Які іноземні компанії пішли з Росії: вже понад 1000 (список оновлюється)

Які іноземні компанії пішли з Росії: вже понад 1000 (список оновлюється)

Список іноземних компаній, які пішли з Росії, закрили або продали свій бізнес, призупинили або заморозили діяльність, а також компанії та бренди, які продовжують працювати в Росії, незважаючи на ...

З того часу, як почалося варварське, путінське, російське, військове вторгнення в Україну, вже понад 1000 іноземних компаній оголосили про свій добровільний вихід з Росії або максимально скорочення діяльності відповідно до міжнародних санкцій.

Однак деякі компанії не зупиняються і продовжують працювати у Росії. Так, у списку наведено 227 іноземних компаній, які відкрито продовжують підтримувати війну і тероризм Росії проти України, і ще 161 іноземні компанії, які призупинили нові інвестиції та розвиток бізнесу в Росії, але продовжують отримувати доходи в країні-терористі.

Список іноземних компаній, які працювали або все ще працюють в Росії, складається з п'яти категорій за ступенем виходу:

1) DIGGING IN / Нехтування вимогами про вихід із Росії: компанії ігнорують вимоги про вихід / скорочення діяльності, продовжують працювати в Росії як завжди.

2) BUYING TIME / Призупинення нових інвестицій та розширення діяльності: компанії відкладають майбутні або заплановані інвестиції/розробки/маркетинг, продовжуючи при цьому основну діяльність.

3) SCALING BACK / Скорочення чи часткове згортання діяльності: компанії скорочують одні бізнес-операції, але продовжують інші.

4) SUSPENSION / Вихід із збереженням можливості повернення: компанії тимчасово скорочують операції, залишаючи відкритими варіанти повернення діяльності на ринку Росії.

5) WITHDRAWAL / Повний вихід із Росії: компанії повністю припиняють російські зобов'язання та йдуть з Росії.

Наводимо актуальний перелік статусу діяльності зарубіжних компаній у Росії станом на 01.01.2023.

Список іноземних компаній та їх поточний статус діяльності в Росії

1. DIGGING IN / Нехтування вимогами про вихід з Росії – 227 компаній

Компанія Статус Сектор Країна
Aalberts continue operations on an unspecified "lower" level & postpone investments Industrials Нідерланди
Abbott Laboratories suspend non-essential business activity Health Care США
Abbvie suspend aesthetics operations, pause new clinical trials Health Care США
Accor suspend new investments/development Consumer Discretionary Франція
Accumalux still operating plant in Togliatti, Russia Consumer Discretionary Люксембург
Air Liquide Some clients no longer supplied, others scaled down; all Russian investments on hold Materials Франція
Airbus suspend supply of parts and deliveries/servicing, t but continue substantial titanium purchases from Russia Industrials Нідерланди
Akrapovič still operating in Russia Consumer Discretionary Словенія
Alcon suspend new investments and new clinical trial enrollment in Russia Health Care Швейцарія
AmerisourceBergen cease new business initiatives but continue existing clinical trials, and distributing health products Health Care США
Andbank investigate if Russian customers are subject to European sanctions Financials Андорра
Andritz suspend unspecified new business in Russia for time being Industrials Австрія
Anecoop diverting sales away from Russia Consumer Staples Іспанія
Archer Daniels Midland (ADM) unspecified scaling down of non-essential operations Consumer Staples США
Arconic pause new contracts but continue existing Materials США
AstraZeneca halt new investments/new clinical trials Health Care Великобританія
Aurubis AG monitor situation and review structures of Russian business partners Industrials Німеччина
Bang & Bonsomer suspend new investments but still operating in Russia Materials Фінляндія
Barilla all new investments and advertising activities on hold; limit Russia production to pasta and bread Consumer Staples Іспанія
Barry Callebaut suspend capital investment Consumer Staples Швейцарія
Bayer stopping unspecified non-essential business activity Health Care Німеччина
Binance restrict Russian accounts with over €10,000 Financials Китай
BlaBlaCar Stopped new investment but stays in Russia Information Technology Франція
Boiron suspend new investments & stop clinical trials Health Care Франція
Bolt remove all Russia-manufactured and Russian-branded goods Information Technology Естонія
Bristol-Myers Squibb pause new trials & stop enrollment of new participants; still actively hiring in Russia Health Care США
Calfrac Well Services suspension of new investments in Russia Energy Канада
Campari continue sales in Russia but suspend new investments Consumer Staples Іспанія
CANPACK Stopped new investments Materials Польща
CAPRI Holdings (Versace, Michael Kors, Jimmy Cho) online orders unavailable but still advertising; no information about on-site sales Consumer Discretionary США
Cargill unspecified scaling down of non-essential operations Consumer Staples США
Carmim suspend some orders in backlog Consumer Staples Португалія
Citadele Banka still allows transactions to Russia but introduced more thorough checks Financials Латвія
Colgate-Palmolive continue essential health and hygiene products Consumer Staples США
Corticeira Amorim commerical activity suspended Materials Португалія
Crèdit Andorrà investigate if Russian customers are subject to European sanctions Financials Андорра
Deceuninck stop investments & cut links with other establishments Industrials Бельгія
Delonghi paused new shipments and investments Consumer Discretionary Іспанія
DMK Group suspend new investments/advertising but continue sales and plant operations in Russia Consumer Staples Німеччина
Domino's Pizza suspend royalty payments & limit investment – restaurants remain open Consumer Discretionary США
dōTERRA suspend new investment in Russia Consumer Staples США
Dr. Theiss suspend advertisement Health Care Німеччина
Ecco suspend new investments still operating in Russia Consumer Discretionary Данія
Eesti Gaas continues to import Russian gas but is looking for alternatives Energy Естонія
Ehrmann continue sales in Russia but suspend new investments Consumer Staples Німеччина
Ekosem Agrar AG restructuring finances Consumer Staples Німеччина
Eli Lilly suspend new investments and clinical trials Health Care США
Engie no new investments Utilities Франція
ESL ban people with ties to Russian government NGO Німеччина
FL Smidth no new business Industrials Данія
FM Global stopped renewing and underwriting new reinsurance Financials США
Focus Brands - Cinnabon no new investments and expansion plans on hold Industrials США
Freelancer still operating in Russia; sanctioned payment methods disabled Information Technology Австралія
Freudenberg Group cease trading operations with Russia & Belarus; running plants in Russia Industrials Німеччина
Fujifilm Suspended some shipments Information Technology Японія
Geox suspend new investments Consumer Discretionary Іспанія
Giorgio Armani Suspended investments Consumer Discretionary Іспанія
GlaxoSmithKline stopped advertising/new clinical trials in Russia Health Care Великобританія
Glencore stop entering into new Russian commodities trading contracts but continue holding substantive Russian equity stakes Materials Швейцарія
Greif canceled future investments in Russia Materials США
GROUPE LIMAGRAIN/JACQUET-BROSSARD continues flows to Russian and Ukrainian producers but suspends its project to build a seed factory in Russia Industrials Франція
Groupe Seb suspend new investments and "sharply" reduce activities in Russia Consumer Discretionary Франція
Gruma halt new investments in Russia Consumer Staples Мексика
GXO Logistics suspend new investments Industrials США
Hard Rock Café still operating in Russia Consumer Staples США
HeidelbergCement suspend all further investments Materials Німеччина
Hellenic Bank maintain rep offices in Russia; observe all banking sactions Financials Кіпр
Hellenic Petroleum seeks new oil supplier to replace Russian oil Energy Греція
HERZ no new business in Russia Consumer Discretionary Австрія
Hilton suspend new investments/close corporate office Consumer Discretionary США
Hines suspend new investments in Russia Industrials США
HiPP suspend investments in Russia but continue substantive operations Consumer Staples Швейцарія
Hochland suspend investments but continues sales and plant operations in Russia Consumer Staples Німеччина
HSBC curtail Russian access to capital markets and limit new business Financials Великобританія
Huawei suspend new orders and furlough some staff Information Technology Китай
Hyatt suspend investments and new developments Consumer Discretionary США
Icosagen not start any new projects Industrials Естонія
ID Logistics suspend new investment in Russia Industrials Франція
ING Bank pause all new business Financials Нідерланди
Ingram Micro no new business in Russia Information Technology США
Intermedia move some employees out of Russia and ambiguous reduction of risk exposure to Russia Communication Services США
Intesa Sanpaolo suspend new investments and curtail new financing Financials Іспанія
J. Neves & Fihos (JNF) paused distribution Industrials Португалія
Japan Tobacco stopped new investments and marketing activities in Russia Consumer Staples Японія
Johnson & Johnson pause patient enrollment in ongoing trials Health Care США
KCA Deutag suspend investments Energy Великобританія
KDDI Corp continue operations with local staff Communication Services Японія
Kimberly-Clark suspend new investments in Russia Consumer Staples США
Knauf still operating across 14 sites in Russia but suspend new investments Materials Німеччина
Kraft Heinz - JBS stopped new investments and exports/imports from Russia Consumer Staples США
Kubíček VHS stop cooperation Industrials Чехія
Laboratoire Servier suspending new investments but still operating in Russia Health Care Франція
Lenovo reported to suspend operations in Russia Information Technology Гонконг
Loulis Mills search for alternative suppliers Consumer Staples Греція
Maire Tecnimonet suspended commercial activities; managing existing backlog Industrials Іспанія
Manitowoc stopped taking new orders, still maintaining office in Russia Industrials США
Marel paused new projects Consumer Staples Ісландія
Mavenir continue operating in Russia but very limited curtailment of some activities Information Technology США
Medtronic Limited some activities Health Care США
Melamin making up for shortfall from sanctions Materials Словенія
Menarini Group stop advertisement and new investments; continue operating plant in Russia Health Care Іспанія
Merck no further investments/clinical trial enrollment Health Care США
Merck still operating and actively hiring in Russia; restrict transactions Health Care Німеччина
Metro stop all growth investments and reduce advertisements Consumer Staples Німеччина
Mocapor paused exports Industrials Португалія
Mohawk Industries suspend new investments in Russia Consumer Discretionary США
Mondelez - Nabisco scaling back unspecified non-essential activities in Russia Consumer Staples США
National Oilwell Varco suspend all new investments in Russia Energy США
Nature's Sunshine suspend shipments into Russia but not sales Consumer Staples США
Naust Marine stopped projects in Russia Industrials Ісландія
Nestle halted non-essential imports/exports to Russia, stopped all advertising, and suspended all capital investment Consumer Staples Швейцарія
Nippon Steel searching to replace Russian supplies Materials Японія
Nor-Maali stop further investments Industrials Фінляндія
Novartis pause all new capital investments, media advertising and other promotions; pause new clinical trials and enrollment of new patients Health Care Швейцарія
Novo Nordisk suspend further marketing and clinical investment; pause new clinical trials and active enrollment Health Care Данія
NTPC difficulty in transacting with Russian counterparties due to SWIFT issues etc Utilities Індія
Olam Group ceased imports into Russia Consumer Staples Singapore
OMV no new Russian investments; doing strategic review of current Russian gas investments Energy Австрія
Palfinger reduced production Industrials Австрія
Pfizer stopped new investments/clinical trials in Russia Health Care США
Polpharma stop all new investments and limit deliveries to essential drugs only Health Care Польща
Pottinger limited deliveries to Russia sales subsidiary Industrials Австрія
Procter & Gamble scale back unspecified operations in Russia and stop new investments Consumer Staples США
Red Bull suspend new investments Consumer Staples Австрія
Remondis still operating in Russia; not disclosed publicly Industrials Німеччина
RHI Magnesita selling down existing stocks in Russia Industrials Австрія
Ritter Sport halt new investments and advertising Consumer Staples Німеччина
Roche pause new site activation and patient enrollment; continue operating Health Care Швейцарія
Rockwool cancel new investments in Russia Industrials Данія
Saipem halt new investments Industrials Іспанія
Sanofi halting advertising and promotional spending and new recruitment of patients clinical trials, continue medical supply and treating current patients Health Care Франція
Sarens new projects cancelled Industrials Бельгія
SC Johnson stopped new investments and scaled back unspecified operations Consumer Staples США
Schlumberger stopped new investment and technology deployment to our Russia operations Energy США
SCHOTT suspend investments in Russia Materials Німеччина
SGS Suspended business development and investment activities Industrials Швейцарія
Sigma Group Stop cooperation Industrials Чехія
Signify suspend only exports to Russia and investments and new business Consumer Discretionary Нідерланди
Snap halt advertisement Communication Services США
Soudal cancel investments in a brand new factory in Russia; but maintain other activities Materials Бельгія
SRV outline steps to stop procurement of building materials from Russia Materials Фінляндія
Subway suspend new investments/advertising Consumer Staples США
Sumitomo Mitsui Financial continue operations with local staff Financials Японія
Technip Energies continuing existing projects; no new business Energy Франція
TMF Group suspend new contracts; cotinue supporting current customers Industrials Нідерланди
TOM Tailor no official statement; online sales suspended but advertising continues Consumer Discretionary Німеччина
Toshiba Group stop all new investments in Russia Information Technology Японія
Toshulin Stopped cooperation Industrials Чехія
Toyota Tsusho Stopped exports and imports of auto parts to and from Russia Materials Японія
TZMO stopped new investments Consumer Staples Польща
Unilever stopped inports/exports and stopped all advertising and investments Consumer Staples Великобританія
UnionPay Suspended issuing bank cards to Russian Banks Financials Китай
Vimeo not accept new customers from Russia Communication Services США
Weatherford International suspend new investments/deployments in Russia Energy США
Welltec suspend all new investments in Russia Energy Данія
Wintershall Dea AG maintain Russian natural gas projects and critical infrastructure; write-off Nord Stream2 loans Energy Німеччина
Xiaomi reported to suspend operations in Russia Information Technology Китай
Yokogawa No new projects in Russia Information Technology Японія
Yokohama decision to renew production in Russia despite previous announcements to halt production Consumer Discretionary Японія
Young Living suspend new investments in Russia Consumer Staples США
Yves Rocher suspend new investments/development Consumer Staples Франція

