Vice-chairman of Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food privatization working party Alexey Zubrytskiy thinks that piece by piece selling of "Ukrspyrt" is necessary because of its monopoly on the ethanol domestic market.
Alexey Zubrytskiy underlined that the concern will be privatized to the private individuals. The concern being monopolist, Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food will do anything to prevent the establishment of private companies’ dominant position on the market after the privatization.
Alexey Zubrytskiy added that "Ukrspyrt" is really monopolizing the market and one of the important reform directions is the absence of monopolies of any kind. Apart from that the present financial condition of the enterprise is difficult enough. "Ukrspyrt"`s debts are so huge, that almost all of its accounts are arrested.
However according to the information of "Ukrspyrt" for the current year`s first quarter the concern earned a clean profit in the amount of 16 mln UAH. According to Roman Ivanyuk the CEO of the enterprise, "Ukrspyrt" debts halved to 81 mln UAH during this period. The balances of the enterprise increased in 2,5 times and reached 24,1 mln UAH.
It is a reminder that at the end of the last month minister of agrarian policy and food of Ukraine Alexey Pavlenko proclaims the creation of a few working parties regarding to the selling of "Ukrspyrt". Despite the fact that the exact terms of privatization were not settled government estimated proceeds of the concern sale is equal to $300 mln.
"Ukrspyrt" enterprise was established in 2010 on a ground of the cognominal concern. Only 41 from the scheduled 76 alcohol factories were merged in it.