Domestic developer UDP revealed its plans of investing USD 300mln in green energy projects during the next five years. The company is associated with Vasily Khmelnitsky, the founder of UNIT.City techno park.
As of present, the group invested USD 10mln in alternative energy projects, and another USD 35 million will be invested until 2018. In the last quarter of this year, construction of two solar power plants will commence in Kherson region, for a 17.5 MW facility and another 10 MW solar station in Odessa region. The total capacity of the solar energy projects will be 120 MW in the southern regions of Ukraine.
The company started works in construction of the solar power plant the village of Great Dymerka in Kyiv region. It is the first project of the UDP in the renewables. The solar station has 22 200 modules mounted with a projected capacity of 6 MW. The plant is scheduled to be put into operations in 2018 reaching a capacity of 50 MW.
The future total power capacities of solar power plants and wind farms will amount to 300MW by 2022, told Vasily Khmelnitsky the majority shareholder of UDP.
The group plans to attract funds from international financial institutions and international partners in order to implement the projects too.
To remind, Vasily Khmelnitsky initiated a setup of the first full-scale industrial park UNIT.City located in the territory of the Kyiv Motozavod.