2. BUYING TIME / Призупинення нових інвестицій та розширення діяльності в Росії – 161 компанія

Компанія Статус Сектор Країна
Aalberts continue operations on an unspecified "lower" level & postpone investments Industrials Нідерланди
Abbott Laboratories suspend non-essential business activity Health Care США
Abbvie suspend aesthetics operations, pause new clinical trials Health Care США
Accor suspend new investments/development Consumer Discretionary Франція
Accumalux still operating plant in Togliatti, Russia Consumer Discretionary Люксембург
Air Liquide Some clients no longer supplied, others scaled down; all Russian investments on hold Materials Франція
Airbus suspend supply of parts and deliveries/servicing, t but continue substantial titanium purchases from Russia Industrials Нідерланди
Akrapovič still operating in Russia Consumer Discretionary Словенія
Alcon suspend new investments and new clinical trial enrollment in Russia Health Care Швейцарія
AmerisourceBergen cease new business initiatives but continue existing clinical trials, and distributing health products Health Care США
Andbank investigate if Russian customers are subject to European sanctions Financials Андорра
Andritz suspend unspecified new business in Russia for time being Industrials Австрія
Anecoop diverting sales away from Russia Consumer Staples Іспанія
Archer Daniels Midland (ADM) unspecified scaling down of non-essential operations Consumer Staples США
Arconic pause new contracts but continue existing Materials США
AstraZeneca halt new investments/new clinical trials Health Care Великобританія
Aurubis AG monitor situation and review structures of Russian business partners Industrials Німеччина
Bang & Bonsomer suspend new investments but still operating in Russia Materials Фінляндія
Barilla all new investments and advertising activities on hold; limit Russia production to pasta and bread Consumer Staples Іспанія
Barry Callebaut suspend capital investment Consumer Staples Швейцарія
Bayer stopping unspecified non-essential business activity Health Care Німеччина
Binance restrict Russian accounts with over €10,000 Financials Китай
BlaBlaCar Stopped new investment but stays in Russia Information Technology Франція
Boiron suspend new investments & stop clinical trials Health Care Франція
Bolt remove all Russia-manufactured and Russian-branded goods Information Technology Естонія
Bristol-Myers Squibb pause new trials & stop enrollment of new participants; still actively hiring in Russia Health Care США
Calfrac Well Services suspension of new investments in Russia Energy Канада
Campari continue sales in Russia but suspend new investments Consumer Staples Іспанія
CANPACK Stopped new investments Materials Польща
CAPRI Holdings (Versace, Michael Kors, Jimmy Cho) online orders unavailable but still advertising; no information about on-site sales Consumer Discretionary США
Cargill unspecified scaling down of non-essential operations Consumer Staples США
Carmim suspend some orders in backlog Consumer Staples Португалія
Citadele Banka still allows transactions to Russia but introduced more thorough checks Financials Латвія
Colgate-Palmolive continue essential health and hygiene products Consumer Staples США
Corticeira Amorim commerical activity suspended Materials Португалія
Crèdit Andorrà investigate if Russian customers are subject to European sanctions Financials Андорра
Deceuninck stop investments & cut links with other establishments Industrials Бельгія
Delonghi paused new shipments and investments Consumer Discretionary Іспанія
DMK Group suspend new investments/advertising but continue sales and plant operations in Russia Consumer Staples Німеччина
Domino's Pizza suspend royalty payments & limit investment – restaurants remain open Consumer Discretionary США
dōTERRA suspend new investment in Russia Consumer Staples США
Dr. Theiss suspend advertisement Health Care Німеччина
Ecco suspend new investments still operating in Russia Consumer Discretionary Данія
Eesti Gaas continues to import Russian gas but is looking for alternatives Energy Естонія
Ehrmann continue sales in Russia but suspend new investments Consumer Staples Німеччина
Ekosem Agrar AG restructuring finances Consumer Staples Німеччина
Eli Lilly suspend new investments and clinical trials Health Care США
Engie no new investments Utilities Франція
ESL ban people with ties to Russian government NGO Німеччина
FL Smidth no new business Industrials Данія
FM Global stopped renewing and underwriting new reinsurance Financials США
Focus Brands - Cinnabon no new investments and expansion plans on hold Industrials США
Freelancer still operating in Russia; sanctioned payment methods disabled Information Technology Австралія
Freudenberg Group cease trading operations with Russia & Belarus; running plants in Russia Industrials Німеччина
Fujifilm Suspended some shipments Information Technology Японія
Geox suspend new investments Consumer Discretionary Іспанія
Giorgio Armani Suspended investments Consumer Discretionary Іспанія
GlaxoSmithKline stopped advertising/new clinical trials in Russia Health Care Великобританія
Glencore stop entering into new Russian commodities trading contracts but continue holding substantive Russian equity stakes Materials Швейцарія
Greif canceled future investments in Russia Materials США
GROUPE LIMAGRAIN/JACQUET-BROSSARD continues flows to Russian and Ukrainian producers but suspends its project to build a seed factory in Russia Industrials Франція
Groupe Seb suspend new investments and "sharply" reduce activities in Russia Consumer Discretionary Франція
Gruma halt new investments in Russia Consumer Staples Мексика
GXO Logistics suspend new investments Industrials США
Hard Rock Café still operating in Russia Consumer Staples США
HeidelbergCement suspend all further investments Materials Німеччина
Hellenic Bank maintain rep offices in Russia; observe all banking sactions Financials Кіпр
Hellenic Petroleum seeks new oil supplier to replace Russian oil Energy Греція
HERZ no new business in Russia Consumer Discretionary Австрія
Hilton suspend new investments/close corporate office Consumer Discretionary США
Hines suspend new investments in Russia Industrials США
HiPP suspend investments in Russia but continue substantive operations Consumer Staples Швейцарія
Hochland suspend investments but continues sales and plant operations in Russia Consumer Staples Німеччина
HSBC curtail Russian access to capital markets and limit new business Financials Великобританія
Huawei suspend new orders and furlough some staff Information Technology Китай
Hyatt suspend investments and new developments Consumer Discretionary США
Icosagen not start any new projects Industrials Естонія
ID Logistics suspend new investment in Russia Industrials Франція
ING Bank pause all new business Financials Нідерланди
Ingram Micro no new business in Russia Information Technology США
Intermedia move some employees out of Russia and ambiguous reduction of risk exposure to Russia Communication Services США
Intesa Sanpaolo suspend new investments and curtail new financing Financials Іспанія
J. Neves & Fihos (JNF) paused distribution Industrials Португалія
Japan Tobacco stopped new investments and marketing activities in Russia Consumer Staples Японія
Johnson & Johnson pause patient enrollment in ongoing trials Health Care США
KCA Deutag suspend investments Energy Великобританія
KDDI Corp continue operations with local staff Communication Services Японія
Kimberly-Clark suspend new investments in Russia Consumer Staples США
Knauf still operating across 14 sites in Russia but suspend new investments Materials Німеччина
Kraft Heinz - JBS stopped new investments and exports/imports from Russia Consumer Staples США
Kubíček VHS stop cooperation Industrials Чехія
Laboratoire Servier suspending new investments but still operating in Russia Health Care Франція
Lenovo reported to suspend operations in Russia Information Technology Гонконг
Loulis Mills search for alternative suppliers Consumer Staples Греція
Maire Tecnimonet suspended commercial activities; managing existing backlog Industrials Іспанія
Manitowoc stopped taking new orders, still maintaining office in Russia Industrials США
Marel paused new projects Consumer Staples Ісландія
Mavenir continue operating in Russia but very limited curtailment of some activities Information Technology США
Medtronic Limited some activities Health Care США
Melamin making up for shortfall from sanctions Materials Словенія
Menarini Group stop advertisement and new investments; continue operating plant in Russia Health Care Іспанія
Merck no further investments/clinical trial enrollment Health Care США
Merck still operating and actively hiring in Russia; restrict transactions Health Care Німеччина
Metro stop all growth investments and reduce advertisements Consumer Staples Німеччина
Mocapor paused exports Industrials Португалія
Mohawk Industries suspend new investments in Russia Consumer Discretionary США
Mondelez - Nabisco scaling back unspecified non-essential activities in Russia Consumer Staples США
National Oilwell Varco suspend all new investments in Russia Energy США
Nature's Sunshine suspend shipments into Russia but not sales Consumer Staples США
Naust Marine stopped projects in Russia Industrials Ісландія
Nestle halted non-essential imports/exports to Russia, stopped all advertising, and suspended all capital investment Consumer Staples Швейцарія
Nippon Steel searching to replace Russian supplies Materials Японія
Nor-Maali stop further investments Industrials Фінляндія
Novartis pause all new capital investments, media advertising and other promotions; pause new clinical trials and enrollment of new patients Health Care Швейцарія
Novo Nordisk suspend further marketing and clinical investment; pause new clinical trials and active enrollment Health Care Данія
NTPC difficulty in transacting with Russian counterparties due to SWIFT issues etc Utilities Індія
Olam Group ceased imports into Russia Consumer Staples Singapore
OMV no new Russian investments; doing strategic review of current Russian gas investments Energy Австрія
Palfinger reduced production Industrials Австрія
Pfizer stopped new investments/clinical trials in Russia Health Care США
Polpharma stop all new investments and limit deliveries to essential drugs only Health Care Польща
Pottinger limited deliveries to Russia sales subsidiary Industrials Австрія
Procter & Gamble scale back unspecified operations in Russia and stop new investments Consumer Staples США
Red Bull suspend new investments Consumer Staples Австрія
Remondis still operating in Russia; not disclosed publicly Industrials Німеччина
RHI Magnesita selling down existing stocks in Russia Industrials Австрія
Ritter Sport halt new investments and advertising Consumer Staples Німеччина
Roche pause new site activation and patient enrollment; continue operating Health Care Швейцарія
Rockwool cancel new investments in Russia Industrials Данія
Saipem halt new investments Industrials Іспанія
Sanofi halting advertising and promotional spending and new recruitment of patients clinical trials, continue medical supply and treating current patients Health Care Франція
Sarens new projects cancelled Industrials Бельгія
SC Johnson stopped new investments and scaled back unspecified operations Consumer Staples США
Schlumberger stopped new investment and technology deployment to our Russia operations Energy США
SCHOTT suspend investments in Russia Materials Німеччина
SGS Suspended business development and investment activities Industrials Швейцарія
Sigma Group Stop cooperation Industrials Чехія
Signify suspend only exports to Russia and investments and new business Consumer Discretionary Нідерланди
Snap halt advertisement Communication Services США
Soudal cancel investments in a brand new factory in Russia; but maintain other activities Materials Бельгія
SRV outline steps to stop procurement of building materials from Russia Materials Фінляндія
Subway suspend new investments/advertising Consumer Staples США
Sumitomo Mitsui Financial continue operations with local staff Financials Японія
Technip Energies continuing existing projects; no new business Energy Франція
TMF Group suspend new contracts; cotinue supporting current customers Industrials Нідерланди
TOM Tailor no official statement; online sales suspended but advertising continues Consumer Discretionary Німеччина
Toshiba Group stop all new investments in Russia Information Technology Японія
Toshulin Stopped cooperation Industrials Чехія
Toyota Tsusho Stopped exports and imports of auto parts to and from Russia Materials Японія
TZMO stopped new investments Consumer Staples Польща
Unilever stopped inports/exports and stopped all advertising and investments Consumer Staples Великобританія
UnionPay Suspended issuing bank cards to Russian Banks Financials Китай
Vimeo not accept new customers from Russia Communication Services США
Weatherford International suspend new investments/deployments in Russia Energy США
Welltec suspend all new investments in Russia Energy Данія
Wintershall Dea AG maintain Russian natural gas projects and critical infrastructure; write-off Nord Stream2 loans Energy Німеччина
Xiaomi reported to suspend operations in Russia Information Technology Китай
Yokogawa No new projects in Russia Information Technology Японія
Yokohama decision to renew production in Russia despite previous announcements to halt production Consumer Discretionary Японія
Young Living suspend new investments in Russia Consumer Staples США
Yves Rocher suspend new investments/development Consumer Staples Франція

