State Property Fund for the third time sold the Kiev plant Electronmash for only UAH 121 million

State Property Fund for the third time sold the Kiev plant Electronmash for only UAH 121 million

The auction for the privatization of the state-owned enterprise "Electronmash" was won by the company LLC "Inkomrent"

According to the State Property Fund, an auction was held to privatize the property complex of the Electronmash state enterprise in Kyiv.

Six investors participated in the auction. The final bid at the auction has almost doubled. In addition to the winning bid, the buyer will also need to pay VAT in the amount of UAH 24.2 million. and more than UAH 23 million UAH company's debts to employees and the state budget.

The winner of the auction is Inkomrent LLC.

The starting price was UAH 61.3 million (excluding VAT).

The Electronmash plant was established back in Soviet times and initially produced electronic computers, power supplies for urban electric transport and household gas meters.

After the crash at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, the plant produced electronic remote control boards for equipment to eliminate the consequences of the accident. After Ukraine gained independence, the enterprise produced cash registers.

By the time of the first privatization tender in November 2021, Electronmash looked like an abandoned enterprise with huge debts. Then the tender was won by Lorten Group LLC with an offer of UAH 970 million, but due to the buyer's refusal to sign the contract, the auction was declared invalid.

The second time they tried to sell the plant was in January 2022. This time, Ukrainian Image LLC offered UAH 430 million for Electronmash. However, this auction was declared invalid.

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