH 358 million.

Industrial Park "Dobrosin" with an area of ​​27.3 hectares is located in the village of Dobrosin of Lviv region. Enterprises of the textile, pharmaceutical and food industries, processing and storage of agricultural products, woodworking, mechanical engineering, etc. will work there. The concept of the park provides for the creation of up to 3,300 new jobs.

The "Green Laktyk" industrial park in the city of Burshtyn, Ivano-Frankivsk region, with an area of ​​12 hectares, will unite food processing enterprises. In particular, from the production of flour and cereals, starches and starch products, other food and ready-made animal feed. The concept of the park provides for the creation of 600 jobs, investments in the amount of UAH 2.3 billion. for the construction of objects, 3.1 billion UAH. - in production equipment.

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