3. SCALING BACK / Скорочення, часткове згортання діяльності в Росії – 171 компанія

Компанія Статус Сектор Країна
ABB temporarily pausing all new orders and operational activity Industrials Швейцарія
Activision Blizzard suspend new sales of and in our games in Russia Communication Services США
ADEO | Leroy Merlin Stopped new investments, imports, and financing in Russia Consumer Discretionary Франція
Adobe suspend all new sales in Russia and Belarus; current services continue Information Technology США
AGCO stop sale of new machines to Russia Industrials США
AkzoNobel suspend new investments in Russia; end Aerospace work Materials Нідерланди
Allianz meaningfully reduce exposure to Russia Financials Німеччина
Alphabet withdraw all operations in Moscow; stop taking new customers; stop ads Communication Services США
Amadeus IT Group suspend partnership with Aeroflot Information Technology Іспанія
Amgen suspend all non-essential business activities; keep delivering some medicines Health Care США
AmRest suspend operations with some brands in Russia Consumer Discretionary Іспанія
ASBIS amends contracts following new sanctions Information Technology Кіпр
Aspo reducing operations in Russia Industrials Фінляндія
Avaya limit certain services; cease new maintenance and support arrangements Information Technology США
Bacardi paused exports to Russia but not domestic operations Consumer Staples Bermuda
Bank of Cyprus maintain loan book; observe banking sanctions Financials Кіпр
Beiersdorf maintain skin and bodycare products; stop other products Consumer Staples Німеччина
Bekaert scale back business in Russia Industrials Бельгія
Black Red White divesting from Russian subsidiary, still has a significant stake in a company operating in Belarus, which also suspended Russian exports Consumer Discretionary Польща
BNY Mellon suspend new business activity and investments; continue cooperation with current clients Financials США
Boehringer Ingelheim scale back to just supplying medicine Health Care Німеччина
Bosch suspend some shipments and plants but not all Industrials Німеччина
Boston Scientific suspend all new investment and non-essential activity Health Care США
Brenntag suspend exports to Russia; no information about local operations Materials Німеччина
Bucher Industries not specified business activities in Russia were reduced "substantially" Industrials Швейцарія
Bunge suspend exports but continue certain domestic Consumer Staples США
Bureau Veritas scaled back Industrials Франція
Carl Zeiss   Health Care Німеччина
Carrier not pursue new business opportunities but continue fulfilling existing contracts Industrials США
Carter's | Oshkosh stop all shipments of merchandise to Russia Industrials США
Caterpillar suspend minor Russian manufacturing facilities but not import sales Industrials США
CHR Hansen suspend operations outside of staple food products Materials Данія
Coca-Cola suspend certain operations in Russia but continue to operate some chains (Costa Coffee) Consumer Staples США
Coinbase block certain illicit Russian accounts but not all Financials США
Confor Step Stopped producing or shipping to Russia Consumer Discretionary Португалія
Continental resumed local production after having previously suspended Russian factory Consumer Discretionary Німеччина
Corning suspend almost all sales in Russia except minor life-saving products Information Technology США
Credit Suisse stop new business in Russia while meaningfully cutting exposure by 56% Financials Швейцарія
Danske Bank ban Russian investments in customers' portfolios Financials Данія
DB Schenker suspend direct shipments to Russia; continue Europe to Kazakhstan and Russia to Kazakhstan routes Industrials Німеччина
Deere suspend shipments into Russia only Industrials США
Discord suspend renewal of paid and premium products and services for Russian clients; free services still available Communication Services США
Donaldson Company stop direct product shipments into Russia & Belarus; no statement about operations inside Russia nor about partnerships Industrials США
Dover Corporation ramping down sales activity and focusing on liquidating working capital Industrials США
Dow suspend investments/some purchases but not all Materials США
Duolingo make services free and stop gaining revenue Information Technology США
E.ON stop buying new Russian gas Utilities Німеччина
Eaton stop shipments to Russia; maintains services Industrials США
Eimskip reduced operation in Russia Industrials Ісландія
Elanco scale back to critical products to ensure food security Health Care США
Elsevier suspended all sales except essential health products Communication Services Нідерланди
Eni suspend stipulation of new oil contracts; divest from investmens for rubles Energy Іспанія
Epic Games stop in-game commerce for Russia Consumer Discretionary США
Esri curtail sales to Russia; no information about Russian office Information Technology Великобританія
Ferrero suspend non-essential business activity Consumer Staples Іспанія
Fieldfisher terminate certain Russian relationships Industrials Великобританія
FIGMA continue current business & stop all new sales efforts in Russia Information Technology США
Fortive suspend most operations except medical essentials Industrials США
Gap Inc online sales running; stopped shipments to franchisees in Russia Consumer Discretionary США
Garmin stop all future trade with Russia; still provide GPS services to devices in Russia (incl. Russian military) Consumer Discretionary США
GE stopped sales in Russia and Belarus except medical equipment and support for electric power generation and transmission Industrials США
GEA Group suspend new investments Industrials Німеччина
General Mills suspended sales of global brands in its JV Consumer Staples США
Geodis suspend services in Russia & reduce shipments to and from Russia significantly Industrials Франція
Georg Fischer temporary suspension of deliveries to Russia Industrials Швейцарія
Goldman Sachs wind down business in Russia but buy Russian debt Financials США
Groupe BPCE suspend many transactions and cease new financing Financials Франція
Hellenic Bottling Company vaguely suspend some operations in Russia Consumer Staples Греція
Herbalife suspend sales and shipments to Russia but independent sellers remain operational Consumer Staples США
HILTI limiting sales and workforce in Russia Industrials Ліхтенштейн
Hostinger stop accepting payments for new purchases and renewals Information Technology Литва
Idemitsu Kosan stop coal imports; lubricants business unchanged Energy Японія
Indesit suspend production due to "full warehouses" Consumer Discretionary Іспанія
IndusInd Bank can no longer clear rupee rouble conversions Financials Індія
Ingersoll Rand scale back to only health critical services Industrials США
Ingka stop all exports, IKEA production; keep open retail centers (Mega) Consumer Discretionary Нідерланди
Inspire Brands (Dunkin' Donuts, Baskin Robins) halt corporate support for franchisees Consumer Discretionary США
International Biathlon Union Russians to compete as neutral athletes NGO Австрія
IPG Photonics suspend new investments and reduce manufacturing in Russia Information Technology США
Iskratel paused some business with Russia Communication Services Словенія
Iveco suspend deliveries to Russia; truck JV still in operations Industrials Іспанія
J&T Finance Group curb its activities in Russia Financials Словаччина
JPMorgan wind down business in Russia but buy Russian debt Financials США
Julius Baer wind down Russian office, suspend new business in Russia, reduce current exposure; retain current Russian clients Financials Швейцарія
Kellogg suspend new investments except essentials (minor) Consumer Staples США
Kotak Mahindra paused transaction through cards in Russia Financials Індія
Kuehne + Nagel AG suspend all shipments to Russia (except Pharma, healthcare and humanitarian supplies) Industrials Швейцарія
Lear Corporation still operating in Russia; no disclosed publicly Consumer Discretionary США
Legal & General reduce exposure Financials Великобританія
Linde divest certain industrial assets and suspend new development/investments Materials Німеччина
Lotos stopped purchasing Russian spot oil Energy Польща
Loyalty Ventures scale back most services and stop new sales Consumer Discretionary США
Luxottica restrict Russian operations to medical services Consumer Discretionary Іспанія
LyondellBasell end all business with state-controlled entities Materials Нідерланди
Mahle halt new business & scale back shipments to Russia significantly Industrials Німеччина
Mars scale back business and stopped advertising/new investments/exports in Russia Consumer Staples США
Marubeni scaling down but still in numerous projects across Russia Industrials Японія
Maruti Suzuki suspend car exports Consumer Discretionary Індія
Mashreqbank halt loans to Russia Financials ОАЕ
Microsoft suspend new sales in Russia but continue existing access Information Technology США
Miele suspend operations except exempt healthcare Consumer Discretionary Німеччина
Milliken & Co still operating in Russia Materials США
Miro close office in Moscow & pause new sales Information Technology Нідерланди
Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group Japanese expats working for MUFG Bank (Eurasia) have moved out of Russia to work outside of the country on a temporary basis Financials Японія
Moody's suspend commercial operations within Russia Financials США
Nalco Water (Ecolab) suspended services except services critical to health Industrials США
Natura suspend some subsidiary operations but not all Consumer Staples США
Nemetschek Group suspend any new business in Russia & all business with sanctioned entities Information Technology Німеччина
NielsenIQ suspend consulting service but not core business Industrials США
Nokian Tyres meaningfully reduce production in Russia Consumer Discretionary Фінляндія
Nordea Bank stop processing payments to and from Russia & Belarus Financials Фінляндія
Norsk Hydro reduced deliveries and supplies to the contractual minimum for some commitments, and is suspending deliveries and supply in several contracts Materials Норвегія
Okta halt new sales to Russia but continue supporting current customers Information Technology США
Oriflame Cosmetics suspend online sales to end consumers but not others Consumer Staples Швейцарія
Orion stop exports to Russia Health Care Фінляндія
Orsted end coal and biomass purchases, refuse to pay for gas in roubles Utilities Данія
Otis Worldwide exploring options for exit; while no new investments/new contracts but fulfill existing agreements Industrials США
OTP Bank wind down corporate lending Financials Угорщина
Paccar stop driect sales in Russia but continue selling through thrid-parties Industrials США
Paul Wurth stopped new business, closed sites, and scaled back serviceds Industrials Люксембург
Pepsi suspend operations in Russia except essentials Consumer Staples США
Phibro Animal Health Corp curtail some operations (i.e. ethanol) and substantial sales hit Health Care США
Philip Morris explore strategic alternatives, while stop new investments including $150MM, paused marketing, canceled product launches Consumer Staples США
Pirelli suspend new investments in Russia and scale back production Consumer Discretionary Іспанія
PKN Orlen SA stopped maritime oil shipments, diversifying supply Energy Польща
Playtika temporarily block new downloads games in Russia Information Technology Ізраїль
PPG scale back majority of operations and suspend new investments in Russia Materials США
Rational suspend deliveries to Russia but retain operations inside Russia Consumer Discretionary Німеччина
Rosenbauer no new business; continue servicing fire engine pumps in Russian JV Industrials Австрія
Royal DSM stopped all operations in Russia other than basic food/feed/essential health activities Materials Нідерланди
Sabre suspend certain partnerships with Aeroflot Information Technology США
Saint-Gobain suspend exports and imports but not local operations Industrials Франція
SAP stop all sales to Russia and shut down cloud operations but some carveouts Information Technology Німеччина
SBI stopped processing transactions of sanctioned Russian entities Financials Індія
Schaeffler stop deliveries to Russia; continue manufacturing in Russia Industrials Німеччина
Scopely suspend marketing and commerce Communication Services США
Shutterstock not accept new contributors from Russia; continue current businesses & still offer services to Russia Communication Services США
SHV suspend new investments, new projects, new exports; continue to work with suppliers and customers in Russia Energy Нідерланди
Signet Jewelers suspend business interaction with Russian-owned entities; no information about other Russian customers Consumer Discretionary США
Sika significantly scale back business in Russia; stop production; stop investments Industrials Швейцарія
Sinopec suspend $500MM new investment and significant operations and partnerships Energy Китай
Skadden suspend certain operations in Russia but not all Industrials США
Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken scaling down operations in Russia Financials Швеція
Sketchers suspended shipments to Russia but online sales continue Consumer Discretionary США
Spotify closed office and suspend service but still allow Kremlin-associated artists (e.g. Gazmanov, Gagarina) Communication Services Швеція
Systemair Temporarily discontinuing all deliveries   Швеція
Tennant substantially suspending sales to Russia Industrials США
Terex Corporation stop accepting new orders from continuing dealer network in Russia Industrials США
Tetra Pak stopped new investments and scaled down activities Industrials Швеція
ThyssenKrupp Stopped new business and investments. Closed plant Materials Німеччина
Tikkurila reduce Russian operations; stop sales to aerospace; consider exiting Russia Materials Фінляндія
Tokio Marine suspend new contracts and repatriate employees Financials Японія
TomTom turn off live traffic for Russia, cut ties with several Russian customers, some customers are still under review Information Technology Нідерланди
Total Energies no longer will provide capital for new projects in Russia/stop purchasing Russian oil; withdraw from Acrtic LNG 2 project Energy Франція
Toyota stop production at its St. Petersburg plant and stop imports of vehicles; no statement about retail operations and services inside Russia Consumer Discretionary Японія
Trafigura freeze investments and stop purchasing crude oil from Rosneft; maintain shareholding in Russia Energy Singapore
Triglav Group not renewing or entering into new business Financials Словенія
Tungsram stopped producing products and projects Utilities Угорщина
U.S. Polo Assn. stopped all shipments of goods into Russia and shut down all branded digital operations but phased approach to closing physical stores Consumer Discretionary США
UBS suspend new business in Russia and reduce current exposure by helping clients unwind Russia securities; reducing Russian client services Financials Швейцарія
Uniper SE suspend new Russian gas purchases/divest Unipro Utilities Німеччина
Valentino suspend online sales; no information about on-site sales Consumer Discretionary Іспанія
Vattenfall shifting energy purchases away from Russia Utilities Швеція
Wartsila suspend all deliveries and new sales to Russia; continue ongoing projects Industrials Фінляндія
Westinghouse Air Brake Technologies Corp stopped sales to Russia Industrials США
Whirlpool limiting production in Russia Consumer Discretionary США
Wilo stop shipments to and from Russia; no comment about production in Russia Industrials Німеччина
Wolters Kluwer scale back to just health products in Russia Financials Нідерланди
Yum Brands suspend operations of company-owned restaurants and new investments in Russia Consumer Discretionary США
ZF Friedrichshafen stop all deliveries to Russia; maintain JVs Consumer Discretionary Німеччина
Zoetis suspend investments & focus on supply of medicines and vaccines Health Care США

4. SUSPENSION / Вихід із збереженням можливості відновлення діяльності в Росії – 495 компаній

Компанія Статус Сектор Країна
3M suspend operations in Russia Industrials США
AAK halted delivery and sales Consumer Staples Швеція
Abrdn suspend investments in Russia and reduce exposure Financials Великобританія
ACCA suspend operations in Russia and Belarus Industrials Великобританія
Acer suspend its business in Russia Information Technology Тайвань
Acne Studios put all Russian activities on hold Consumer Discretionary Швеція
Adamed halt sales and production in Russia Health Care Польща
Adidas suspend operations in Russia Consumer Discretionary Німеччина
ADP suspend sales/services to Russia Information Technology США
AICPA suspend sale and delivery of services indefinitely Industrials США
Air Astana suspend flights to Russia Industrials Кахастан
Air France halt flight to and from Russia Industrials Франція
Air Malta suspend all flights to and from Russia Industrials Мальта
Airbnb block bookings and block accepting guests in Russia Consumer Discretionary США
Akamai suspend sales in Russia Information Technology США
Akin Gump suspend operations in Russia Industrials США
AL-KO Vehicle Technology suspend deliveries to Russia and Belarus Consumer Discretionary Німеччина
Alaska Airlines temporarily suspend partnership with Russian airline Industrials США
Alimentation Couche-Tard suspend operations Consumer Staples Канада
Alstom suspend shipments to Russia Industrials Франція
AM Best suspend all commercial activities to Russian clients Information Technology США
Amazon suspend operations in Russia Consumer Discretionary США
Ambarella suspend shipments into Russia Information Technology США
AMD suspend all sales to Russia Information Technology США
Amdocs stop all new sales of product and services in Russia Information Technology США
Amer Sports suspend all commercial activities in Russia Consumer Discretionary Фінляндія
American Express suspend operations in Russia Financials США
Amica suspended Russian exports Consumer Discretionary Польща
Amway suspend operations in Russia Consumer Staples США
Analog Devices suspend sales to Russia according to sanctions Information Technology США
Ansys suspend all sales and business activity Information Technology США
Aon PLC suspend operations in Russia Financials Великобританія
Apple suspend all official site sales; turn off select apps and services Information Technology США
Arla suspends all operations Consumer Staples Данія
ARM suspend shipments according to sanctions Information Technology Великобританія
Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank curtail Russian access to capital markets Financials Китай
Asos suspend all shipments to Russia Consumer Discretionary Великобританія
Association of International Certified Professional Accountants indefinite suspension of services within Russia Industrials США
Aston Martin suspend all shipments to Russia Consumer Discretionary Великобританія
Asus suspend shipments to Russia Information Technology Тайвань
Atlas Copco suspend deliveries in Russia Industrials Швеція
Atlassian suspend software sales to Russia Information Technology Австралія
Audi suspend operations at Kaluga assembly plant Consumer Discretionary Німеччина
Austrian Airlines cancel Russian flights until July Industrials Австрія
Authentic Brands Group - Reebok successfully completed suspension of all operations Consumer Discretionary США
Autodesk suspend operations in Russia Information Technology США
Avast suspend all operations in Russia Information Technology Чехія
AXA stop underwriting new insurance & stop renewals Financials Франція
AXA Investments Managers pause investments & prohibit new subscriptions Financials Франція
Azerbaijan Airlines suspend flights to Russia Industrials Azerbaijan
B Lab suspend Russian companies from obtaining certifications NGO США
Badminton World Federation cancel all tournaments NGO Malaysia
Bain suspend consulting for all Russian businesses Industrials США
Baker Hughes no longer provide engineering services to Russian LNG developers Energy США
Bang & Olufsen suspended deliveries and sales to Russia Information Technology Данія
Bank of China curtail Russian access to capital markets Financials Китай
BCG suspend operations; Moscow office open Industrials США
Bentley suspend all shipments to Russia Consumer Discretionary США
Bentley Systems pause sales to Russia & Belarus Information Technology США
Big Fish Games suspend downloadable game business in Russia Communication Services США
Bitdefender suspend all sales to Russia Information Technology Romania
BlackBerry cease all activities in Russia Information Technology Канада
BMC suspend all business with Russia & Belarus Information Technology США
BMW suspend exports to and production in Russia Consumer Discretionary Німеччина
BNP Paribas suspend new business in Russia/curtail financing Financials Франція
Boeing suspend operations in Russia/titanium purchases Industrials США
Bombardier restrict Russian business Industrials Канада
Boohoo Group suspend all shipments to Russia Consumer Discretionary Великобританія
Booking suspend bookings in Russia Consumer Discretionary США
Boosteroid Cloud Gaming suspend services to Russia Information Technology ОАЕ
Boryszew suspended operations in Russia Materials Польща
Brav suspend sales and operations in Russia Consumer Discretionary Норвегія
Bridgestone Tire suspend manufacturing in Russia and shipments into Consumer Discretionary Японія
British Airways cancel Russian flights Industrials Великобританія
Brown-Forman suspend commercial operations in Russia Consumer Staples США
BUDVAR Centrum Sp. z.o.o.   Industrials Польща
Budweiser Budvar suspends production and supply of beer Consumer Staples Чехія
Bulgaria Air suspend flights to Russia Industrials Bulgaria
Bulgarian Postbank stop operations in Russian ruble Financials Bulgaria
bunq.com suspend SWIFT transfers to sanctioned banks Financials Нідерланди
Burberry suspend all shipments to Russia Consumer Discretionary Великобританія
Burger King (Restaurant Brands) halt corporate support for franchises Consumer Staples США
Buta Airways suspend flights to Russia Industrials Azerbaijan
Canada Goose suspend all shipments to Russia Consumer Discretionary Канада
Canadian Tire close Russia stores Consumer Discretionary Канада
Canon suspend deliveries in Russia Information Technology Японія
Canonical suspend support & professional services Information Technology Великобританія
Capgemini stop services to Russia Information Technology Франція
Cargolux suspend all shipments into and through Russia Industrials Люксембург
Cargotec stop all sales to Russia & Belarus Industrials Фінляндія
CBRE discontinue Russian business Real Estate США
CCC suspends operations in Russia (delivery to Russia, further expansion) Consumer Discretionary Польща
CD Projekt suspends sales of products in Russia & Belarus Communication Services Польща
CERN suspend Russia's obeserver status; halt new collaborations NGO Швейцарія
Chanel suspend all operations in Russia Consumer Discretionary Франція
Chevron Pausing all transactions and sales of refining products, lubricants, and chemicals Energy США
Chipperfield suspend operations in Russia Industrials Великобританія
Cie Automotives temporarily shut down aluminum plant Consumer Discretionary Іспанія
Ciena suspend business operations in Russia Communication Services США
Citi expand the scope of the exit process Financials США
Citrix suspend all sales to Russia Information Technology США
Cleary Gottlieb suspend Russian operations Industrials США
Clorox suspend business activity in Russia Consumer Staples США
Clutch suspend all business activity Industrials США
CMA CGM suspend all shipments to Russia Industrials Франція
CME Group suspend acceptance of certain Russian commodities Financials США
CNH Industrial suspend sales to Russia Industrials Великобританія
Cogent Communications cut all internet to Russia Communication Services США
Columbia Sportswear pause taking any new orders from Russian distributor & remove future sales Consumer Discretionary США
Commerzbank suspend operations in Russia Financials Німеччина
Conde Nast suspend all publishing operations Communication Services США
Conformis suspend distribution operations in Russia Health Care США
Costco stopped purchases from Russia Consumer Discretionary США
Coupa suspend operations in Russia Information Technology США
Coursera platform available; refrain from financial benefits from the region; suspend some content Consumer Discretionary США
Credit Agricole suspend all services in Russia Financials Франція
Crocs suspend D2C business Consumer Discretionary США
Curve no longer allow Russian payment cards & transaction in RUB Financials Великобританія
Cyprus Airways suspend flights to Russia Industrials Кіпр
d&b audiotechnik suspend all shipments to Russia Consumer Discretionary Німеччина
DACHSER suspend deliveries to Russia Industrials Німеччина
Daimler Truck freeze activities in Russia Consumer Discretionary Німеччина
Damen stop supplying ships to Russia, halt new contracts Industrials Нідерланди
Danaher suspended shipments to Russia except for humanitarian medical products Health Care США
Danone Announced Transfer Consumer Staples Франція
Dassault Aviation suspend all shipments to Russia Industrials Франція
Dassault Systèmes suspend business operations in Russia Information Technology Франція
Debevoise & Plimpton Wind down Russia operations; local partners and counsel open Russian business Industrials США
Decathlon suspend the operation of its stores in Russia Consumer Discretionary Франція
Deckers suspend business in Russia Consumer Discretionary США
Dell suspend all shipments to Russia Information Technology США
Demant suspend all trade with Russia Health Care Данія
Denso suspend all shipments into Russia Consumer Discretionary Японія
Depositphotos stop all sales and services to Russia Consumer Discretionary Україна
DHL suspend all shipments to Russia Industrials Німеччина
Diadora suspend contracts with Russian commercial partners Consumer Discretionary Іспанія
Diageo suspend all shipments to Russia Consumer Staples Великобританія
Diebold Nixdorf suspend shipments and sales of any kind into Russia. Information Technology США
DirecTV cut Kremlin backed TV networks Communication Services США
Discover suspend efforts to establish Russian presence Communication Services США
Disney pause new content releases Communication Services США
DJI stop selling drones in Russia Information Technology Китай
DKV Mobility stop all activity for Russian domestic business Information Technology Німеччина
DMG Mori stop all business activities in Russia Industrials Японія
Dreamstime restrict download plans and payments for Russian customers Communication Services США
DSV A/S suspend all shipments to Russia Industrials Данія
DuPont suspend operations in Russia and Belarus Materials США
eBay suspend all shipments to Russia Consumer Discretionary США
EDF suspend Moscow office Utilities Франція
eDreams ODIGEO cease all operations involving Russia Consumer Discretionary Іспанія
Edrington suspend all shipments to Russia Consumer Staples Великобританія
Egon Zehnder stop operations in Russia Industrials США
Electrolux suspending all shipments into Russia Consumer Discretionary Швеція
Elopak suspends all activities Materials Норвегія
Embraer suspend supplying parts and services to Russia Industrials Brazil
Epiroc pause all deliveries to Russia and no operations domestically Consumer Staples Швеція
Eppendorf SE suspend exports to Russia; keep rep office open Health Care Німеччина
Epson suspend exports to Russia & Belarus Consumer Discretionary Японія
Equinix suspend Russian partnerships and customers Real Estate США
Ericsson suspend all shipments to Russia Information Technology Швеція
ESET suspend all sales to Russia Information Technology Словаччина
Estee Lauder suspend operations in Russia Consumer Staples США
European University Association cease cooperation with governmental agencies in Russia NGO Бельгія
Exiger halting all activity and due diligence in Russia Industrials США
Exor holding company's assets are suspending operations Financials Нідерланди
Famur suspend Russian exports Industrials Польща
Farfetch suspend all shipments to Russia Consumer Discretionary Великобританія
Fédération Internationale de Motocyclisme ban Russian, Belarusian licence holders NGO Швейцарія
FedEx suspend all shipments to Russia Industrials США
Ferragamo suspend all shipments to Russia Consumer Discretionary Іспанія
Ferrari suspend sales in Russia Consumer Discretionary Іспанія
FIBA ban Russian teams and officials from participating in basketball events NGO Швейцарія
FIDE suspend Russian & Belarussian teams from participation in tournaments NGO Швейцарія
FIFA ban Russian athletes from competing Industrials Швейцарія
Finnlines suspend all traffic to Russia Industrials Фінляндія
Fitch suspend operations in Russia Financials США
Fiverr suspend business Consumer Discretionary Ізраїль
Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) suspend all trading certificates in Russia & Belarus and block all controlled wood sourcing from the two countries NGO Німеччина
Fortinet suspend operations in Russia Information Technology США
Foster + Partners stop work on projects in Russia Industrials Великобританія
Fugro suspend all projects in Russia Industrials Нідерланди
Fujitsu cease orders and shipments to Russia Information Technology Японія
Galp suspend Russian oil-product purchases; eliminate Russian exposure Energy Португалія
Ganni freeze all trade with Russia Consumer Discretionary Данія
Geberit discontinue all operations in Russia but continue to pay employees Industrials Швейцарія
Gestamp stopped production Consumer Discretionary Іспанія
GetYourGuide suspend all Russian operations Consumer Discretionary Швейцарія
GM suspend all shipments to Russia Consumer Discretionary США
Goodyear suspend shipments of tires to Russia Consumer Discretionary США
Grainpro suspend all operations in Russia Materials США
Grammarly block users located in Russia and Belarus from using products or services Information Technology США
Graphisoft suspended new activities, disabled access to our commercial services in Russia Information Technology Угорщина
Grupa Azoty stopped exporting its products to Russia or Belarus Materials Польща
Grupo Antolín suspend operations in Russia Consumer Discretionary Іспанія
Grupo Bimbo Suspended distribution of the Bimbo Brand at retail, but left Moscow Bimbo QSR plant operating for food service products Consumer Staples Мексика
H&M Winding down business entirely Consumer Discretionary Швеція
Hannover Re halt underwriting business Financials Німеччина
Hapag Lloyd suspend all shipments to Russia Industrials Німеччина
HARIBO suspend production to Russia Consumer Staples Німеччина
Harley-Davidson suspending all business in Russia Consumer Discretionary США
Hasbro pause toy shipments o Russia Consumer Discretionary США
Heraeus stop goods and money flows to Russia Industrials Німеччина
Hermes suspend all operations in Russia Consumer Discretionary Франція
Herzog & de Meuron suspend work on Russian projects Industrials Швейцарія
Hexagon freeze all business activities Information Technology Швеція
HHLA suspend entry of Russian shipments at owned ports Financials Німеччина
Hitachi Construction suspend all shipments to Russia Industrials Японія
HMM suspend all shipments to Russia Industrials Південна Корея
Honda suspend all shipments to Russia Consumer Discretionary Японія
Honey Group suspend sales to Russia Consumer Staples Фінляндія
Honeywell suspend virtually all sales in Russia Industrials США
Hugo Boss temporarily close stores and e-commerce sites Consumer Discretionary Німеччина
Hunkemoller suspend operations of on-site and online stores Consumer Discretionary Нідерланди
Husqvarna stop exports to Russia & halt investments Consumer Discretionary Швеція
Hyundai suspend manufacturing in Russia Consumer Discretionary Південна Корея
Iberia canceling flights to Russia Industrials Іспанія
ICBC curtail Russian access to capital markets Financials Китай
Icecat suspends activities for the Russian market Industrials Нідерланди
Illinois Tool Works suspension of sales to Russia Industrials США
Indeed suspend service in Russia Information Technology США
Inditex close Russian stores and suspend sales Consumer Discretionary Іспанія
Institute of Internal Auditors suspend business in Russia Industrials США
Intel suspend sales to Russia Information Technology США
Interactive Advertising Bureau suspend licensing in Russia and Belearus Industrials США
Intercomm Foods Stopping shipments to Russia Consumer Staples Греція
International Canoe Federation suspend Russian athletes & relocate Russian events NGO Швейцарія
International Federation of Sport Climbing suspend Russian teams from participation; supend Russian events NGO Іспанія
International Paralympic Committee bar Russian atheletes NGO Німеччина
International Tennis Federation suspend Russian partnerships NGO Великобританія
Intertek suspend operations Industrials США
Intuit suspend customer accounts Information Technology США
Jablotron halts sales and blocks data services to products assempled in Russia Consumer Discretionary Чехія
JCB suspend operations in Russia Financials Японія
JCB pause business in Russia Industrials Великобританія
JD Sports suspend operations in Russia Consumer Discretionary Великобританія
Johnson Controls suspend operations in Russia Industrials Ірландія
Julipedra suspended exports to Russia Materials Португалія
Jungheinrich keep Russia office; stop exports to Russia Industrials Німеччина
Juniper Networks suspend sales in Russia Information Technology США
JYSK temporarily close Russian stores Consumer Discretionary Данія
Kärcher suspend exports to Russia & halt investments Consumer Discretionary Німеччина
KBC Group suspend transactions with certain Russian banks Financials Бельгія
Kepenou Mills stop wheat orders from Russia Consumer Staples Греція
Kering close all stores in Russia Consumer Discretionary Франція
Kerry Group suspending operations Consumer Staples Ірландія
Kesko stop sales to Russia and imports from Russia Consumer Staples Фінляндія
KGHM suspended Russian contracts, subsidiary ZANAM Vostok in Russia Materials Польща
Kingston suspend shipments to Russia Information Technology США
KLM cancel flights to and from Russia Industrials Нідерланди
Knight Frank suspend substantive operations in Russia Real Estate Великобританія
Kodak Alaris suspend all business activity into Russia & Belarus Information Technology Великобританія
Komatsu suspend all shipments to Russia Industrials Японія
KONE suspend deliveries to Russia & stop new Russian orders Industrials Фінляндія
Konecranes stop all orders from Russia Industrials Фінляндія
Konica Minolta new shipments suspended Consumer Discretionary Японія
Körber suspend new business with Russia Industrials Німеччина
Korean Air Lines no flying over Russian airspace; Russian flights cancelled Industrials Південна Корея
Korn Ferry suspend business in Russia Industrials США
Krombacher stopped exports to Russia Consumer Staples Німеччина
Kubota cancel production of equipment orders from Russian Industrials Японія
KUKA suspend all business with Russia Industrials Німеччина
Kurokesu suspend shippments to Russia Consumer Discretionary Литва
Kyocera suspend deliveries of all devices to Russia Information Technology Японія
L'Oreal suspend operations in Russia Consumer Discretionary Франція
La Lorraine halt its 50mn euro investment in Moscow Consumer Staples Бельгія
Lanxess suspend business activities with Russia Materials Німеччина
LCBO suspend Russian-produced products Consumer Staples Канада
Lego suspend all shipments to Russia Consumer Discretionary Данія
Leica Camera AG suspend operations in Russia Information Technology Німеччина
Leonardo pause all JVs in Russia; helicopter production Industrials Іспанія
Les Ballets de Monte-Carlo suspend performance rights for his ballet Consumer Discretionary Монако
Levi Strauss suspend all sales in Russia Consumer Discretionary США
Lexmark suspend shipments to Russia Information Technology США
LG Electronics suspend new product shipments to Russia Information Technology Південна Корея
Lindt-Sprungli suspend operations in Russia Consumer Staples Швейцарія
Little Caesar's suspend Russian franchise support Consumer Discretionary США
Live Nation Entertainment stop business with Russia Communication Services США
Lladró suspended service and shipment to Russia. No new requests Consumer Discretionary Іспанія
Logitech suspend shipments to Russia Information Technology Швейцарія
Louis Dreyfus suspend operations in Russia Consumer Staples Нідерланди
Lumen cut networks to Russia Communication Services США
LUSH suspend online sales & supply to Russia Consumer Discretionary Великобританія
LVMH suspend all operations in Russia Consumer Discretionary Франція
M&G phased divestment of Russian assets Financials Великобританія
Maersk suspend all shipments to Russia Industrials Данія
Magna suspend Russian plants Consumer Discretionary Канада
Magna Steyr suspend deliveries to Russia Consumer Discretionary Австрія
MAN suspend delivery, supply of trucks, and sales to Russia Industrials Німеччина
Mango suspend direct operations in Russia Consumer Discretionary Іспанія
Mannheimer Swartling suspend all operations Industrials Швеція
Manolo Blahnik suspend sales to Russia Consumer Discretionary Великобританія
Marks & Spencer suspend all shipments to Russia Consumer Staples Великобританія
Marriott suspend all Russian operations Consumer Discretionary США
Marvell suspend all sales to Russia in compliance with sanctions Information Technology США
Mastercard suspend operations in Russia Information Technology США
Mattel suspend shipments into Russia Consumer Discretionary США
Mazda suspend all shipments to Russia Consumer Discretionary Японія
McCain Foods suspend operations in Russia Consumer Staples Канада
McCormick suspend operations in Russia Consumer Staples США
Meggit cease all imports and exports with Russia Industrials Великобританія
Meta suspend Russian advertising Communication Services США
Metsa suspend operations at Russian mill Materials Фінляндія
Metso Outotec suspend all shipments to Russia Industrials Фінляндія
Mettler Toledo suspend all shipments to Russia Health Care США
Michelin suspended all operations in Russia Consumer Discretionary Франція
Micron Suspend shipments to Russia according to sanctions Information Technology США
Milk Hydrosan sp. z o.o. suspended Russian contracts Industrials Польща
Mitsubishi Electric stop all sales to Russia but reserve the right to return Industrials Японія
Mitsubishi Motors suspended operations at Russian plant Consumer Discretionary Японія
Mobatime (Elekon) stopped activity and remotly stopped clock on Russian Academy of Sciences Consumer Discretionary Чехія
Moncler suspend operations in Russia Consumer Discretionary Іспанія
MongoDB suspend sales to Russia and Belarus Information Technology США
Mothercare suspend operations in Russia Consumer Discretionary Великобританія
Motorola Solutions suspend service orders to Russia Information Technology США
MS & AD Insurance Group suspending operations Financials Японія
MSC temporary suspension of all shipments to Russia Financials США
MSC Cruises suspend calls to Russia Consumer Discretionary Швейцарія
Munich Re not renew current contracts & suspend new business Financials Німеччина
MV Group suspends all imports and orders, froze partner brands Consumer Staples Литва
MVRDV suspend operations in Russia Industrials Нідерланди
Namecheap stop offering products to Russia Information Technology США
NCR suspend sales to Russia Information Technology США
NEC suspend all future sales Information Technology Японія
Nemak halt production in Russia Consumer Discretionary Мексика
Neste Oyj suspend purchases of Russian oil Energy Фінляндія
NetApp suspend business operations in Russia Information Technology США
New Balance suspend shipments to Russia Consumer Discretionary США
New Development Bank curtail Russian access to capital markets Financials Китай
NHL pause all partnerships in Russia NGO США
Niantic Labs products made unavailable in Russia Information Technology США
Nikon suspend shipments to Russia Consumer Discretionary Японія
Nintendo suspend all sales in Russia Communication Services Японія
Norton suspend sales to Russia Information Technology США
Nozbe cut off services for Russia and Belarus Industrials Польща
NSG Group (Pilkington) suspension all trading and investment Materials Японія
Nu Skin suspend Russian operations Consumer Staples США
Nutanix pause all sales and support to Russia Information Technology США
Nvidia suspend all sales in Russia Information Technology США
NXP Semiconductors suspend all shipments to and business with Russia Information Technology Нідерланди
Olvi stop exports to Russia Consumer Staples Фінляндія
Olympus suspend sales of Scientific Solutions portfolio and all capital investments Information Technology Японія
ON24 suspend all Russian activities Information Technology США
OP Bank Lithuania temporarily stop the processing of all payments from and to Russia & Belarus Financials Литва
OpenText suspend all business Information Technology Канада
Oracle suspend all operations in Russia Information Technology США
Outokumpu stop sales and deliveries to Russia Materials Фінляндія
PagerDuty suspend cooperation with Russian customers Information Technology США
Panasonic suspend operations in Russia Consumer Discretionary Японія
Pandora suspend all business with Russia and Belarus Consumer Discretionary Данія
Papa John's suspend support for all Russian franchises Consumer Discretionary США
Par Pacific suspend purchases of Russian crude oil Energy США
Paramount pause new content releases to Russia Communication Services США
Payoneer close Russian accounts Information Technology США
Paypal suspend operations in Russia Information Technology США
Peak Design shut down sales to Russia Consumer Staples США
Pekao SA transactions in Russian ruble suspended Financials Польща
Pernod Ricard pause exports to Russia Consumer Staples Франція
Pivovary Staropramen suspended beer exports Consumer Staples Чехія
Playmobil stop all sales to Russia Consumer Discretionary Німеччина
Plzeňský Prazdroj suspend sales to Russia Consumer Staples Чехія
Podravka stop deliveries to Russia Consumer Staples Хорватія
Polaris suspend exports to Russia Consumer Discretionary США
Porsche end shipments of new cars; dealerships running and warranty obligations honored Consumer Discretionary Німеччина
Prada suspend operations in Russia Consumer Discretionary Іспанія
Preem AB suspend purchases of Russian oil Energy Швеція
Prosus In process of divesting from local subsidiary Industrials Нідерланди
PTC discontinue all business operations and sales Information Technology США
Puma suspend all shipments to Russia Consumer Discretionary Німеччина
PVH suspend operations in Russia Consumer Discretionary США
Qlik suspend sales and services to Russia Information Technology Швеція
QS cease activity with Russian customers & cease promotion of Russian universities NGO Великобританія
Qualcomm suspend shipments to Russia Information Technology США
Rabobank curtail Russian access to capital markets Financials Нідерланди
Radio Free Europe suspend operations in Russia Communication Services Чехія
Rakovnický Pivovar stopped exports and withdrew some products for sale in Russia Consumer Staples Чехія
Ralph Lauren pause operations in Russia Consumer Discretionary США
Raytheon suspend operations in Russia Industrials США
Reface.ai suspend all new downloads and updates of app in Russia Information Technology Україна
Reima suspend all sales into Russia Consumer Discretionary Фінляндія
Reliance intention to avoid Russian fuel Energy Індія
Remitly Global stop accepting new users in Russia Information Technology США
Revolut stop top-ups for Russian cards and block transfers to Russian institutions Financials Великобританія
Richemont suspend all operations in Russia Consumer Discretionary Швейцарія
Ricoh suspend shipments to Russia Information Technology Японія
Roca closure of plants Consumer Discretionary Іспанія
Rockwell Automation suspend operations in Russia Industrials США
Roland DG suspend all exports and sales to Russia Information Technology Японія
Rolex suspend exports to Russia Consumer Discretionary Швейцарія
Rolls Royce suspend all shipments to Russia Industrials Великобританія
Rovio remove games from app stores in Russia Information Technology Фінляндія
Royal Caribbean Cruises cancel summer cruise ship visits to Russia Consumer Discretionary США
Royal Society of Chemistry pause activities with Russian institutions NGO Великобританія
Safran stop all activities in Russia Industrials Франція
Samsonite International suspend operations in Russia Consumer Discretionary Люксембург
Samsung suspend all shipments to Russia Information Technology Південна Корея
Sandvik suspend all operations in Russia Industrials Швеція
Sardina suspend deliveries to Russia Consumer Staples Хорватія
Scandinavian Tobacco suspend most operations in Russia Consumer Staples Данія
Scania suspend all sales in Russia Industrials Швеція
Schwarz Group stop sales of Russian products in stores Consumer Staples Німеччина
Sennheiser suspend all business & stop exports Information Technology Німеччина
Sharp Group suspend shipping into Russia Information Technology Японія
Shiseido suspend export shipments to Russia Consumer Staples Японія
Siemens Energy AG Sold factory and stake in russian Companies Industrials Німеччина
Simba Dickie Group suspend all business in Russia including with local independent distributor Consumer Discretionary Німеччина
Skoda halted production and stopped exports Consumer Discretionary Чехія
Skytrax suspend all audit and rating analysis NGO Великобританія
Smartway Pharmaceuticals suspended all operations, most supplies, and all advertising Health Care Великобританія
Sodeca cut off all supplies to Russian partners Industrials Іспанія
Solvay suspend operations in Russia Materials Бельгія
SonoSim suspend distributor relationship in Russia Health Care США
Sony pause release of new films in Russia, suspending console and game sales in Russia Consumer Discretionary Японія
Sportradar suspend all new investments in Russia, including signing new customers Consumer Discretionary Швейцарія
SriLankan Airlines suspend flights between Sri Lanka and Russia Industrials Sri Lanka
SSAB shipments and sales to Russia discontinued Materials Швеція
Stellantis suspend operations in Russia Consumer Discretionary Нідерланди
STIHL suspend deliveries to Russia Consumer Discretionary Німеччина
Storytel pause operations in Russia Communication Services Швеція
Subaru suspend all shipments to Russia Consumer Discretionary Японія
Sumitomo Group scaling back or suspending all Russian-related business Financials Японія
Supercell remove games from app stores in Russia Information Technology Фінляндія
Swarovski suspend all sales in Russia Consumer Discretionary Ліхтенштейн
Swatch suspend direct operations in Russia Consumer Discretionary Швейцарія
Sweco stop all projects in Russia Industrials Швеція
Synopsys suspend all opeartions in Russia Information Technology США
Systemair suspend all sales to Russia Industrials Швеція
T Machinery Stopped cooperation Industrials Чехія
Tadano suspension of shipments into Russia Industrials Японія
Take-Two Interactive halt sales, marketing and more in Russia Communication Services США
Talgo Ended activity, service center still exists Industrials Іспанія
Tanin goods are stopped Materials Словенія
Tata Motors paused sales of Jaguar Land Rover in Russia Consumer Discretionary Індія
Tendam suspend activity in Russia Consumer Discretionary Іспанія
The Navigator Company suspend all marketing in Russia Materials Португалія
Thermo Fisher suspend sales and manufacturing in Russia Health Care США
TikTok suspend operations in Russia Communication Services США
Timken suspend operations in Russia Industrials США
Torm effectively suspend shipments to Russia Industrials Данія
Tous close shops and online store in Russia Consumer Discretionary Іспанія
Trelleborg Group suspended deliveries and sales to Russia Industrials Швеція
Trimble suspend all sales in Russia Information Technology США
Triumph suspend Russian business Consumer Discretionary Швейцарія
TSMC suspend all shipments to Russia Information Technology Тайвань
TTC Holding suspended activities Real Estate Чехія
Twin Disc suspend all shipments to Russia Industrials США
Twitter suspend certain operations in Russia Communication Services США
Ubisoft suspend new sales to Russia Information Technology Франція
UiPath suspend sales in Russia Information Technology США
UL stop all work in Russia & Belarus and not take on or pursue any new customer orders Industrials США
Under Armour suspend all shipments to Russia Consumer Discretionary США
Uniqlo/Fast Retailing suspend operations in Russia Consumer Discretionary Японія
UPM temporarily suspend operations and sales in Russia Materials Фінляндія
UPS suspend all shipments to Russia Industrials США
Upwork suspend operations in Russia Industrials США
Valero Energy suspend purchases of Russian oil Energy США
Veeam pause sales in Russia Information Technology США
VF Corporation temporarily suspend commercial activities Consumer Discretionary США
Victoria’s Secret stop exports to Russia, pause sales in Russia by franchisers, suspend online sales Consumer Discretionary США
Viessmann stop business with Russia & stop deliveries to and from Russia Industrials Німеччина
Vietnam Airlines suspend flights to Russia Industrials Vietnam
Viking River Cruises cease all operations in Russia & cancel trips to Russia up to 2024 Consumer Discretionary Швейцарія
Visa suspend operations in Russia Information Technology США
Vitec Group suspend all exports and services Consumer Discretionary Великобританія
Viva suspend purchases of Russian oil Energy Австралія
VMWare suspend operations in Russia Information Technology США
Volkswagen suspend all shipments to Russia Consumer Discretionary Німеччина
Volvo Cars suspend all shipments to Russia Industrials Швеція
Volvo Group suspend all sales, service and production Industrials Швеція
WarnerMedia pause new content releases Communication Services США
Waters Corporation suspend all sales and services into Russia Health Care США
WEKA suspend business and concrete deals with Russia Information Technology Ізраїль
Western Union suspend operations in Russia Information Technology США
WeTransfer suspend all services in Russia Information Technology США
Wielton suspended Russian exports Industrials Польща
William Grant & Sons suspend all shipments to Russia Consumer Staples Великобританія
Wimbledon ban Russian athletes NGO Великобританія
Wise PLC suspend Russian partnerships Information Technology Великобританія
Wizz Air Air flights to/from Russia are temporarily suspended Industrials Угорщина
Wolffkran stop production in Russia; maintain personnel Industrials Швейцарія
World Boxing Council suspend Russia from title fights NGO Мексика
World Federation of Exchanges suspend all Russian members and affiliates NGO Великобританія
Woseba suspends deliveries to Russia Consumer Staples Польща
Wrangler (Kontoor) suspend online sales Consumer Discretionary США
Würth stop exports to Russia Consumer Discretionary Німеччина
WWE suspend all operations in Russia Communication Services США
Xerox suspend shipments to Russia Information Technology США
Yara suspend all imports from Russia Materials Норвегія
YKK Group suspend operations in Russia Industrials Японія
YOOX suspend commercial activities Consumer Discretionary Іспанія
Żabka halts orders from Russia & Belarus Consumer Staples Польща
Zegna Group suspended all shipments to and production for Russia partners Consumer Discretionary Іспанія
Zendesk suspend all sales to Russia Information Technology США
Zetor suspend all cooperation with Russia Industrials Чехія
ZHA suspend operations in Russia Industrials Великобританія
Zynga suspend all installations, monetization and marketing support Communication Services США

5. WITHDRAWAL / Повний вихід з Росії – 335 компаній

Компанія Статус Сектор Країна
AB InBev sold stake in joint ventures and suspend using its license in Russia Consumer Staples Бельгія
Accenture exiting Russia completely Information Technology Ірландія
Accountor withdrawal from Russia Information Technology Фінляндія
Acerinox Ceased Operations Materials Іспанія
Acronis suspend operations in Russia Information Technology Швейцарія
Adenza discontinue all operations in Russia Information Technology Великобританія
AECOM exit Russia operations Industrials США
Aegon Sold exposure Financials Нідерланди
AerCap cease leasing activity with Russian airlines Industrials Ірландія
AG Barr cut ties with Russian market Consumer Staples Великобританія
Air Products full divestiture from Russia Materials США
AirBaltic leave Russian market until further notice Industrials Латвія
Akvelon close offices in Moscow Information Technology США
Alcoa cease buying raw materials from, or selling our products to, Russian businesses Materials США
Aldi remove products from Russia Consumer Staples Німеччина
Allegro bans Russian & Belarussian products Consumer Discretionary Польща
Allen & Overy wind down Russian operations Industrials Великобританія
American Airlines end agreements with Russian airlines Industrials США
Ametek closing TPM Russia subsidiary due to war in Ukraine Industrials США
Amsted Rail exit Russia completely Industrials США
AP7 sell off all of Russian shares Financials Швеція
APG sell all Russian investment Financials Нідерланди
ArcelorMittal removed all Russian materials from supply chain Materials Люксембург
Arendt & Medernach pull out of Russia; close Russian office and suspend select Russian client engagements Industrials Люксембург
Asda remove products from Russia Consumer Staples Великобританія
Assicurazioni Generali exit Russia completely Financials Іспанія
Atos exit from Russia Information Technology Франція
Atria exit business in Russia Consumer Staples Фінляндія
Avery Dennison exit Russian operations Materials США
Avid cease all sales and support to all customers, users and resellers in Russia & Belarus Information Technology США
Aviva Exited all equity and debt positions Financials Великобританія
Baker Botts wind down Moscow office Industrials США
Baker McKenzie cease operations in Russia and transfer them to an independent entity Industrials США
Baker Tilly gradual wind down of operations in Russia Industrials Великобританія
Bakoma withdraw from Russia completely prior to aggression Consumer Staples Польща
Ball Corporation leave Russia completely Materials США
BASF SE wind down Russian operations Materials Німеччина
BBDO exit Russian operations Industrials США
Bestseller stop all sales to Russia through distributors Consumer Discretionary Данія
BlackRock curtail Russian access to capital markets Financials США
Bonava close operations in Russia Real Estate Швеція
Bose stop all product shipments Information Technology США
Boskalis exit Russian Arctic LNG 2 project Industrials Нідерланди
BP divest from 20% Rosneft stake Energy Великобританія
British American Tobacco exit Russian operations Consumer Staples Великобританія
British Standards Institution (BSI) terminate all contractual relations & discontinue services in Russia Industrials Великобританія
Bryan Cave exit Russian operations; local partners and counsel form new firms Industrials США
Bumble remove apps from app stores Communication Services США
Cadence terminate operations in Russia Information Technology США
Canva withdraw from Russia Information Technology Австралія
Carlsberg exit Russia completely Consumer Staples Данія
Carnival discontinue Russia itineraries Consumer Discretionary США
Centrica exit gas supply partnership with Gazprom Utilities Великобританія
Ceratizit stop all deliveries to Russia and Belarus Industrials Люксембург
Cersanit put up its Russian business for sale Consumer Discretionary Польща
Chapman Freeborn wind down Russian business Industrials Великобританія
Ciech suspended Russian exports Materials Польща
Cisco orderly wind down Russian operations Information Technology США
Clarivate exit Russian operations Industrials Великобританія
Clifford Chance wind down operations in Moscow; local partners and counsels form own firm Industrials Великобританія
CMS transfer Russian practice to local partners and counsel Industrials Німеччина
Colliers discontinue business in Russia Real Estate Канада
Comarch halts orders from Russia & Belarus Information Technology Польща
Compass Group permanently exit Russian market Consumer Staples Великобританія
Coop fully divest Russian operations Transgourmet via management buyout Financials Швейцарія
Coty wind down Russian business Consumer Staples США
Covestro Ceased Business Activity in Russia Materials Німеччина
CRH withdrawal from Russia Materials Ірландія
Cummins exit Russian operations Industrials США
Currency.com halting operations for residents of Russian Financials Великобританія
Cushman & Wakefield close office in Russia; transfer to local partner Real Estate США
Cyfrowy Polsat removing Russian TV channels from the offer Communication Services Польща
Danfoss exit Russia completely Industrials Данія
DDB exit Russian operations Materials США
Dechert close Russian office Industrials США
Deezer discontinue services in Russia Communication Services Франція
Deichmann withdraw from Russia Consumer Discretionary Німеччина
Deloitte leaving Russia completely; local office launched own firm Industrials США
Delta Air Lines withdraw codeshare services with Aeroflot Industrials США
Dentons exit Russian operations Industrials Швейцарія
Dentsu International divest joint venture/leave Russia Communication Services Великобританія
Deutsche Bank wind down business in Russia Financials Німеччина
Deutsche Telekom close Russian business Communication Services Німеччина
Dino Polska removed Russian products Consumer Staples Польща
DLA Piper withdrawing from Russia Industrials США
DPD withdrawal from the Russian market Industrials Німеччина
Dr. Oetker stops sales and production in Russia; transferred ownership of production facilities Consumer Staples Німеччина
DXC Technology leaving Russia completely Information Technology США
EarthDaily Analytics terminate operations in Russia Industrials США
Edeka remove Russian food from store shelves Consumer Staples Німеччина
edX (2U) withdraw from all Russian partnerships Information Technology США
Electronic Arts make new game purchases unavailable in Russia Communication Services США
Elisa Esports ban Russian teams from participating in tournaments NGO Фінляндія
ELKO Group leave Russia Information Technology Латвія
Emerson Electric exit Russian business Industrials США
Enel divest from the entire Russian stakes Utilities Іспанія
ENEOS discontinue purchases of Russian crude Energy Японія
EPAM discontinue servicing Russian customers Information Technology США
Equinor exit joint ventures in Russia Energy Норвегія
ESAB transition out of operations in Russia Industrials Швеція
Etsy deactivate all listings from Russian sellers Consumer Discretionary США
Eurovision ban on all Russian competition NGO Великобританія
Eversheds Sutherland close Russia office; transfer Russia practice to local partners and counsels Industrials Великобританія
Evonik withdraw from Russia Materials Німеччина
Expedia suspend bookings in Russia Consumer Discretionary США
Exxon exit Rosneft partnership Energy США
EY leaving Russia completely Industrials США
FANUC totally suspend all shipments, services and maintenance in Russia Industrials Японія
Fazer exit Russia Consumer Staples Фінляндія
Fennovoima terminate Russian nuclear power plant project Energy Фінляндія
FICO exiting all work in Russia Information Technology США
Fiskars withdraw completely from the Russian market Consumer Discretionary Фінляндія
Flowserve exit Russia completely Industrials США
FMC Corporation discontinue all business and operations Materials США
Fonterra exit its businesses in Russia Consumer Staples New Zealand
Ford Sold Joint Venture Consumer Discretionary США
Formula One terminat contract with the Russian Grand Prix promoter Communication Services Великобританія
Fortum exit Russian market Utilities Фінляндія
Freedom Holding Sold Russian subsidaries Financials Кахастан
Freshfields closing business in Russia Industrials Великобританія
G2A block marketplace for Russian users Communication Services Нідерланди
Gameloft make company's games unavailable in Russia Information Technology Франція
Gaz-System stopped gas imports Utilities Польща
Global Foundries suspend all shipments to Russia Information Technology США
GoDaddy discontinue all Russian services Information Technology США
Gowling leave Russia Industrials Канада
Grant Thornton closing business in Russia Industrials США
Grid Dynamics close offices in Russia & cease all operations Information Technology США
Grohe cease all activities with Russia Consumer Discretionary Німеччина
Grundfos Closes business in Russia and Belarus Industrials Данія
Halliburton No longer conducts operations in Russia Energy США
Haniel unwind all Russian business Materials Німеччина
Hays plc close Russian business Industrials Великобританія
Hearst Communications terminate the licensing agreements & turn over its equity to Russian subsidiary Communication Services США
Heidrick & Struggles ceased all operations in Russia Industrials США
Heineken exit Russia completely Consumer Staples Нідерланди
Hempel exit Russia Industrials Данія
Henkel exit business activities in Russia Consumer Staples Німеччина
Herbert Smith Freehills end operations in Russia; local partners and counsels open independent firm Industrials Австралія
Hertz completely withdrawn from Russia Consumer Discretionary США
Hesburger withdraw from Russia Consumer Discretionary Фінляндія
Hogan Lovells exit Russian operations Industrials Великобританія
Holcim exit Russian market completely Materials Швейцарія
Houthoff terminate all relationships with Russia Industrials Нідерланди
HP Enterprise (Independent from HP Inc.) exit Russia & Belarus Information Technology США
HP Inc. shut down business in Russia Information Technology США
Huhtamaki divest Russian operations Materials Фінляндія
IBM wind down business in Russia Information Technology США
IDEXX Labs wind down operations & liquidate subsidiary Health Care США
Ikea fold up Russian presence Consumer Discretionary Швеція
IMCD withdraw from Russia completely Industrials Нідерланди
Imperial Brands transfer Russian business to local partners Consumer Staples Великобританія
Incoff Aerospace no longer trade with the Russians Industrials Словаччина
Infineon liquidate Russian entity Information Technology Німеччина
Infosys shutting down operations in Russia Information Technology Індія
InPost stop purchasing services/goods from Russian & Belorussian companies Industrials Польща
Intercontinental Exchange curtail Russian access to capital markets Financials США
Intercontinental Hotels (IHG) Ceased operations in Russia Consumer Discretionary Великобританія
International Boxing Federation ban on all Russian competition NGO Франція
International Cat Federation ban Russian cats from competitions NGO Канада
International Cycling Union ban on all Russian competition NGO США
International Ice Hockey Federation ban on all Russian competition NGO Швейцарія
International Olympic Committee ban Russian athletes from competing NGO Швейцарія
International Skating Union ban on all Russian competition NGO Швейцарія
International Weightlifting Federation ban on all Russian competition NGO Швейцарія
Interpublic Group exit Russian operations Communication Services США
ISS ISS divested its Russian activities during March and is no longer active in Russia Industrials Данія
J Sainsbury remove products from Russia Consumer Staples Великобританія
Jabil closed its site in Russia Information Technology США
Jägermeister Fully stopped business in Russia Consumer Staples Німеччина
Jamie Oliver exit franchise agreement Consumer Staples Великобританія
Jan de Nul close rep office and withdraw ships Industrials Люксембург
JetBrains suspend all activity indefinitely Information Technology Чехія
JLL separate operations in Russia Real Estate США
John Wood Group withdraw from Russia Industrials Великобританія
Kalnapilis-Taurus termination of export ties and production in Russian Market Consumer Staples Литва
Kearney officially withdrawn from Russia Industrials США
Kelly leave Russia & transition operations Industrials США
Kemira exit Russia completely Consumer Discretionary Фінляндія
Kiilto seeking exit from Russian business Materials Фінляндія
Kingspan exit Russia Industrials Ірландія
Kinross Gold complete exit from Russia by selling Russian operations Materials Канада
KLP exit all investment holdings in Russia Financials Норвегія
Knorr-Bremse will not deliver any more products or systems for Russian locomotives; end JVs Industrials Німеччина
Koch Industries sell Russian business to a local enterprise Industrials США
Kofax curtail all sales of software and close sites in Russia Information Technology США
KPMG leaving Russia completely Industrials США
Krispy Kreme winding down business in Russia Consumer Discretionary США
L'Occitane exit Russian operations Consumer Discretionary Франція
Lamb Weston exit Russian market Consumer Staples США
Latham & Watkins wind down Russian presence Industrials США
Lincoln Electric ceased all operations Industrials США
Linklaters end operations in Russia, with entities connected to the Russian state; local partners and counsel form own firm Industrials Великобританія
Lloyd's Register withdraw services to Russia Industrials Великобританія
London Stock Exchange Group curtail Russian access to capital markets Financials Великобританія
LPP Group left Russia Consumer Discretionary Польща
Lufthansa suspended flights and ended Russian aircraft maintenance Industrials Німеччина
Luxoft exit Russian market Information Technology Швейцарія
Marsh McLennan exit operations in Russia Financials США
McDonald's leave the Russian market & sell Russian business Consumer Discretionary США
McKinsey exit Russian market completely Industrials США
Mercedes-Benz Stopped manufacturing and exporting and will sell shares in subsidies Consumer Discretionary Німеччина
MessageBird shut down API access, block SMS and voice traffic to Russian carriers Information Technology Нідерланди
Mondi sell Russian assets Materials Великобританія
Monroe Energy stop imports of Russian crude oil Energy США
Moog Inc. exit Russian operations Industrials США
Morgan Advanced Materials cease all trading with Russia. Industrials Великобританія
Morgan Lewis close Russian offices Industrials США
Morrisons remove products from Russia Consumer Staples Великобританія
MSCI curtail Russian access to capital markets Financials США
MSU S.A. ceased all business activities in Russia Consumer Discretionary Польща
Nasdaq curtail Russian access to capital markets Financials США
Naspers Ended Operations. Sold Avito. Consumer Discretionary South Africa
NCAB Group AB sold assets and ceased operations in Russia Industrials Швеція
Netflix suspend service in Russia Communication Services США
Netscout pause all sales, support, and services in Russia Information Technology США
Nike exit Russia Consumer Discretionary США
Nissan Exit from Russian Market Consumer Discretionary Японія
Nokia pulling out of Russia completely Information Technology Фінляндія
Norton Rose Fulbright exit from Russia Industrials Великобританія
Norwegian Cruise Lines discontinue Russian itineraries Consumer Discretionary США
NTT Data exit Russia Information Technology Японія
OBI exit Russian market completely Consumer Discretionary Німеччина
Oceania Cruises discontinue Russian itineraries Consumer Discretionary США
Oerlikon sell Russian operations Materials Швейцарія
Omnicom Media Group exit Russian operations Communication Services США
OneWeb suspend use of Russian airspace Communication Services США
Orkla exit Russian operations Consumer Staples Норвегія
Orlen Lietuva stopped Russian oil imports Energy Польща
Owens Corning expedite exit from Russia Industrials США
Parker Hannifin closed our office and warehouse facility in Moscow and no longer do business in this country Industrials США
Paulig withdraw from Russia Consumer Staples Фінляндія
Pensioenfonds Detailhandel sell off all Russian investments Financials Нідерланди
Pentair exiting its business in Russia Industrials США
PFZW divest from all Russian assets Financials Нідерланди
PGL Esports exclusion of esports teams and individuals with connections to the Russian government from upcoming competition Communication Services США
PKO BP suspends transactions with Russian banks transactions in Russian ruble suspended Financials Польща
PME pensioenfonds sell off all Russian investments Financials Нідерланди
Polskie Górnictwo Naftowe i Gazownictwo SA stopped gaz imports Energy Польща
Ponsse PLC divest Russian operations Industrials Фінляндія
Prio ceased purchase of any products from Russian or directly related companies Energy Португалія
Publicis Groupe cede ownership to local affiliates Communication Services Франція
PwC leaving Russia completely Industrials США
PZU SA reduced position in Russian bonds to zero Financials Польща
Qantas Airlines no longer flies over Russian territory Industrials Австралія
R&A ban on all Russian competition Industrials США
Reckitt Benckiser Group begins a process aimed at transferring ownership of its Russia business Consumer Staples Великобританія
Red Hat discontinue sales and services in Russia & terminate partnerships Information Technology США
Regent Seven Seas Cruises discontinue Russian itineraries Consumer Discretionary США
Renault sell Renault Russia; transfer Moscow factory to city government and partner for local brand production Consumer Discretionary Франція
Rewe remove products from Russia from shelves Consumer Discretionary Німеччина
Rimi remove products from Russia from shelves Consumer Discretionary Латвія
Rio Tinto terminate all commercial relationships with Russia Materials Австралія
Rocket Lawyer suspend Russian and Belarusian access to the platform Information Technology США
Roku remove Kremlin-linked propaganda and ads Communication Services США
Roland Berger end any activity for Russia Industrials Німеччина
S Group (Suomen Osuuskauppojen Keskuskunta) close all operations Consumer Staples Фінляндія
S&P 500 [S&P Dow Jones Indices] curtail Russian access to capital markets Financials США
Salesforce exit business relationships in Russia Industrials США
Sarantis Group Permanent withdrawal from Russian market Consumer Staples Греція
Savills end partnerships in Russia Real Estate Великобританія
Schneider Electric sell Russian assets to local management and exit completely Industrials Франція
Shell total withdrawal from virtually all Russia-related businesses Energy Великобританія
Sidley Austin end all Russian relationships Industrials США
Siemens exit Russian market Industrials Німеччина
SKF end sales and production in Russia Industrials Швеція
Slack exit Russian market completely Information Technology США
SMAY end cooperation with Russia Industrials Польща
Smurfit Kappa exit Russian market Materials Ірландія
Societe Generale cessation of all activities in Russia Financials Франція
Sodexo ceded control of its operations in Russia Industrials Франція
Sonos ceased all sales to this market at the onset of the war and blocked Russian state radio Consumer Discretionary США
Squire Patton Boggs leave Russia Industrials США
Stanley Black & Decker shut down Russian business Industrials США
Starbucks exit and no longer have a brand presence in Russia Consumer Discretionary США
State Street curtail Russian access to capital markets Financials США
Stora Enso divest packaging plants Materials Фінляндія
Storebrand divest all Russian holdings Financials Норвегія
Strabag winding down operations in Russia; terminating shareholder syndicate agreements with Deripaska Industrials Австрія
Sulzer exit Russian market Industrials Швейцарія
Svenska Handelsbanken divest from all Russian investments Financials Швеція
Sylvamo Sold operations in Russia Materials США
Systembolaget remove all Russian alcohol from stores Consumer Discretionary Швеція
Sæplast Stopped all operations in Russia Materials Ісландія
Tata Steel replaced all Russian raw materials for operations; no presence in Russia Materials Індія
Tchibo sell Russian subsidiary Consumer Staples Німеччина
TeamViewer withdraw from Russia/Belarus Information Technology Німеччина
Teknotherm Marine HVAC sp. z o.o. complete withdrawal from Russia Industrials Польща
Teradata stopped all business in Russia and ceased customer interactions and services with all Russian accounts. Information Technology США
Tietoevry conclude total exit from Russia Information Technology Фінляндія
TJ Maxx divest Familia subsidiary Consumer Discretionary США
Trane Technologies suspend all business activities indefinitely & exit Russia Industrials Ірландія
TripAdvisor remove Kremlin-linked propaganda and ads Communication Services США
Triumph Motorcycles Discontinued commerical activity in Russia Consumer Discretionary Великобританія
TUI end brand-sharing agreement; had already exited Consumer Discretionary Німеччина
Tunnock's discontinue supplies to Russia Consumer Staples Великобританія
Uber divest from partnership with Yandex Information Technology США
UEFA ban Russian athletes from competing NGO Швейцарія
Umbro withdrawal from the Russian market Consumer Discretionary Великобританія
United Airlines no flying over Russian airspace Industrials США
United Internet Group suspend all Russian contracts Information Technology Німеччина
Universal closing operations in Russia Communication Services США
Vaillant Group Terminated business activities in Russia Industrials Німеччина
Valio sell business and Viola brand to Velcom Consumer Staples Фінляндія
Valmet exit from Russia Industrials Фінляндія
Vanguard suspend operations in Russia Financials США
Velux permanently close operations in Russia and Belarus Consumer Discretionary Данія
Vestas continue operations but no new contracts Energy Данія
Vianor terminate contract with Russian subsidiary Consumer Discretionary Фінляндія
Vičiūnai selling Russian operations and exiting Russia Consumer Staples Литва
Vinmonopolet stop sales of all Russian wine, spirits and strong beers in Norway Consumer Staples Норвегія
Vitol stop buying Russian oil by the end of 2022 Energy Швейцарія
Vodafone suspend partner agreement with MTS Information Technology Великобританія
Volaris Group discontinue sales and support to Russia Information Technology Канада
Volfas Engelman suspend investment and withdraw from Russian market Consumer Staples Литва
Waitrose remove products from Russia Consumer Staples Великобританія
Walker's Shortbread cancel all future orders to Russia Consumer Staples Великобританія
Wargaming close operations; transfer of some business Consumer Discretionary Belarus
Wear Medicine terminate cooperation with Russian partners Consumer Discretionary Польща
Weir Group wind down Russian business in 2022 Industrials Великобританія
WePlay terminate all Russian operations Consumer Discretionary США
WeWork planning divestment of Russian operations Real Estate США
Wex Inc. ending relationship with Lukoil and subsidiaries Information Technology США
White & Case wind down Russian operations Industrials США
Willis Towers Watson fully exit Russia and transfer ownership to local management Financials Великобританія
Winston & Strawn close Russian office Industrials США
Women's Tennis Association suspend Russian partnerships NGO США
World Athletics Council ban on all Russian competition NGO США
World Boxing Association ban on all Russian competition NGO Panama
World Boxing Organization ban on all Russian competition NGO США
World Rowing Federation ban on all Russian competition NGO США
World Rugby Union ban on all Russian competition NGO Ірландія
WPP PLC leave Russia Communication Services Великобританія
YIT exits Russia projects Industrials Фінляндія
Zurich Insurance Group sell Russian business to local team and exit market Financials Швейцарія

*Список компаній регулярно оновлюється

Коли цей список був вперше опублікований у понеділок, 28 лютого 2022 року, про бажання піти з Росії заявили лише кілька десятків компаній. З того часу вже сотні великих транснаціональних корпорацій пішли з Росії.



Список компанії, які не пішли з Росії. Іноземні компанії, які пішли із Росії. Міжнародні компанії, які пішли з Росії у зв'язку з війною проти України. Які компанії не пішли з Росії та які бренди пішли з Росії? Міжнародні компанії, що пішли з Росії, список. Які бренди одягу пішли з Росії 2023 року. Які компанії пішли з РФ назавжди?

Закордонні бренди, які не пішли з Росії 2023 року. Західні компанії, які пішли з Росії і повернулися. Міжнародні бренди у Росії. Іноземні компанії, які залишилися в Росії 2023 року. Які компанії пішли з Росії назавжди? Які it-компанії, які пішли з Росії? Список компаній, які пішли із Росії продукти. Які компанії відмовилися йти з Росії 2023 року? Список компаній, які йдуть і залишаються у Росії. Іноземні компанії, які не хочуть йти з Росії. Які фірми не пішли з Росії 2022 року? Які бренди залишаються у Росії? Які організації пішли з Росії 2022 року? Які мережеві компанії пішли з Росії? Хто пішов з російського ринку 2023 року. Список західних компаній, які залишили Росію.